Escape - 28

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Your vision was blurry when you finally came to. You felt the cold ground beneath you, you tried to lift your arm but it felt extremely heavy, like there was an unknown weight on your body. You didn't know what was in that syringe and it was still affecting you.  You didn't want to but you knew the more you moved, the sooner the poison or whatever was in your system would be worked out of it. You moved your arms and pushed yourself off the ground, you slid across it a couple feet back until your back hit the cold wall behind you. 

'Look who's finally awake' you opened your eyes to see a figure standing across the room from you. You assumed you were locked in some kind of cage or cell. You couldn't quite figure out who it was and the ringing in your ears distorted the voice.
'You're a hard girl to get a hold of Kiara, I'll give you that' the voice was becoming clear now as the ringing started to fade away.

'Who are you, what do you want?' you asked as your eyes struggled to adjust to the lights around you.
'I think you already know the answer to that Kiara' the man spoke,
'Johann?' you questioned.
'Yess well done' he spoke as he walked closer to the cell. You could see his face clearly now, it was Johann. He looked different, like he had been wearing a mask and it has now been taken off.
'What do you want from me?' you asked again. He just chuckled and folded his hand behind his back.
'It's not what I want from you, it's what I want from your brother. The dragon eye and its lenses in trade for your safe return' he spoke in a way which made your hairs stand up and a shiver go down your spine.

'They wouldn't' you coughed but Johann just chuckled and began to walk away.
'Oh but for you, they would give anything'.
You managed to get to your feet, the weight in your body has started to gradually dissipate. You had to get out of there, you knew that Johann wouldn't just trade and walk away, he is going to try and wipe them out and he has a better chance of it with you in there. The bars of the cell were going horizontal and vertical creating squares. You looked between the squares to see if you could squeeze through one. Given that this cell was made to hold dragons and not people, the squares were bigger. You spotted one, about 7 feet above you near the top of the cell. You climbed the cell door and made your way up to the top. You put your legs in first, you rolled over to where you were facing the cage at all times and finally pulled your upper body through the gap. You dropped to the floor and felt a sharp pain in your knees and ankles.

'What was that?' you heard a hunter say.
'Ahh shit' you mumbled as you hid behind a corner as two hunters ran into the room and saw you were gone. You ran the other direction down a hallway. There were a couple dragons locked in cages to the sides of you. You had no idea where you were going but anywhere was better than the cell you were just in. You found a door that led to a little spare room, you guessed was used for storage. You went in and locked the door behind you. You had to find a way out of here, there was no way you were going to let Johann win, what you didn't know was that Hiccup was thinking the exact same thing.

'We have to get her back, Johan will try to wipe us out with or without the dragon eye and lenses.' Hiccup paced back and forth on the great hall as all the riders, the A team and anyone else who wanted to help were gathered around.
'We can't just go in dragons blazing Hiccup, that could get Kiara killed' Astrid said.
'So we need a plan,' Hiccup was beginning to lose it. Usually you were there beside him, helping him plan and offering a different perspective. He couldn't do this without you.

'Isn't this where Johann told you to meet him' Astrid asked.
'Yeah it is'
'Lots of room for hunters to hide, air defenses, a big area for a ground assault' Astrid analyzed the island.
'Trap, definitely a trap' Snotlout spoke up.
'Obviously it's a trap, he doesn't want to trade, he's using Kiara to draw us in so he can wipe us out' Viggo tuned in, he knew what Johann was capable of. He did try to drop a mountain onto him.
'Viggos right, even if we do give him the lenses that doesn't automatically ensure her safe return or her return at all, we must get her back ourselves. Screw the trade,' Spitelout said angrily.

'I know my daughter, and we are underestimating her. She has faced foes much more dangerous than Johann' Stoick stepped forwards. Everyone could agree, you are the greatest warrior any of them have ever met. They just had to have faith.

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