thirty one

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It's like I was hunting for hate comments. I don't know why I was doing it to myself.
Harry was away on a Sidemen holiday video for the weekend and I had spent the entire time he was gone on my phone reading my DM's and comments.

It was like an obsession. Checking my Youtube comments in 'Newest' every hour, searching our names on Twitter for people's opinions.

I had commitments and deadlines with brands that I had completely ignored. I hadn't left the flat since Thursday, it was now Monday morning.
I had ordered all of my food in and eaten on the sofa or in bed.

It wasn't until Harry texted me to say he had landed back in London that made me realise the state of the flat... and of me.

It was too late to start cleaning and sorting myself out now, and to be quite honest I didn't have the energy to act like everything was all good. So, I crawled back in bed.

"Mads?" I heard the door unlock and Harry entered with his suitcase, "Oh. You're still in bed. It's midday. Are you alright, peach?"

"How was your trip?" I faked a smile.

"Oh Mads, let me run you a bath. Are you feeling alright?" He kissed my head and rushed into the bathroom.

"Thank you." I spoke softly, fighting the urge to stay in bed.

I had a lovely bubble bath and watched some Youtube on my iPad. I spent ages untangling my knotted hair. I chucked on some clean comfy clothes and opened the door to Harry sat on the bed, facing me.

"Peach," He opened my laptop to my previous tabs, "Why did you do this?"

"I don't know, Harry!" My eyes filled with tears, "I just can't help but read them. I'm not like you. I wish I didn't care about what people say but I do."

"Oh, Mads." He held my hands and looked up into my eyes, "I know it's hard but there's a unwritten rule I'll tell you."

I waited in anticipation.

"Only read the top comments. And NEVER read tweets."

I nodded.

"Understand?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Yes." I gave him a slight smile, it was funny to see him be so serious, "Your fans think you're being held hostage by me or something!"

"They're jealous it's them and not you," He winked, "The girls love me!"

"Oh, shut up." I punched his arm lightly.

"No more reading comments, alright?" He put his hands on my shoulders.


After a week things had started to settle down... I had started to settle down.

We had our second baby scan and we were given the gender in an envelope which we gave to Harry's assistant who was kind enough to arrange it all for us.

The baby was actually looking like a baby now, not just blobs. The nurse told us everything looked totally good and normal, we were feeling extremely blessed.


A week later was finally the gender reveal party which we had been so excited for. It had been a stressful week for us, and my family as we planned to have the party at our new house but it still needed loads of extra bits and bobs. I just really wanted it to be perfect.

I wore a cream maxi dress with black sandals, Harry... well, he wore a football shirt with nike shorts and trainers.

Everybody was already waiting at the house for us to arrive.

The house was beautifully decorated with balloon arches and flowers. There was a DJ, BBQ and all of our friends were sat in the garden waiting for us.

"Hey everybody! Thanks for coming to our little Beano's gender reveal. We would like you all to go to our photo booth and hold up either a blue or pink paddle to predict the gender." He pointed to the decorated booth, "Thank you to my miracle worker assistant, Yasmin for setting everything up. Now let's have a pint, except from you Maddie."

I nodded, "Nice one."

We did our rounds, saying hello to everybody before Harry and I did the reveal.

Everyone stood in a semicircle around us, excited and cheering for us to do the reveal.

"So, hopefully this balloon will pop when it gets in the sky." I laughed nervously, hoping it would go to plan.

I counted down and we both let go of the huge balloon. It flew up to the sky and eventually popped, confetti and coloured power exploded out.

"A boy!" Harry jumped, grabbing me and spinning me around.

Everybody, especially the boys, cheered. Some sobbing, AKA Talia and our parents.

A boy. I'd said the whole time through pregnancy I didn't care what I got but deep down I think I always wanted a little boy, Harry probably did too.

"Mate that's so sick, it can come to the pub with us and shit!" Calfreezy pulled Harry into a hug, "It'll be a handsome fella you know!"

"Thanks... Cal" I frowned jokingly.

Everybody headed home and I was shattered. Who would've thought growing a little baby inside of you would make you feel so knackered?

I was in a state of panic though, we hadn't even thought of any baby names and I was over half way through my pregnancy.

I couldn't wait to have a mini Harry running about.

"What about Bruce?" Harry raised a brow.

"No, Harry! I am not carrying this child in my stomach for 9 months to call him Bruce." I rolled my eyes.

"Ok. What about Ron?" He nudged me.

"Harry!" I laughed, "Please!"

I searched various sites for baby names. Harry didn't like the unique ones but he also didn't like the overly common ones.

Days went by and we were randomly blurting our boys names throughout the day, but no luck. Nothing was clicking, we weren't able to agree on the same name.

We wrote a few names down and decided to just wait and hope that when our 'beano' is born a name will just feel right.


hi!! been a little while

i'm so sorry if it feels like the chapters are moving quite fast i'm just not too sure how much i can write about pregnancy when i have no knowledge on it lmao and i don't want chapters to be bland of Mads just being pregnant

love u bye

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