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I could feel myself shaking uncontrollably. My body felt cold but I was sweating buckets. It could feel throat was closing up.

"Mads?" Harry sat up, scratching his chest "What's going on? Why are you shaking like a shitting dog?"

I turned my phone to Harry, unsure what to say. I clicked on her most recent video.
It was titled 'Storytime: Meeting the Sidemen and fighting Maddie Jordan'

"Anyway, so then Maddie stormed over and chucked a drink over Harry. She's was literally going ape shit. It was so embarrassing," She said as she applied her makeup, "Literally, swore in my face like a psycho."

I felt a tear drop roll down my face. I was so upset and angry, just so overwhelmed. She had made it out to be so much worse than it was. I mean, it wasn't great but the drink barely touched her and I could've said a lot worse. Luckily it was only on 100 views. I scrolled down the comments

User1839491: Maddies gone mad
User209373: i can smell the clout chaser through the screen 🤥
User283839: So sorry this happened to you. Must've been such an uncomfortable situation :(
User2993893: Poor bog. I hope he's ok💔

"Fuck Mads," Harry scratched the back of his neck "I wish I could do something."

I wiped away the tear and sniffled "Catch me working in Tesco next week"

A firm knock at the door "Maddie!"

I groaned and opened the door, Josh and Freya were stood by the door.

"We're in the process of getting the video taken down. Do not post or comment on it" Josh marched in.

"Oh Maddie, I'm so sorry," She gave me a tight hug "Funny how she didn't mention that she called you a 'crazy bitch'."

"I'm officially cancelled, you guys being here is social suicide." I flopped down on the sofa.

"It's going to be oka-" Harry was interrupted.

"Videos deleted." Josh looked up from his phone. "It only had 126 views and I can assure you she won't be speaking of the situation again."

I jumped up off the sofa and leapt into Josh's arms "Thank you. God, you are the best!"

"It wasn't me," He laughed "It was our manager. He said it's not worth addressing. Just lay low on socials for a day or two."

"How did you even find this video?" Harry asked.

"Chris was stalking the girls on social media cause he thinks they're fit and he saw it right after it was posted" Josh explained

I rolled my eyes "Thank God for Chris being a simp or that could've gone viral."

"Are you guys coming out tonight? Can we get ready together?" Freya couldn't contain excitement.

I looked over to Harry, he was always down to go out with the group "We'll come! And yes, please get ready with me"

"We better be off then," Harry stood from the sofa "See you two later. Please don't drink too much before we get to the bar, yeah?"

We nodded and waved them off. Freya borrowed some clothes off me for the night and we sat at the breakfast bar with a vodka lemonade each.

"So, you and Harry made up then!" She clapped her hands together. "When I saw that video I was so worried about you but I'm glad he was here."

"Frey, I think Harry could hit me with a bus and I would forgive him." I let out a light chuckle.

Freya frowned  "You'd be dead."

"Oh, yeah. I probably would be. Whoops" I sipped my drink and checked my notification "Ubers outside, shit!"

We arrived at the bar, it was busy but we had a some VIP booths for the night. It was pretty impossible to go out if we didn't, the boys were noticed everywhere they go.

"I should probably speak to Chris now or it's gonna be awkward all night" I put my hand on Freya's shoulder "Be back soon"

I headed over to the bar where Chris was stood.

"Hey," I shot him a smile "I know you probably don't want to talk to me, that's fine. I just wanted to thank you for flagging the video. And I'm sorry if I was a bit of a bitch."

"I didn't do it for you, I did it for Harry."Chris said taking his drink from the bartender and wondering off.

Why did I bother? I try to be nice and make peace. I ordered myself a Raspberry gin and lemonade.

"Mads!" Mia was speed walking towards me.

"Mia, hey. I've just ordered but I can get you a drink too." I shouted over the music.

"Chris invited Sadie and her friends here. They are staying in London, he paid for their hotel." She looked furious "It's like he's trying to cause trouble. God, why would he do that?"

we hit 100 reads!!! i'll be honest i didn't expect to get 1, let alone 100+
i'm so sorry if my grammar is all over the place :) i hope you can get through it.

also open for suggestions for what may go on as i am making everything up as i go xx

also also i have another harry book called the rebound which i'm currently working on! if you're enjoying this one you might like it :)

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