Thank the gods - 30

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Everyone circled the island a couple times when they saw things that didn't look right. Hunters were searching the forest, you must have escaped. Then they saw a hunter being carried out of the woods on a stretcher covered in blood, he was definitely dead.
'Kiara escaped' Astrid said hopefully.
'Of course she did,'Gobber and Stoick thought at the same time.
When they reached the island the riders split into their respective groups. Hiccup dropped Viggo on the ground and he, Stoick, Gobber and Spitelout were to cover the east side of the island on foot while Luna followed behind them.

The other groups covered other parts of the island while Hiccup, Astird, the twins and Snotlout created a diversion to draw the Sinetails and their flyers' attention away from you. Stoick held a jacket of yours to Skullcrushers nose, he caught the scent and started to walk in a direction. Viggo stood close to the Skrill a little ways in front of the others. His eyes scan the treeline hoping to see you. Gobber shrugged Stoick, he then gestured to Viggo.

'What?' Stocked asked.
'Say something' he sighed and walked up to him.
'She'll be alright you know, Kiara is built for things like this' Stoick tried to lift Viggos spirits, but Viggo knew better than to get his hopes up too early.
'We'll find her, you'll see' Stoick continued while sharing a sympathetic look.
'I know, she's stronger than any of us,' Viggo said.
'And this is why you love her' Stoick said which caught him off guard, yes he did but you two weren't together. He wasn't even sure that you returned those feelings. You were a hard girl to read.
'Is it that obvious?' he asked which made Stoick chuckle.
'She loves you to you know' Stoick knew his daughter, she has had a couple boyfriends before but nothing compared to the spark he saw between you and Viggo.
You were fighting off a couple hunters that had found you, you used your sword to stab one in the chest while you slit another's throat with your dagger. You stepped back as the hunters became weary, they underestimated you. Out of nowhere an electric blast shot through the forest and at the hunters, they all turned their attention to the Skrill. You used the distraction to hide behind a tree to compose yourself.
When you heard a twig snap next to you. You raised the hand with the dagger in it to attack but someone grabbed your arm. You couldn't believe it,
'Please forgive me, I thought you were in danger, it appears i've mistaken' Viggo spoke as he released your arm.

You dropped the dagger and basically leaped into his arms. You held him tightly as you began to sob. He wrapped his arms around you and let out a sigh of relief.
'Its alright my dear, I've got you,you're safe and I'm never letting you go again' the Skrill appeared next to you and nudged you with his snout. That was when you looked down, and saw your hands were covered in blood. You didn't doubt that the rest of you looked the same.
'No, don't touch me' you panicked, you didn't want him to see you this way.
'What is it?' he asked, confused. You tried to wipe the blood off on your clothes but it was too thick and too much it didn't come off. Viggo saw you panic, he's seen this before with his brother. He just stepped forward and took your bloody hand in his.

'Don't look at it, I love you with every fiber of my being. I will continue to love you even when I have passed from this world. Nothing, not anything, could get me to not love you my dear' he looked at you with awe in his eyes not caring about anything else. You calmed down and looked up at him, you smiled and wrapped your arms around him again.
'I love you too, thank you' you buried your face into the croak of his neck as your breathing and heartbeat began to slow down and steady.

'Kiara is that you?' you turned to see Stoick standing next to Skullcrusher that had tracked you down. He ran up to you and brought you into one of his classic bone crushing hugs.
'Thank the gods you are alright' you hugged him back the best you could, Stoick put you back onto the ground and ordered Skullcrusher to fire into the sky. Signaling that they had found you and that everyone can retreat.
The flyers were still attacking the riders in the sky so Viggo decided to walk you to the far east side of the island where they started looking for you to keep you out of danger. The others mounted their dragons and flew up into the sky and joined the fight. Luna was basically glued to your side as she was looking to the sides and behind you making sure you were truly out of danger.

Your adrenaline had won down and the exhaustion you felt before was coming back with the sharp pain in your ankles and knees. You took two more steps before your legs gave out and you fell towards the ground, but Viggo quickly caught you before you hit the ground.
'Kiara, Kiara wake up' Viggo panicked as he lifted your now unconscious body in his arms. He mounted Luna while still holding you in his arms and quickly made his way out of the forest.

Everyone made it out alright, Johann didn't get the dragon eye or lenses but Krogan and Johann still escaped. Viggo got you to Gothi and she fixed you up. Apart from a broken ankle , some cuts and bruises and exhaustion you were fine, nothing major.
You were moved to your hut while still being unconscious and Viggo sat and waited.

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