twenty seven

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We got in my car, which I literally forgot I had because nobody uses cars in Central London, except Tobi.

"You know you have a proper mumsy car, I can just picture you driving to nursery in this little wagon." He patted the car.

"Hey! I love my little beetle, she's trustworthy and cute." I rolled my eyes as we headed to the small town in Essex.

The town was quaint and not overly posh. Harry couldn't stand posh people. We sat in the car outside the house we had fallen in love with and it was just as perfect in person.

"I know you're supposed to go to loads of viewings before you find the perfect house but I really think this is it," Harry stared at it in awe.

It had just the perfect amount of privacy, you could still see it and the sweet thatched roof but it was protected by a gate and wall. With Harry having a lot of young fans we needed somewhere with a bit of privacy.


A few weeks went by, we had put an offer on the house and decided it was finally time to announce our secrets. What a shock this will be. People don't even know we're together and now we're having a child and buying a house.

"How do you even start this kind of video." Harry groaned as I played with the camera angle.

"I don't have a clue." I shrugged sitting beside him.

"Hi." I smiled awkwardly, "This is probably the weirdest video I've ever filmed, probably not for Harry."

"Nah, I filmed me in the shower with Vikk on the toilet next to me but this is weird, I don't do this kind of thing, you know?" He chuckled nervously.

"Yeah... Where do we start? I guess we start with us being a we." I blurted, we hadn't planned what we were going to say and I already knew I would be the one doing most of the talking.

"We decided to keep our relationship off social media, but nows probably the time we announce we're together and have been for a while!" I smiled and cupped Harry's face in my hands.

"Yay." Harry said sarcastically.

"Thank you, Harry, for that addition."I smirked, "Anyway, the reason we're announcing this now is because..."

Harry slapped his hands against his legs, "Drum roll. We're buying a house!" Harry said doing jazz hands.

"We are indeed!" I nodded.

We rambled on a little more about possible moving in vlogs but decided to announce our pregnancy in another video or the classic baby scan Instagram post.

My bump wasn't big yet and it was now going into the autumn months so I could hide it a little longer in baggy hoodies.

I slumped down on the sofa and began editing straight away. I wanted to get the video out ASAP so we had a little more time between announcements.

"What should I title it?" I shouted to Harry who was watching a plane crash documentary in the bedroom.

"I don't know really. Let's not call it something cringe like BOYFRIEND REVEAL!" He joked.

I laughed, I had definitely made some cringe titles and thumbnails in the past.

I finally decided on :
We're moving out together! Big life updates.

"POSTED!" I yelled to the other room.

I instantly loaded the comments and kept refreshing to see what our fans would think.

User2873: I knew it!!! I've been seeing all these little jokes on their instagram comments.
User16628: cute but i wish i was her.
User0920: BRUH how long they been together ??? And why didn't we know ??!!
User2802: I'm literally shook. How does my boyfriend have another girlfriend smh.

I sighed in relief, no bad comments yet.

"Looking good so far, Mads." Harry waddled into the lounge wrapped in a cozy blanket, "Twitter is lethal and I've not seen a single bad comment since I tweeted the link."

"Thank fuck." I laid down onto the sofa, "I can finally relax a little."

"We should give it a while before we announce our baby," He sat down by my head and brushed the hair from my cheek, "Let's let them chill out with this news before we give anyone a heart attack."

I nodded, "I'm shattered,"

"Get some sleep, peach" He pecked my cheek, "I'll do the washing up."

"Thank you." I flashed him a smile and dragged myself to bed.

I was struggling badly with pregnancy illness, all hours of the night waking up to be sick, hot and cold. I wish I could blame my u healthy eating habits on pregnancy but no, I am just always craving a kinder bueno.

Harry had been a saint. He had filming most days but would always bring me something home or text me during sessions to check on me.

We had our first scan coming up soon which would be when we likely announce our little bean.

I couldn't believe I was pregnant with Harry's baby and I hadn't even met his family before, he hadn't met mine either.

"Harry," I groaned, "We need to do a family get together."

"Mads, go to sleep. Stop worrying, I can sort it all." He stood by the bed with his arms folded, "Baby needs you to sleep!"

"Ok, ok. I'm sorry." I laughed and switched the lamp off.

another chapter already?!!??! i know i am CRAZY. i also just posted a new chapter of my other harry book <3

hope ur enjoying mads and harry's journey.
i haven't proof read so please do not laugh at me if i am jibberishing x

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