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"Oh. Wow!" I gasped as everybody threw their hands in the air.

Everyone began crowding around me, wishing me a happy birthday and giving me hugs.

I wasn't ungrateful, it was so wholesome everybody turning up and being together but I couldn't help feel sorry for Harry who probably was sat at home while we all celebrated together.

"Hey." A light tap on my shoulder

What timing, Harry.

"I'm not here to crash, I just wanted to give you this," He handed me a card, "I got it before Amsterdam and didn't want it to go to waste."

"Thank you Harry, you don't have to g-" I was interrupted by Faith.

"Look who I invited!" Faith dragged Tom and his friends over.

"Oh, um- Hi!" I smiled, "Nice to see you all again!"

I turned back and Harry was walking towards the door.

"Harry!" I chased after him, "You don't have to go. I'm totally okay with you being here."

"Oh. Are you sure?" He frowned.

I nodded and smiled.

I went straight to the bathroom after talking with Harry to open the card he gave me.

To Mads,
Happy Birthday you rotten shit.
I booked you a spa day for two and a voucher for Charlotte Tilbury ??! Don't know who that is but that's what Rosie told me to get u so please blame her if it sucks.
Love, Harry x

I grinned while reading the card but I couldn't help but feel sad, it was bittersweet.

"Mads. What's up?" Mia came in the toilets to reapply her makeup.

"Oh. Nothing"

"Do I look stupid?" She laughed "Do you wanna talk?"

"I just wish I could trust Harry, you know? It's been over a week since we fell out and I just keep thinking about him all the time." I sat up on the sink.

"So, Tom is a no?" Mia questioned.

"I like Tom, he's good looking and sweet. But, I feel like there's more there with Harry." I fiddled with my hands.

"Do you think that's because you just like Harry more, or because you haven't gotten to know Tom for as long?" She powdered her face, "Or is Tom just an escape and distraction?"

"Mia, you should be a counsellor." I raised my eyebrows, "I have no idea."

"Thank you." She smirked, "Did Harry apologise ?"

I shook my head and frowned, I hadn't even realised that he hadn't apologised, I'd been so distracted by the card.

"Come on!" She put her hand out for me to hold, "You've got to get out there and enjoy this party!"

We went back to the bar, which was decorated with balloons, banners and filled with all our friends.

"Happy Birthday midget!" JJ bear hugged me, "Do you like the surprise I organised ?"

"You did this for me?" I smiled up at him.

"Yeah! I got to spend my money on something!" He laughed, "I can't drink cause I'm training but I wanted to throw you a sick party."

I rolled my eyes "Thank you JJ, it's lovely. You're amazing."

"Ayo! Don't get all soppy on me," He nudged me and walked away.

"Hi, you!" Faith handed me a cocktail, "Were you surprised?"

"Very! Especially to see Tom and his friends" I raised a brow.

"Oh, yeah. I copied the number off your hand before I went home, while you slept. I hope you didn't mind I invited them." She sipped her drink.

"No, of course I don't mind! I- I wasn't expecting Harry and Tom to both be here." My eyes widened, "I should go thank Harry for the gift."

I necked my drink and walked over to Harry, who was stood alone by the drinks.

"Hey!" I tapped him.

"You alright?" He asked.

"Yeah, are you having fun?" I grinned up at him.

He nodded, "Yeah. Thanks for letting me stick around."

"No problem," I poured myself another drink, "Thank you for the presents, that was really nice of you."

"It's nothing, don't thank me." He stood awkwardly with his hand in his pocket, "Is- is that your boyfriend then?"


He nodded his head towards Tom, "That guy, I haven't seen him before."

"No," I paused, "He's not my boyfriend."

"Who is he?" He coughed "Sorry, you don't have to answer that."

"I didn't think you cared, Harry." I shrugged

" Of course I care." He said enthusiastically.

"How come you never tried to talk to me? Or apologise?" I looked down at my feet.

"I-" He scratched his head, "I spoke to Cal after you two made up. He said he didn't think you would forgive me, or want to talk. I am really sorry about what happened though."

I nodded.

"Like, I really regret it. I don't want you to think of me like that because I'm not that kind of person. I swear."

"It's okay Harry. I'm over it, we're friends, yeah?" I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah..." He looked down at me, "Friends."

hope everyone's having a good day / night whatever it is when you're reading!

literally throwing up how are we at 900 reads.

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