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I woke up the next morning at 10am, feeling rough as shit. I brushed my teeth and headed into the kitchen to make some tea and coffee for me and Faith.

I found a note on the breakfast bar

I've had to go as Eth is locked out, stupid boy. Didn't want to wake you.
Love you and I had a fun night last night besides the Harry and Cal bullshit x

Faith was the best, everyone needs a friend like her.

A light knock at the door. Harry? Faith?
I opened it, still in my pyjamas and hair a mess.

"Hi Mads." Cal stood awkwardly by the door.

"Quite early for this, isn't it?" I stared at him, straight faced.

"Can I come in please?" He asked, "I'd like to talk."

I nodded and he sat on the breakfast bar.
I made us both bacon sandwiches as he explained himself.

"I didn't know you and Harry had made up, I swear. He never came home after speaking to you, the first time I saw him after he left our flat that morning was at the bar. He told me you'd made up when we were ordering drinks. I didn't want to tell you when you were drunk. He was high the whole time in Amsterdam. I'm not making excuses for him but I don't think he would've done it if he wasn't on drugs," Cal rambled nervously, "I told him he should tell you but he was scared."

"Jesus, chill out Airey!" I laughed a little, "I wish you would've told me but I get why you didn't."

"Thank God. I don't want to fall out with you Maddie, you're my best mate." He ruffled his hand in my already scruffy hair.

"You keep something from me again.." I held my fork to his neck jokingly, "I'll be after you Mr."

He nodded "I understand. We're good now, yeah?"

"Course we are." I smiled handing him a coffee.

"What's this?" He grabbed my hand, which had Tom's number written on.

"Oh." I scratched the back of my neck, "Me and Faith went to a club after we left."

"And you got someone's number!" Cal raised his brows "Well in mate. Did he come back here?"

"No!" I shook my head, "Faith stayed here."

"So, what about Harry? Do you think you'll make up?" He asked.

"Did he ask you to ask ?" I frowned.


"I don't know Cal. I just think he's mugging me off and I can't trust him," I shrugged, "Don't get me wrong he's unreal, but probably we're better off friends."

"Yeah, I get what you mean." He mumbled finishing off his coffee and sandwich, "Oh, shit. I gotta dash, I have a podcast to film. Bye Mads"

"Oh. Bye!" I yelled as he quickly left.

I was anxiously waiting on the couch of our flat for Cal to arrive back from speaking to Maddie. I really hoped I hadn't fucked it before it had properly started.

The door opened and Cal walked in, "Alright Bog?"

"How did it go? Are you made up? Did you ask about me? Is she ok?" I flooded Freezy with questions.

"She's ok. We've made up..." He paused.

"What?" I jumped up, "What else?"

"Boggo mate, I don't think you are in luck. She's upset. I think if you try to talk to her she's gonna go off on you." Cal scratched his head.

"I've fucked it, haven't I?" I slumped back onto the sofa, "God, I'm so autistic"

"She said maybe you could be mates eventually but I think she's just a bit pissed really," He sat down and put his hand on my back, "Give it some time mate. If it's meant to be it'll be or whatever that saying is."

I nodded "Cheers anyway. Glad you two made up at least." I headed off to my bedroom and crawled into bed.

How had I fumbled it before it had even started?

Shorter chapter! Maddies bday is coming up 😏😏😏
don't forget to follow me for updates etc
also nearly 300 reads i am shitting bricks x thank yous

another chapter of The Rebound is out too ! x

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