Missing - 27

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You sat down in the great hall as dinner had begun and you were starving. You sat down next to Viggo and he eyed you suspiciously. He could tell you were on edge, in fact everyone could but no one said anything. Even if they did it wasn't like you would tell them anyway. You ate your dinner in silence, before you felt a nudge at your back. You looked down to see Luna standing there looking at you with her head tilted. It was time for your night flight before you went to bed, how could you have forgotten.
'Ahh yes, sorry girl I totally forgot' you said as you got up and walked towards her.
'Where are you going this late Kiara?' Stoick asked from the other side of the table.

'Just for a night flight, like I always do' you said as you walked out of the great hall. You mounted her and flew into the sky towards the stars. You flew up above the clouds and you could see the northern lights shining brightly. They were so close, you could almost touch them. Luna swirled through the clouds and flipped through the air.
You screamed with joy as she flew upside down and you felt the wind in your hair. You could never explain it but you felt different up here, like when your tribles from below melt away, you don't feel the cold you just feel, free.
'Come on girl, it's time to go home' you said but she grumbled.
'I know I love our flights too but we also love sleep don't we' you said as she landed next to your hut.

You walked inside and kicked off your shoes and threw your jacket at the hanger next to your door not even bothering to make sure it actually made it. You lazily climbed the stairs to your room and fell onto your bed. As soon as your head hit the pillows you felt your body relax and sink into the soft bed.

A smashing sound from downstairs woke you up. You quickly grabbed your sword that was next to your bed and held it tightly in your hands. You made your way to your bedroom door, turning the key and making sure it was locked. Luna was awake by now and was fixating on the noises downstairs.
'Go get Viggo, go now' you shooed her out the door. You just hoped Viggo or someone would get here soon. You decided to slip on an extra pair of shoes you kept in your room and a spare jacket that was at the end of your bed when you heard footsteps quietly climbing your stairs towards your bedroom door. You heard someone picking the lock mof your door, now or never. Someone you didn't recognise opened the door and charged at you. You ducked under his arm, and ran downstairs trying to get to an open area but someone at the end of the stairs grabbed you and threw you against the wall.
'You aren't going anywhere'

Luna burst through Viggo's open bedroom window, his house was a little smaller than yours so she couldn't move freely but she didn't care. Viggo instantly comforted her and questioned what was wrong. He saw the panicked look on Luna's face, he quickly grabbed his sword and ran downstairs.

'Get off me' the man that threw you grabbed you by the hair and slammed your head against the wall again. You felt blood run down from your nose and the ringing sensation on your head hurt more than anything. You stood back on your feet however and charged at the man. You ducked under his arm and sliced the back of his legs. He grunted in pain and pushed you forward towards the wall. You grabbed the back of his neck and used all your strength to flip over his shoulder, you then placed your sword against his throat and cut it clean open. Blood sprayed onto your face and the wall before you let go of his arm allowing him to fall to the ground. Before you could turn around you felt a sharp pain in your neck, you moved your hand to your neck and pulled out a syringe. You turned to see the other guy standing behind you with a smile on your face.
'Johann is going to love seeing you' your vision turned to darkness when you collapsed onto the man's arms.

Viggo entered the house and heard the back door slam shut. He ran towards it but no one was to be seen. Viggo entered the hut again and called out for you, when you didn't answer his heart raced. He walked into the kitchen to see the man laying into the floor and the blood stains on the wall.
'I guess she put up a fight,' Viggo said to himself. Luna sniffed around the room with him as she couldn't find you, she began to panic.
'It's alright, we'll find her' Viggo walked back down the stairs with a sorrowful look on his face.
Viggo made his way to Stoick and Hiccup's hut and knocked on the door. Stoick opened it with an annoyed grumble.
'What is it?' he asked.

'It's Kiara, she's gone' Stoick pushed past Viggo and ran to Kiaras hut panicked. He opened the door to your hut and on the inside of the door was a copy of the wanted poster that had been stuck to the door with a knife. Stoick pulled it down and noticed there was writing on the back it was addressed to Hiccup by an unknown person, but Stoick recognised Johanns distinct handwriting.
"You have something I want, and now I have something you want. I want your dragon eye lenses and the dragon eye, meet me here in two days time at noon, come alone or not I don't care, but if you want to see Kiara alive again you will give me what I want"

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