Downfall of a king -9-

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The next day you and the riders flew to Berk to show Stoick the plan you and your brother came up with to take out Viggos base. You had to admit, it was a good plan. Every scenario was planned out, all areas were covered and Hiccup had even brought in the A team and the Berserkers.
'Now that's what I call a plan' Stoick patted Hiccup on the back before leaving to prepare for the fight ahead.
'Hiccup?!' you heard someone whisper before Hiccup stepped down off the great hall's steps and hid behind them. You knew who it was and what they were doing. You saw Fishlegs coming and decided to distract him, like a good big sister.
'Fishlegs' you waved at him and he turned his attention from finding Hiccup to you.
'Hey Kiara' he smiled.
'Why do you want the dragon eye so much I mean, why is it so important to get back?' you asked hoping he would geek out on you and forget about Hiccup.

Well you were right, he started to geek out and tell you about all the information about dragons and about the different languages and different tribes. You looked behind him to see Hiccup and Astrid peering their heads at you. You signaled for them to get out of there before Fishlegs sees them. They smiled before they flew away.

You flew besides Hiccup as he flew towards Viggos base.
'Everyone into positions, A team, Riders, Berserkers' he set the groups to go cover their ends, and to get ready for the ambush. You were with Stoick and Gobber, you flew in and saw no one.
'That's weird?' you said.
'Indeed' Stoick responded. You three did a whole circle around before landing outside Viggos tent.
'I'm so confused, what a rip off' you said annoyed.
'It's alright Kiara, keep your guard up' Gobber put his hand on your shoulder. Astrid held open the door to Viggos tent and you and Hiccup walked inside. The place was trashed, just like the rest of the place.

'Ahh, what is it going to take to catch this guy?' Hiccup yelled in anger before he kicked over the maces and talons game set, causing pieces to go flying. One landed on the floor board which made a hollow thud, weird. You walked towards it with your sword at the ready. You flipped the cover away to reveal a trap door. Toothless sniffed the door and growled protectively. You opened it to see Viggo sat at the bottom looking like he's been through hell.
'I never thought these words would come out of this mouth but, Hiccup, I am overjoyed to see you' you looked at him and felt a heavy feeling in your chest, pity. He looked terrible, obviously something went wrong and it didn't end well in his favor, even though he was the enemy you offered him a hand out of the small hole and helped him sit. It was times like these where you knew you and Hiccup were related.

'Viggo what happened here, where's the dragon eye?' Hiccup asked but someone barged into the tent.
'Here we go' you mumbled to yourself before your father spoke.
'You come after my kids, you come after my home, now you get to deal with me' he said angrily as he picked Viggo up by the neck.
'Dad revenge isn't a plan, remember' Hiccup tried to reason.
'That was for you, for me it goes down a treat'
'Dad let Viggo speak' Hiccup said sternly and Stoick dropped Viggo back into the chair. He held his neck and gasped for air.

'Ryker has lost all sense of reason, he is on his own and has managed to sway the soft mind of the dragon hunters. My brother has turned them on their leader' Viggo spoke. You honestly felt bad for him ,you couldn't imagine the hurt and betrayal you'd feel if Hiccup ever betrayed you like that.
'And that is why I would rather have a sister and day of the week' Tuff said and Ruff came forward with her hand up for a high five. You walked next to Hiccup, shouting him a smug smile.
He smiled back but put on a stern face as he turned back to Viggo.
'His plan as simple minded as it is, is to wipe out the dragons riders and all of you allies'
'And how is that different from anyone we've fought against' you said.
'And defeated, yeah' Fishlegs added on.
'The difference my dear Kiara is project Shellfire, you two remember that don't you' he turned to Ruff and Tuff.
'Do we, if Viggo, you do?' Ruff said as she got in his face. Viggo shot you with a very confused face. You just shrugged your shoulders and looked very unamused. He guessed they are like that all the time.
You couldn't leave him there, you suggested bringing him with us while we returned to the edge and everyone agreed though they didn't like the idea. You all walked outside to discuss who he would ride with, no one volunteered but you weren't surprised.
'He can ride with me, what a bunch of pussies' you said as you walked back into the tent.
'Get up, we gotta go, this place give me the creeps' you gestured to your dragon but Viggo hesitated. It was probably his first time on a dragon. You looked up and saw that everyone had already left you, lovely.
'Here, give me your hand' you took his hand and steadied his hand with his palm out and facing the ground. You could feel his hand was slightly shaking, whether it was from fear or exhaustion you couldn't tell.

'She won't bite' she giggled as you held his hand up towards Luna. She sniffled his hand and you it let go. She inspected him, probably trying to decide whether he was a threat or not. She eyed him but she shook her head and placed her snout against his hand. You could hear her purring and Viggo moved his hand to give her a little scratch under the chin.
'Good choice, she loves chin scratches maybe even more than she loves me but we'll never know' you mounted Luna and watched as Viggo interacted with her before he followed you. It was strange, she doesn't act like this with anyone except for you, Hiccup, Gobber and Stoick. You offered a hand to Viggo to help him up and he gladly accepted. He placed his hand on your shoulders as he anticipated taking off. Luna didn't go easy on him, she took off very fast and did a couple sways before steadying herself. Viggo had moved his hands to your waist for more support and probably just out of instinct.
'What was that, we need him to like us' you leaned down and whispered in her ear hoping Viggo wouldn't hear you, but he did.

'Like you?, why would you need me to like you Kiara?' he asked, slightly amused.
'Well you said you wanted to help, it's easier helping people you like isn't it' you answered while you turned to face him.
'I suppose that makes sense,' he answered.
'Yeah I know' you answered pretty snuggly, a little more than you initially intended but you couldn't take it back now. You felt him squeeze a little around your waist, you could feel your shoulders tensing but you tried to ignore it and you prayed to Thor that he didn't notice. He did notice, quite instantly actually but he decided to keep that to himself.

I kinda struggled writing this chapter bc I can't write romantic stuff for the life of me lmao.

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