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Was I getting butterflies or was I just feeling sick from all the shots ? Was Harry being cute because he's drunk or because he likes me? There's no way he likes me, Harry isn't bothered with girls, right? Thoughts running round my head.

"Howay man" Will flew through the door holding up two bottles of Jack Daniels, Mia behind him with a Sainsbury's bag.

Quickly Harry stepped back as if he had been caught doing something wrong. "Alright Will, Mia" He pulled Will into a 'bro' hug

Every few minutes a coup pls more people flooded in. I connected my phone to the sound system Harry had set up for me and played my party playlist, which if I do say so myself, was filled with bangers.

"Can I move in? Will won't let me redecorate our flat as our tenancy runs out in six months " Mia poured herself a drink, she was a vodka fanta kind of girl.

I laughed to myself "We'll have to have a sleepover at some point"

"Oi everyone" Calfreezy shouted as he stood on the sofa. "Gather round. I want to do a speech."

Oh god. What is he doing?

"I don't actually know what to say, so let's just do a cheers. Welcome to London Mads, I am dreading seeing your face so often." He held his drink in the air and we all clapped for him and clinked our drinks.

I sat on the breakfast bar speaking to Harry. He had telling me about his upbringing and talking about Guernsey.

"Can I ask you something ? " He asked

I nodded "Go on"

"Why didn't you answer the last question earlier about Cals friends - you know the one " He mumbled

I put my drink on the bar "Oh. You know what fans can be like. They would speculate and harass me in the comments"

"Come on Mads, you can tell me" He gave me a light shove

"Well" I paused "I suppose you're not too bad"

"I was hoping you'd say that" A big grin appeared on Harry's face as he played with the ice in his drink.

"And why's that Harry?" I poked his arm

"You're not too shabby either" He poked me back jokingly and put his hand on my knee.

"Boggo, come here" Someone shouted from across the flat.

Harry removed his hand from my leg and picked his drink up "Be back in a bit" He messed my hair up as he walked off.

I hopped off the stool and refilled my cup with flavoured gin and lemonade.
I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Can we go for a chat ?" Chris asked

I nodded and he led me to my room.

"You look class tonight Mads" He sat down on the bed.

"Thank you Chris" I smiled awkwardly.

"Have you been avoiding me? He was straight to the point and I was totally unprepared.

Yes. I had been avoiding him. "What? No, I haven't been avoiding you" I said pushing the hair out of my face and sitting down beside him, leaving a bit of a gap.

"I just haven't seen you since Simon's party. I thought we were getting on really well" He looked at me with a confused face.

"I'm sorry Chris, I just have had a lot going on with all the moving fiasco" I gave him a slight smile.

"Alright. I just don't want to be on bad terms, you know" He pulled me into a hug " I'm glad we're good Maddie"

The door opened and in walked Harry.
"Oh. Sorry" He frowned and quickly shut the door.

a shorter chapter

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