Broken arrows -23

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You woke up with the worst headache you have ever had in your life. It was so bad that your vision was buzzing for the first couple minutes before it finally cleared up, you were in a cell that was next to Hiccup who was in his own cell. You tried to sit up but your head ached at any kind of movement, you brung your hands up to hold your head and when you pulled then away they were covered in blood. You could feel it now, the whole left side of your face was covered in blood.

'Kiara, are you alright' Hiccup said panicked as he saw you were awake.
'Oh yea, I'm lovin' life' you said as you looked at him, you thought it was best to not freak him out. He might ruin the plan.
'I'm glad you're awake, I was worried we had kill you there for a second' Johann spoke as he walked up to your cell. Your eyes darted around the room until they landed on Viggo who stood across from Krogan. It was one of the most apologetic looks you have ever seen, it almost looked as if he was going to cry but that would just be the concussion making you see things.
'The Skrill is secure Johann' a hunter had walked into the room.
'Well I have two out of three, but where is your dragon Kiara, I know she is around here somewhere' Johann said he was trying to provoke you, and in this stake there was nothing you could do about it.

'You'll never find her' you said while spitting out some blood that had filled your mouth.
'Oh but we will, and when I do I will finish what I started back on Berk' Krogan said as he walked up next to Johann, so that confirmed it. Krogan was the one who almost killed her.
A loud bang could be heard from down the hall, signaling that the plan was now set in motion. Hiccup unlocked his cell before running to yours, he helped you up and grabbed your arms so you wouldn't fall.
'Kiara, Kiara I need you right now, please stay with me' he said as he slightly smacked your face. Hearing those words you used every ounce of strength you had to stand up properly and walk out of the cell. You took an oath to always protect your brother, and that is what you were going to do.

As you two ran down the hallways you couldn;t help but look down passing hallways or opened doors looking for Viggo. You just hoped he was alright. Hiccup found the room that Viggo said the lenses would be in, but they weren't there, it was just an empty bag.
'Johann must have moved the lenses, Viggo tipped him off how could I have been so stupid' Hiccup said but that didn't sound right to you. You turned around to face the doorway and there stood Viggo with his sword in hand.
'Johan wasn't as easy to foul as I thought' he coughed as he fell forward towards a table revealing four arrows sticking out of his back.
'Viggo!' you and Hiccup said in unison as you ran up to him, you grabbed one of his hands while the other grabbed his shoulder so he could stand.

'When Krogan and Johan left me for dead a monstrous nightmare saved me. I've spent my whole life hunting dragons, killing them but I've come to respect them as equals. You taught me that Hiccup, oh this is the end for me the end of the game' he said as the realization of what was happening hit you, he was going to die. This couldn't be happening, not again you just got him back.

'Oh Kiara' he said sadly as he cupped the left half of your face as he eyed the damage to your forehead. Hunters yelling outside the door had all out your attention now, Viggo gently pushed you away whale changing the gas chamber on his sword.
'I'll hold them off until you're out' he said which made your heart drop.
'No Viggo'
'Hiccup you are more ruthless than you realize, I know you will defeat Krogan and Johann' he said as he placed a game piece in his hands. Turning to you he smiled, it was preferably the first time you saw him genuinely smile, that just broke your heart more he cupped your face again.
'Thank you, for looking at me and not seeing a monster, I believe you were the first person to look at me and see a actual person, and I thank you for that,' he said as he took in your features once more before letting go.

'No Viggo please don't do this' you begged, you felt the tears begin to fall now.
'Now go' he ignored you and pointed towards the doors, Hiccup grabbed your arm and pulled you alongside him.
'No, let me go, wait no' you said but you watched as Viggo exited the room after you but turned the other way. You didn't want to watch what was going to happen so you turned around and started running.

A massive explosion erupted through the tunnels a couple moments later knocking both you and Hiccup off Toothless. A met came over both of you and you looked up to see Johann. Hiccup looked up at the sky and yelled loudly while Toothless fired.
'Your pathetic plan failed and a frustrated yell will be your final words, I expected more from Hiccup Haddock the third' Johann said smugly.
'Actually it was Viggos pathetic plan that failed, and I wasn't yelling in frustration' you looked up to see the twins, they blew up the whole rest of the camp, helping you and Hiccup escape. That had to have been the biggest explosion you've ever seen, cool. But you couldn't focus on them right now. Where was Luna, you called out but she didn't answer you.

When you did find her you saw Viggos unconscious body laying across her back, she had gone back for him. You quickly mounted her and started to fly back towards the edge. You moved him s he was sitting up and wrapped his arms around your waist.
'K-Kiara' he croaked in your ear.
'It's alright, you're going to be alright' you said as you held his hands tightly. Hiccup and the twins followed closely behind you as you raced against death towards the Edge. He had to live, things are just turning around for him, for you. He had to live.

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