twenty eight

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"Good morning, Mads." Harry smiled at me from the en-suite bathroom where he was sat on the toilet, very exposed with the door wide open.

"What a lovely view to wake up to." I rubbed my eyes.

"Well, I know that's sarcasm but I think I look majestic," He pouted, "Now get up and get ready!"

"Mmhm." I yawned.

"Maddie. Get up. We are going out." He spoke in a serious tone.

I dragged myself out of bed, "Where?"

"Secret, now get sorted." He ordered.

I put on a pair of mom jeans and oversized hoodie with my khaki leather jacket, my hair, as always in a claw clip and some light makeup.

We got in Harry's car and he drove us to a familiar place, the town in Essex we were moving to.

"Why are we here?" I frowned.

He ignored me a parked up, he held my hand and we entered a cafe.

"Oh!" I gasped.

My parents and brother were sat at a waiting for us in a booth.

"Hey! What a lovely surprise" I said hugging all of them.

"Hello, good to meet you all finally!" Harry smiled, shaking their hands.

"This is Harry!" I introduced him.

"Oh honey, I know! He's a sweet boy, he arranged this all!" My mother laughed and placed her hand on mine, "I wish you would've got us together sooner, Maddie."

"I know I'm sorry Mum, life's just been quite hectic recently," I couldn't help but feel guilty, "How have you guys been?"

We chatted away, drinking tea and had brunch. Harry bonded with my dad over golf and with my brother over football, and my mum just loved him.

"I wanted to get my family here too but it was a bit last minute for them to fly from Guernsey." He scoffed.

"We'll have to go out for dinner one day when they're able to come over! They've raised a lovely boy," Mum cooed.

I rolled my eyes, "So, you approve?"

My dad laughed, "We approve."

"Shall we show them the house?" I asked.

"House?" My brother, Byron, spat, "Is that why we're in some random town?"

I nodded, "We've found a house and put a offer down."

"My little Maddie, you are all grown up." My dad pretended to wipe a tear, "Come on, let's see this house."

Harry paid for the bill and he drove us to the house.

"Harry, you can't just drive through the gates!" I gasped.

"Yeah, I can." He smirked, "Offer was accepted today."

"What!" I shouted, "You didn't tell me!"

"Well, I paid to get the keys early so we could show your family the house." He pulled the keys from his pocket and dangled them in my face.

We toured the house with my family, explaining our plans for each room.

"A-and this room will be for a baby..." I mumbled.

"You what?" Byron frowned.

"I wish I didn't have to introduce you to Harry and tell you about our baby and house all in the same meeting but I've just been so caught up in London and didn't want to do it over the phone." I rambled, feeling guilty.

"Darling, we are so proud of you and happy for you. As long as you and Harry are happy and think this is the right choice then we support it!" Mum pulled me into a hug, "And I will be here, in this lovely house, to babysit whenever you want."

"Dad?" I looked up at him, waiting for him to give a reaction.

"Well, I don't have a bad word to say about the house or Harry. Congratulations to you both." He kissed my forehead.

"Cheers." Harry grinned, "I'll have to fly my parents over when we've moved in and we can have a little dinner party or barbecue!"

"That sounds great," Dad nodded "Thanks for getting us together. It's been good to meet you."

Harry smiled and nodded to my Dad,

We drove back to London to my flat and instantly I was on the hunt to order furniture for the house. Furniture took forever to arrive and I wanted to look like we had our lives together before I met Harry's family.

"When can your family come? Or should we go to them? Can pregnant people even fly?" I questioned.

"I'll get them over here. There's bugger all to do in Guernsey and I want them to see the house too," He pulled out his laptop and checked for flights, "I think you'll like my sister. She's at Uni in Leeds at the moment."

"Leeds? Why don't we invite her down?" I asked.

Harry laughed and instantly texted her, he knew once I had an idea in my head I didn't let it go.

"She can come next weekend," Harry suggested.

I nodded, "Yup! Sorted. I better clean up the spare room."


who do i think i am with these daily chapters. i already have two more written so maybe another chapter later hehe

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