thirty two

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A few months had passed. We had celebrated Christmas, I was back at my family house and Harry spent it in Guernsey. It was crazy to think next year we would probably be hosting Christmas at our own house with our little baby.

We reunited for New Years, which honestly was horrific. Harry being Harry got extremely drunk and me, heavily pregnant, had to drag him home at 3am from Cals house party, probably our last one for a long time, and look after him whilst he threw up all night.

We were almost completely moved into our new house! I had been vlogging the process of moving all of our furniture in and our plans for redecorating.

Talia was a big help, she basically redecorated my entire office and our bedroom with sage green, cream and wooden accents. She was somehow talented at everything she did.

We still needed some bits and bobs for the house like kitchen utensils and decorations but for the most part, we were done and ready to welcome our little Beano.

"And... Uploaded" I sighed, another weight lifted from my shoulders, finally things were starting to calm down.

Our gender reveal was out, Kon had filmed it all for us. It was actually a while ago now, it had been so hard not to accidentally leak the gender.
We originally were going to keep the video to ourselves as a memory but decided to share it online as it was such a special day.

I couldn't even count the number of times I'd watched it back and sobbed. I'll blame my extreme emotions on pregnancy but really I am just a mess.

"Can't believe how fast it's going." Harry said laying his head on my shoulder.

"Yeah for you! I'm throwing up all the time and carrying this heavy belly around." I joked.

"Not long left now." He spoke with excitement.

I dragged myself off the sofa and into my gorgeous new office. Harry had to help me a lot at the moment, I was struggling to bend down as I was heavily pregnant. I was so ready to just give birth at this point, the past few weeks I've just been desperate to meet our boy.

I set up my camera and sat on my sofa to film a 'Pack My Hospital Bag With Me'

I was so stressed and worried about forgetting anything. We were very lucky to be going private for our birth meaning the hospital provided a lot of bits for us.

I had blocked a bunch of words from my comments to keep myself from getting down about hate. I wasn't used to it like Harry and his friends, they had been doing this for much longer.

I'd had a lot of Karen's since announcing our pregnancy saying I wasn't ready, or prepared, too young.

Faith had been incredible to me during the pregnancy, she knew how it felt to be bashed 24/7 for being a young mum and a girlfriend of one of the Sidemen. Some of their fans were feral.

My bag was packed and ready to go at any given moment. My mum was coming to stay with us for a while. I wanted her to be there for the birth and just as an extra helping hand. She had been an amazing Mum to me and Byron.

"Hello, my sweet boy!" Mum pecked Harry's cheek as he flung the front door open.

"Brilliant timing!" He stood by the door, flustered, "She's having contractions."

"Bloody hell. Have you phoned the hospital?" She gasped.

"Yes, we need to go!" He hurried, "I've put the bags in the car. Mads, come on!"

I waddled out of the kitchen in my crocs and spag bol stained hoodie, not my best look but there was no time to be fashionable  "I'm so glad you're here, Mum."

"Oh darling! It's a pleasure. Come on now." She put her hand on my back and led me to the car.

I couldn't believe it was happening. It was like when you've had a holiday booked for ages and you're finally at the airport.

Harry drive like he was in Fast And Furious, who knew my little Volkswagen Beetle could go that fast. I was spread across the back seat with the windows open. It was freezing outside, I could see my Mums nose turning bright red from the wind.

I was rushed straight to a private room by the loveliest nurse.

"You're doing amazing, keep those deep breaths coming!" She shot me a smile.

The birth was chaotic, definitely not wholesome like you see on these 'Birth Vlogs'.

I hated blood, I threw up at the sight of it. I also hated sick. Harry was on my left holding a sick bucket in my face and trying not to gag at the smell and vomiting noises. On the left, my mum was holding my hand, actually- I was holding her hand, very tight, and trying to give a motivational speech.

I sobbed into the bucket whilst pushing, crushing my poor mums hand and trying not to throw up. This was not my best look.

After hours and hours of agony, our baby was here.

The midwife placed him in my arms, he was tiny and well, now covered in my tears. He had Harry's nose and light brown hair.

"Look at those gorgeous eyes!" Mum wiped a tear from her face, "they're like yours Maddie."

"Welcome to the world Leo," Harry's face lit up.

We spent the next week at home, everyone came to visit us. My mum eventually went back home after helping out with dinners, housework and food shopping.

"I suppose we should announce the birth soon," I gave Harry a look as we put our coats on to go on a walk, "What if one of your fans sees us out with Leo?"

"Oh, shit. You're right," He shrugged, "We'll have to be in disguise until we post anything."

He winked and put a beanie on.

"Here. No one will see you."

He wrapped a scarf around my neck and handed me a Nike cap.

Eventually we announced the birth with a classic Instagram post

Liked by Randolph, KSI and others MaddieJordan: welcome to the world baby leo🧸TaliaMar: i am crying, congratulations Tobjizzle: Congrats! Love to u both!!MIAXMON: leo😭😭 i love him alreadyView 1936 more comments

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Liked by Randolph, KSI and others
MaddieJordan: welcome to the world baby leo🧸
TaliaMar: i am crying, congratulations
Tobjizzle: Congrats! Love to u both!!
MIAXMON: leo😭😭 i love him already
View 1936 more comments


We were in a little bubble of happiness. No hate comments or mean Tiktok pages could ruin the way I was feeling. Me, Harry and our little boy against the world. There was no better feeling than this.

This was the happy ever after I've been waiting for and finally, I got it.

the end x i
i really want to write again but i don't think i have the brain power to make anything as long as this again? helppp

i haven't proof read i'm sorry hehe
omg i finally finished this. i'm so sorry it took four months to get a. chapeter out . i wanted to write the end for a while but forgot literally every detail of the story and have no idea about pregnancy. anyways follow me and who knows maybe i'll write something else soon hehe

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