Saving the edge -4-

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'Hiccup we searched below deck nothing is here' Astrid said as she remounted Stormfly.
'Aghh' Hiccup huffed in frustration as we flew away from the ship with no idea where to go or where we should even start looking.
You noticed Mala was looking a little sad and was quiet.
'Hiccup' you whispered and pointed to Mala.
'If you're feeling airsick we are going to land soon, to water the dragons' Hiccup said trying to comfort her.
'He's hungry Hiccup' Mala said.
'Who Snotlout, he's always hungry'
'No the Eruptodon, when I was a little girl an earthquake stopped the lava flow, it wasn't long before the Eroptadon was frantic and starving, only deep prayer saved our beloved dragon but now' everyone looked saddened as they felt empathetic.
'Viggo should know this, we can fly over active volcanoes until we spot him' Hiccup suggested.
'He doesn't need an active volcano to feed, he will eat through the crust of a dormant volcano until it erupts' what Mala said shocked everyone.
'Hiccup the white tipped peak at the edge is a dormant volcano' Fishlegs said and you could see the panic in his eyes.
'Classic maces and talons move, Viggo is going to use the Eruptodon to destroy out home' Hiccup spoke.

'We have to get back to the edge now' you sped away back to the edge hoping you make it back in time. Between the riders and yourself you, Hiccup and Astrid and the fastest flyers.
When you arrived you saw that the hunters had taken over the edge.
'Noo!' you yelled which caught the attention of Viggo and Ryker.
'Ahh my dear Kiara, I'm glad you're here, to witness the end of the dragon riders and your dragons' Viggo threatened which made your blood boil.
You went to attack but Hiccup stopped you.
'Kiara we need a plan' he pleaded.
'Make it quick' you huffed and backed off.
You all regrouped up out of the range of the arrows to discuss a plan.

You sat unsettled as you waited for Hiccup to come up with an effective plan. 
'Ok i've got it, Snotlout and Mala you handle the militia around the edge, Ruff and Tuff you need to cover them me and Astrid will take out the surrounding ships, Kiara I want you to get as close to distract Viggo for as long as you can' Hiccup ordered and everyone split up to cover their ends.
'Luna got you close enough to the ship that you could just sneak into it without being noticed. Unlike the other dragons you;ve trained Luna to attack enemies without your assistance, so you could do stealthy things like this.

You snuck past Viggos' men and you made your way into his chambers. You flipped through his papers and quickly read a journal that he had on his desk. It was more like a diary than a journal. It has sketches and lots of different doodles. You heard a noise outside the door in the hallway and without thinking you tucked the journal into your bag along with some other important looking papers and hid behind the door.
Your nerves heightened when you saw that it was Ryker that stepped into the room looking like he needed to cool down.
Hiccup's plan must be working then you thought to yourself. You went to exit the room but Ryker turned around unexpectedly and saw you, there was a second where neither of you did anything you just looked at eachother.
'Oh shit' you yelled as you scrambled down the hallway and up the ladder towards the deck. By this time Ryker has yelled to the other hunters that you were there. Well there goes the element of stealth. You quickly opened the hatch but someone grabbed you by the shoulders and through you to the ground. You winced in pain when your shoulder is the hard floor but you managed to get to your feet quickly and ready your sword.
'Get her!' you heard Ryker yell as he exited the hatch after you. Viggo looked down from the higher level of the deck as his hunters waited for the order.

'Take her, but take her alive she could be useful to us' Viggo ordered and his men started to move towards you. One tried to grab your shoulder but you grabbed his wrist and twisted it, causing him to fall to his knees. You placed your sword to his throat and everyone froze.
'I'm not going anywhere with you' you looked up at Viggo who just watched. He looked at you like you were bluffing, but he didn't know you.
'You wouldn't' Ryker questioned as he took a step towards you.
'Won't I?' you taunted him. You were so busy focusing on Ryker and the hunters that surrounded you that you didn't notice that the hunter you had on the ground pulled out a knife. He sliced your thigh and you pushed him away. You angrily grabbed the back of his hair and slammed his head against your knee. You then swung your sword in your hand before you brought it down and stabbed him in the kneecap. He screamed in pain but you kicked him in the face knocking him unconscious.

Your hand went to your thigh and you wince when you feel a long cut across the front of your thigh. You brought your hand and saw that it was covered in blood, it was like time was frozen. No one moved, not you or any of the hunters. It was like they were waiting for you to strike first. You looked back up at Ryker but you weren't smiling anymore, you showed a blank expression but it was foreshadowed by anger that was obvious. After all you were the daughter of Stoick The Vast, anger issues were just generic. Ryker decided to step up first with his sword ready, he charged at you but you ducked and dodged his attack. You kicked the back of his leg causing him to fall behind you. The other hunters followed his actions and attacked you one by one. But one by one you bested them, you had dealt with worse during your time. A loud bang and an explosion that hit the side of the ship knocked everyone off balance.
'Need a hand Kiara?' you heard Tuff ask as you saw the twins fly in front of you. You never knew you would ever be relieved to see the twins but here you were, you could kiss them but not literally.

'Get her' you heard Ryker yell as he got onto his feet and started charging at you again. You took a step back before you stepped into the side of the ship and jumped towards the Zippleback. You landed on behind Ruff then they quickly flew you out of there dodging any arrow or nets that followed you.
'Are you alright?' Ruff asked worried but she saw that you were smiling and relaxed.
'Oh my thor thank you, I love you guys that was awesome' you looked between the two of them but as your adrenaline came down the stinging in your thigh became more noticeable.
Everyone met back up at the edge and you were relieved to hear that the edge and the Eruptodon was safe. Viggo had retreated and you were out of danger at least for today. 'Are you limping?' Hiccup asked as he noticed you walked weird.
'You're talking to me about limping?' you smiled back as you looked between him and his peg leg. Usually he would take offense but it was you and he knew you were joking.
'No seriously, are you hurt?'
'Yeah, one of them sliced my leg, but it didn't go that deep, only two stitches little be fine' you played it off.
'If you need a break promise to let me know' he looked at you sincerely. He of all people knew that you had a tendency to overwork yourself and he didn't want that to happen at a place where he was in charge.
'Yeah of course' you smiled.

'I'm happy to introduce our new allies in our fight against Viggo Grimborn, Hiccup and the dragon riders' Mala introduced you and the other riders to her island as official allies. Thank Thor you won her over. The defenders of the wing were fierce warriors and will be wonderful allies against Viggo and future threats.

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