The plan - 22

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Viggo mounted Toothless, sitting behind Hiccup he instructed Hiccup on where to go. You flew towards an island that was in the middle of a storm, the one day you didn't wear a jacket you thought to yourself as you dismounted Luna.
'What are we doing here?' you questioned but your question answered itself as an electricity blast came from above the visibility of the clouds, you stepped to the side to avoid it.
'Wait is that?' you asked as you stepped forward what you thought was the Skrill. You always loved the Skrill, it was one of the most powerful dragons you have ever met, it didn't need a rider or other dragons to be powerful, all he had was himself. You heard Toothless growl behind you defensively

'Don't aggravate it'
'Don't piss it off' you and Viggo spoke at the same time as you both stepped in front of toothless and Hiccup. Even Hiccup raised an eyebrow at this, not only at the fact that you were defending the Skrill but at the fact that you and Viggo appeared to be bonding in a way and he didn't like it. Viggo pulled out a dagger and used it to distract and calm down the Skrill, moving a hand towards it and placing it on its snout appearing to gain its trust, well trust enough to not kill him.

You didn't know it could do that and you studied the Skrill for a couple months after Hiccup let it out of the ice cave. It turned to you and took a couple steps forward, it looked as if it remembered you. You stuck out your hand towards its nose and it nuzzled into you, it did remember you.
'What?' Hiccup smiled but he was so confused.
'I studied the Skrill for a couple months after you let him out, it seems he remembers me' you smiled as you moved your hands away. You looked up at Viggo to see that he was already looking at you with a warm smile on his face.
'You are full of surprises my dear' he said as he put the dagger away, you chuckled as you pet the Skrill again.
Viggo dropped the dagger into the middle of the dragon flyers island post, the Skrill followed it because of its electrical properties and started setting the place ablaze. Turns out the Skrils electrical blast was the only thing that could neutralize the Singetails fire, good to know. You all ran inside while your dragons followed behind you but you were stopped at the end of a tunnel.

'I just want to thank you for getting me this far' Viggo said before he punched Hiccup in the gut and pulled out a dagger to his throat. You raised your sword but he had already backed away into the safety of the dragon hunters that were not aware of your presence. You looked up and saw Krogan and Johann in front of you, a smug smile plastered on their faces.
'Grimborn, I thought you were dead' krogan said in disbelief.
'I must apologize for what happened in those caves, some of my flyers became overzealous' Johann gave a shitty excuse for why he tried to kill the guy. Viggo just chuckled and roughly pushed Hiccup towards them.
'Ahh Kiara, what a pleasure seeing you again' Johann said as he stepped forward a little.
'Wish I could say the same Johann' you said as you felt anger boil inside you, this was the man that threatened your home, the man that betrayed your father and tried to kill your brother.

While he spoke you noticed a couple hunters step forward to the side of you, trying to cornered you but your attention was changed when Krogan came running at you with his ax in hand. You warned them this would happen. You quickly placed your sword up to block the ax head that was now 3 inches away from your neck.
'I've been waiting for this for months Kiara,' he said smugly before he headbutted you causing you to stumble backwards. He kicked you against the wall before placing his ax against your throat.

'Stop, we may still need her alive' Johann said but Krogan didn't back down, he placed the ax against your neck harder surly cutting you a little. He backed away after a couple seconds, he turned his ax around to the blunt side and hit you with it knocking you out. The last thing you saw before you conformed to darkness was Viggo, how worried he looked but he couldn't help you. This was all part of the plan.

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