Paranoia - 26

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'Ahh Kiara, you're back I need to speak with you' Stoick walked into the arena as he was looking for you. You sighed deeply and followed him out of the arena towards the main courtyard of Berk.
'As you know, my time as chief of Berk is slowly coming to an end' he started and you knew where this conversation was going. You knew he had a tough decision to make, he had to choose who would be the next chief. Hiccup was great with people management and over the years he had gotten better at taking control and making tough decisions. Then there was you, who was also great at managing people and you always loved telling people what to do. You made your decisions based on facts not emotions and you did the necessary things to keep your people safe. Sure there were definitely differences between the two of you but who would be chosen was Stoick's decision.

'Yes I know' you answered as the two of you continued walking. You knew that you wanted it, I mean you've been training for this your whole life. That throne has basically been promised to you since you were younger, but if Hiccup was chosen you wouldn't be pressed about it. It would give you a break and Hiccup would be able to live up to Stoick's expectations.
'Have you chosen who will take your place?' you asked. You were obviously curious, and you were sure Hiccup was starting to be too.
'Not yet, but i'm starting to think about it'
The closer you got into the more busy parts of Berk the more your mind went to the fact you still have a bounty on your head. You keep looking around, like you were expecting to see someone come out of the crowd and try to kill you. Stoick seemed to notice this.
'Kiara, what's wrong?' he asked as he turned and stepped in front of you and looked at you suspiciously.

'Nothing is wrong i'm just, it's nothing I just want this war to be over just as much as you do' you said playing it off, but of course he didn't believe you. He didn't press on though, he learned to not push you when it came to things like that. If you wanted to tell him something you would eventually.
'Have you seen Viggo?, I haven't seen him around yet' you asked.
'Yes last time I saw him he was in the great hall' he answered but before you could leave he put a hand on your shoulder.
'You know you can tell me anything, you don't have to hide anything from me' he said before letting you go. You smiled and continued to make your way towards the great hall. You just really wanted to talk to him right now, maybe tell him what was wrong.

You walked into the great hall and maneuvered through the group of people who sat at the tables by the doors eating and talking.
'Afternoon Kiara' a woman greeted you at her table.
'Afternoon' you smiled at her before continuing to look for Viggo. You finally found him. He was staring at the maps Hiccup had put up of the archipelago yesterday as we discussed what we were going to do about Krogan and Johann. You walked up to him and stood next to him looking at the maps as well.
'Well hello my dear' he looked at you but you didn't look his way. You just grumbled a hello but didn't make eye contact with him, he seemed to notice something was wrong and turned to face you fully.

'What's the matter?' he asked but you didn't answer. He lifted up your chin to look at him but you still didn't say anything.
'Nothing' you said he didn't know what was wrong, but he could tell something was wrong.
'We both know you can't lie to me Kiara, so are you going to tell me what's wrong or are you going to make me figure it out' you thought about it. Telling him wouldn't be so bad, so you pulled out the paper and handed it to him. He unfolded it and a look of shock was on his face. He instantly recognised the signature as Johanns.
'We have to tell your brother,' he said, which made you look up at him and take a step back.

'No we can't, not yet' you said but he didn't understand why, Hiccup could help you. He has had a bounty on his head before too, ;):) lol
'He has enough to deal with right now, he doesn't need anything else' you ran your hand through your hair as you felt yourself begin to panic.
'Kiara' Viggo started but you interrupted him.
'No you can't tell him, please promise me you won't tell him' you begged him not to say anything.
'Alright if that's what you want' Viggo caved, but he knew that if anyone could handle themselves it would be you.
'But you have to tell someone soon, you do know that' he stepped forward and looked down at you worryingly.
'Yes I know, just not right now'.

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