All bark no bite -20

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You tried wiggling your way out of the rope tying your hands and ankles together but it was too tight, you could already feel the burn around them. Everyone could hear crashing from the hall doors, you wondered what they were doing out there?.
'Kiara, Kiara can you hear me?' Gobber's voice sounded blurred, like you were hearing it underwater, there was a slight ringing in your ears, the hunter must have hit you harder than you thought.
'Kiara just stay awake, we'll get out of here' you heard Snotlout say from next to you as he nudged you a little.

You brought your head back to lean against the wall behind you, the coolness of the marble felt nice. You felt your eyes become heavy, you tried to keep them open but you couldnt and you succumbed into the darkness. A hard slap to the face woke you up
'Owww, why would you do that?' you said painfully as you looked up to see Astrid kneeling down.

'I'm sorry, but we have to go come on' she pulled you to ur feet, the door was opened. You ran down the stairs to try and find Luna, you the iconic sound of a plasma blast and sighed in relief. At least he's alright.
'Kiara I found her' you heard Astrid say, you ran up to her but froze when you saw your dragon. She was laying on the ground in the courtyard, she was slightly rolled up like she would when she slept. You ran up to her and grabbed her head, she lazily opened her eyes and grumbled.

'Someone help, please' you begged as you sank to your knees, no this couldn't be happening.
'Out of my way' you heard Stoick yelled as he and Hiccup forced their way through the crowds of people. Their eyes opened wide as they saw you, on your knees crying for your dragon. Their eyes moved to the ax that was embedded in her back, and the several arrows that stuck out of her stomach. You hugged her head as it laid on your lap, a couple people stepped forward and started to attend to her injury but you didn't leave, you couldn;t leave you.

'Kiara you need to come with me' Stoick said as he put a hand on your shoulder.
'No I can't, I can't leave her' you said as you wiped the tears from your eyes.
'You need to be looked at, you might be concussed some on, you can come back after' he helped you up and led you towards Gothis hut, turns out you were concussed, and you broke your nose but she fixed you up. She bandaged your nose and told you to take it easy but she knew deep down you wouldn't especially now.

You quickly made your way to the courtyard but Luna wasn't there anymore.
'Don't worry lassie, she's just getting fixed up now, she's gonna be alright' Gobber said as he pulled you into a hug, you hugged him back. You were trembling, and the tears started to fall again.
'You need to rest Kiara, but we will deal with this after' he said before walking away to continue to help clean up Berk, the flyers had left quite the mess. You walked into the healer's hut and saw Luna laying on the ground sleeping. The people there told you that she would be alright but they wouldn't know for sure until she woke up, you thanked them and sat down next to her. Gently you moved her lead to lay on your lap, she grumbled in response that's a good sign.

As you watched her sleeping form you slowly felt your emotions change, they were no longer sad or scared for her. She was alright now, she was going to get better and everything will be back to normal in no time. You didn't feel sad anymore, you felt angry. Angry at the hunters for coming to Berk and endangering innocent people, angry at them for forcing their Singetails to carry them and angry at them for hurting your best friend. If it were the last thing you do you weren't going to let Krogoan get away with this. You were going to make him pay, he had crossed a line.

Turns out it wasn't just you thinking this way, the other raiders were thinking the same way. They weren't as angry as you but they were. The flyers had crossed a line. They imagined themselves in your position, what if it were their dragon that got hurt today, how would they feel.

Hearing a knock on the door woke you up, you didn't even notice that you had fallen asleep. Looking out the window it was dark outside, opening the door you saw Hiccup and the other riders standing there each of them looking sorry.
'How is she doin'?' Hiccup asked.
'She's better, still hasn't woken up though. Astrid stepped forward and wrapped her hands around you pulling you into a hug, the other riders followed each of them somehow wrapping their arms around each other hugging you.
'She's gonna be alright, she is strong, just like her rider' Astrid said as everyone pulled away.

Truth was you were still scared, you have learnt to not get your hopes up but your heart and your brain didn't always agree. What if she doesn't wake up and you've lost yet another friend, was it your fault, if you didn't pass out you could have gotten to her and protected her. The thoughts ran circles in your mind as you said goodnight to the riders. Maybe you were weak after all you cousin't even protect your bestfriend.

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