Bounty hunters-25

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It had been a couple weeks since Viggo had come to the edge and you could say things have had a turn for the better. The rest of the riders had begun to trust him , even Stoick and the rest of Berk had seen that he had changed and had accepted him. You've even grown comfortable with his company, the two of you had grow really close, close enough that the rest of the riders tease you about it. He has played a huge role in helping Hiccup strategize against Krogan and Johann, Hiccup had even started to train the Skrill that had decided to stick around.
You were walking around the northern markets while looking for a specific leather fabric you needed to repair your saddle since it has begun to wear out.
You couldn't find it in the usual stall, but the lady that usually sold it to you told you that another stall was selling it a couple paces down further into the markets.
You thanked her and started to walk down in the direction she pointed you to. You maneuvered through the people, it was good to see that these markets have begun to flourish again like it did before the dragon hunters came into this archipelago. You walked through an alleyway, there were some posters on the walls and you looked at them when you passed but one caught your attention. There was a poster with your face and name on it, a wanted poster wanted dead or alive. You ripped it off the wall so you could get a better look at it. Yep, your face and name was on a wanted poster.
'What the fuck' you said mostly to yourself.

'Hey!' a male voice called out to you from the other side of the alleyway. You turned to see a man about 6 foot, good built which was also holding a sword was looking at you like he recognised you. You looked down to see he was holding the same poster you were.
'Ahh shit' you said before you bolted out of the alleyway. He instantly chased after you, you held tightly onto your bag as you ran through the crowd of people.
Most of the people let you pass but some were more ignorant than others but you didn't care, you barged past the people that didn't move and yelled a quick thank you to the ones that did. You ran past the lady at the usual stall you went through, by this time you had lost the man in the crowd.
'Hey, what's wrong?' she asked as you passed her. You pointed towards the crowd of people while you tried to speak but you were too out of breath to say the words. She just pulled you into her tent and closed the door. She turned back to you and asked again.
'What happened?. Are you alright?' she asked.
'No i'm not, look' you passed the paper to her and she looked at it wide eyed.
'And I have no idea who ordered it,' you said as you sat down on a stool as you began to catch your breath.
'I do' she said.
'What how?'. She turned the paper towards you and pointed to a signature at the top of the paper, it was Johans signature.

'Are you alright now dear?' the lady asked as she handed you a glass of water. You took a sip and handed it back to her.
'Yes I am now thank you, I just need to get to my dragon' you thought out loud as you didn't know how many people were after you or where they even were. The lady walked to the back of the tent and lifted up the fabric creating a hole big enough for you to slip out of.
'Ahhh you're a lifesaver' you thank her once again before you slipped out of the back of the tent. You ran into the woods where you told Luna to wait for you, but of course she wasn't there.
'Oh for Thor's sake' you cursed as you whistled for her attention. She quickly appeared behind you with a mouthful of fish she probably took from some poor fisherman.
'We need to go' you mounted her  but before you flew away an arrow passed over your head and into a tree right next to it.

You quickly turned around to see another man, a different one this time. He was skinnier and he carried a bow and arrow. You flew Luna quickly up into the sky, dodging a couple more arrows that were fired at you before you escaped into the clouds above.
'Holy shit, girl are you alright did he hit you?' you looked down at your dragon worried an arrow might have hit her but she just looked up at you like you were crazy.
'Oh thank the gods' you flew further away from the markets and back to Berk.

'Hey Kiara, did you find what you were looking for?' Hiccup asked as he flew up next to you as you passed into Berks borders.
'No uhh, she sold out' you clutched the paper tighter in your hand. You didn't know why but you didn't want to tell him or anyone, not yet anyways.
'That's a bummer, we'll go next week, see if they have it then' Hiccup steadied Toothless next to you as you flew over Berks main courtyard. You looked down at all the strangers and allies that come to Berk sometimes for trade or just for pleasure in getting to know our neighbors. You couldn't help but think if any of them were bounty hunters, and how many could just slip in unnoticed.

'Hey Kiara?' Hiccup's voice rang in your ears as he tried to get your attention.
'Are you alright?' he asked as he noticed you were on edge.
'Yea, just a slow flight back, i'm tired' you answered. You both landed in the arena, you turned to take off Lunas sattle the more the leather wears down the more irritating her skin becomes. Luna scratched at the now exposed skin and grumbled at the uncomfortable itching.
'Yeah girl i'm sorry' you threw the saddle at the wall in frustration. You were having such a good day, a good night's sleep, just one little errand you needed to do. How could one errand fuck up your day so much but on the other hand knowing theres a bounty on your head is better than not knowing, right?

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