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It was the day before our flight. I was so excited to get out of the country, it wasn't too cold in London anymore as it was March, but I couldn't wait to be in a fancy villa with all my new friends.

Talia, Freya, Faith and Mia were coming round later on for a sleepover and pre holiday pamper.

Growing up with Cal, I had never really had girl friends, I was always just friends with his friends. After he moved to London without me, I went through a stage where I was just grinding content and seeing my boyfriend, ex now.

I hopped in the shower and did a hair wash, exfoliate and shave, being a girl was so long.


I need a nail infill desperately.
Anyone else want to come ?

My stubby nails need doing tbf

i'm in, send the location
•Liked by Talia and Mads•

We all met at the nail salon and I got my toes done, just a simple nude french tip. We headed back to mine for the day of pampering which actually we all had showered and had our mani's, so there wasn't much left to do.

"I brought us face masks!" Talia said shaking them in the air. We all sat snuggled up on the sofa with our face masks on, chatting away.

"I have something to tell you girls" I smirked at Talia, who already knew.

The girls stared at me in anticipation

"Me and Harry are seeing each other"

"Sickening. No way" Mia howled "How's he done that then?"

"No offence but isn't Harry like" Faith paused "Socially awkward. That's what Ethan always says"

I laughed "I don't know, I really think I like him" I wiped away the dried face mask with a flannel

"Mads, that's so exciting!" Freya clapped her hands together with excitement "I think you two make a hot couple"

We ordered dinner from a Sushi Restaurant and continued chatting for hours. It was now 11PM, Josh had booked a 5AM flight, so that we could make the most out of our days in Ibiza.

"Sorry to be the boring one but I think we should probably get some sleep" I yawned "We'll have to be up at three"

The girls all agreed and we headed to bed, Freya shared with me, Mia and Faith in the guest room and Talia on the sofa.

I woke up to a ringing sound, not my alarm, it was Freya's phone. I reached over and grabbed in as she hadn't woken up "Hello?" I groaned

"Mads? It's Josh. I just wanted to make sure you guys were up. Simon, Tobi, JJ and I are now getting in the Uber to the airport" Josh didn't sound tired at all.

"Yeah, we're all up. Don't worry we'll be there" I lied "See you in a bit"

I hung up and nudged Freya and the rest of the girls awake, except Faith who was already awake. We quickly got changed and ordered an Uber.

"God I have barely slept, I've never been on holiday with Ethan, or you guys, or in a fancy villa" Faith rambled as we dragged our suitcases out of the flat "I'm so excited, it feel like Christmas morning as a child"


"Josh has been stressing so much" Simon said giving us a look

"Where's Ethan, Lux, Harry and Freezy" Faith asked

"There" Tobi pointed to the boys who had just arrived

Harry, like normal was in a brightly coloured sweatshirt, black shorts, white trainers. His signature look but it worked for him, he always looked good in it.

He was smiling at me as he approached.
"You look lovely for 4am" He pulled me into a hug

I could feel people staring at us "Thank you Harry, as do you" I smiled messing up his hair with my hand.

"Stop, you two are so cute" Freya mouthed to me.

"Come on" Josh demanded, he was like the sensible dad of the group, which we needed because we could all be a little dim "We have to board the plane"

We boarded the plane and as someone who hates flying I prefer not to be at the window seat.

"Can I sit with you?" Harry smiled looking down at me from the aisle.

I nodded, he squeezed past and Chip plopped down in the seat beside me, closest to the aisle.

"Alright Mads" He put his AirPods in and started watching anime on his phone.

It was time to take off and my anxiety was through the roof. I sipped my water and closed my eyes.

"Mads, it's okay" Harry put his hand on mine "Here take these" He handed me a lemon sher wet to suck on and put his headphones over my head. He played me his favourite songs and rubbed his thumb across my hand to keep me calm.

Before I knew it I had fallen asleep , my head on Harry's shoulder, he had his arm wrapped around me. I was woken up by the plane landing, everyone was singing 'Sweet Caroline'.

We picked up our bags from the conveyer belt and headed to the transfers.

"Joshua Zerka?" A tall man in a linen shirt approached us.
Josh nodded and the man walked us over to 3 Hummers.

"Bloody hell Josh, you splashed the cash here didn't ya?" Freezy said shaking his shoulders

We had an hour car ride to the villa which went quickly as we were sat in the limo drinking champagne and singing. I couldn't believe it was only 9am.

We arrived at the villa which was in fact a mansion. It looks as if Kim Kardashian could own it. Me and Faith ran up the driveway with excitement, leaving the boys to drag our suitcases.

As soon as we picked our rooms I changed into a bikini and snapped a pic.

Liked by ChrisMD, Faithlouisak and moreMaddieJordan: what happens in ibiza stays in ibiza TaliaMar: Fit -> MaddieJordan: luv always Calfreezy: I hope u stay in Ibiza, so I never have to see u again when I leave -> MaddieJordan: i hope you get stun...

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Liked by ChrisMD, Faithlouisak and more
MaddieJordan: what happens in ibiza stays in ibiza
TaliaMar: Fit
-> MaddieJordan: luv always
Calfreezy: I hope u stay in Ibiza, so I never have to see u again when I leave
-> MaddieJordan: i hope you get stung by a jellyfish

so sorry nothing exciting happened in this chapter :( i promise some more exciting chapters are coming!
i have a new harry story out too which i'm working on, it's called the rebound <3

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