The king of dragons -31

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Weeks had passed since your run-in with Johann and Hiccup had made great progress with Krogan and Johann. He had even figured out what Johann wanted. The king of dragons, the legend. It couldn't have been real, it used mind control to control the dragons around it and apparently it was bigger than the red death.

'That's impossible that this thing exists, someone, anyone would know where it was' you said as you stood in front of the dragon eye as Hiccup lined up the lenses.
'But what if it is real Kiara, what if' Hiccup said excitedly.
'Yeah what if Hiccup' you responded as you looked at the displays on the wall. You must admit it was intriguing, what if it did exist this would be an amazing discovery, but on the other hand Johann had supposedly been searching for this king of dragons for years and he hadn't found it. Hiccup had to admit there is a high chance that  it doesn't exist if it ever had.

Viggo came up next to you and studied the inscriptions on the wall. He recognised some of these tribal crests and languages but there was a high percentage of things he didn't recognise which spiked his interests as well. In these past weeks you have realized just how familiar Viggo and Hiccup truly are.

'Ha ha the king of dragons is a Berserker, who would have thought' Hiccup read the terror mail he had received back from Dagur as he informed him that he thinks that the king of dragons might be under their island.
'That could explain why dragons can't land there, could be his command' Astrid said.
'Yea but if we know that Johann must know that, we have to go' you said as everyone split up and ran to their dragons. You put a hand out and helped Viggo mount Luna behind you.

The closer you flew towards Berserker island the more an intense feeling swept over the group, you could feel it too.
'We have to get there before Johann and Krogan does' Hiccup said before he flew Hiccup faster, basically racing against time. When you got within Berserkian waters you all noticed ash in the air, Astrid flew Stormfly forward as she was worried about heather.
'Oh no'
'We're too late' you said as you saw ships and dragon flyers invading Berserker island but you knew Berserkers are people that you should mess with, especially when trying to invade their home. They remind you of home sometimes, Berk would fight to the death for their home and that is a force to be reckoned with.

'We need a plan, Hiccup they need our help' Astrid said panicked and Hiccup came up with a plan.

You all had landed your dragons near the stables on Bsersker island up out of the range of the king of dragons. Dagur and Heather met you there looking worried for their people and their home.
'What are we going to do?' Fishlegs asked as he comforted Heather as everyone watched the Singetails attack Berserker island from above.

'Kiara, can you distract the Singetails so we can evacuate the people?' Hiccup asked, you obviously would do whatever you could to help. You mounted Luna but before you could take off someone grabbed your arm, Viggo looked up at you with worry in his eyes.
'Please be careful my dear' he said but he had faith that you'd come back to him.
'Ofcourse I will, when am I ever not careful' you said mischievously which made him chuckle, you leaned down to give him a passionate kiss and everyone around smiled in awe.
'awwwww ' Fishlegs giggled as he clapped his hands together. You pulled away and flew Luna up into the clouds and you were instantly met with fire from the Singetails but you did manage to fly them away from the village and Hiccup was able to evacuate the people to a safe place.

A loud roar could be heard coming from underneath Berserker island.
'That must be the king of dragons' Astrid said as she turned towards the sound. Everyone looked towards the sea and you saw flocks of dragons flying towards the island, they were attacking the ships and the flyers, it must have been a distress signal. Looking towards the island you saw dragons landing near the village, the defense mechanism must have lifted. You island flew back down to the island to look for Hiccup, you knew he's go towards the sound but you also knew Krogan and Johann would do the same.

'Hiccup, Hiccup!' you yelled for Hiccup as you walked towards an ice cave that led deep underneath the island.
'He went in there didn't he?' you asked Luna before making your way inside.
'Kiara?' you turned to see Hiccup at the edge of a tunnel, oh thank the gods he was alive.
'What do you think you're doing running off like that?' you said angrily but you were happy he and Toothless were safe.

'Look at this?' he turned towards the end of the tunnel, something was blocking it. Something big.
'What is that?' you questioned before you put your hand against it, it felt like scales, dragon scales.
'Down this way!' hunters could be heard at the start of the tunnel, you pulled out your sword and turned towards it.
'Go Luna find a way around, we'll be fine' the tunnel's roof collapsed sererating you and Hiccup from your dragons.
'Oh great' you sighed to yourself but you knew you had to keep going, you had to find the king of dragons and make sure he was safe. You walked deep into the safe until you walked into an opening, the wala and floor were all covered in ice. There was a little nest? Of ice at the end of it. Hiccup walked towards it and gasped, it was an egg. The king of dragons has laid an egg but wouldn't that make it a girl?, that didn't matter you knew you had to get this egg out of here and away from Krogan and Johann.

'Looks like there's eggs on the menu' Johanns voice filled the room, you turned to see him and Krogan standing at the end of the cave. Krogan held his sword tightly in his hand and Johann had a spear.
'You're not getting this egg' you said.
'Says who?' Krogan took another step closer.
'Hiccup get the egg out of here' you ordered but he didn't want to leave you.
'Just go, now' you said but before he could go a plasma blast shocked the cave.
'thank thor you're alright bud' Hiccup hugging Toothless tightly, well where was Luna. she had to be okay.

Krogan charged at you swinging his sword while Johann charged from the other side of you. You dodged Johann and struck Krogan in the leg you spun and sliced Johann in the arm. Both stumbled back, you stood up and smiled. They charged at you again, this time Krogan sliced your waist and Johann kneed you in the mouth causing you to stumble back. You tasted your blood on your teeth, you couldn't die now. After all these years you finally had something to live for, someone to go back to. You weren't going to let them take that away from you.

You had won, Krogan was down and Johann was barely standing. You mistakenly turned your back on Krogan to face Johann. You felt a sharp pain in your side and looked down. Krogan was standing right behind you, he pushed the knife deeper into your side. You went to attack him but when you turned around he was gone.
'Kiara!' Hiccup yelled out as he saw you drop to the floor. Your hand went to the big hole in your side.
'Well I guess this is the end Kiara, farewell to you' Johann held the spear above his head ready to end your life. You closed your eyes as you embraced yourself for impact, but a cold gush of power came from the tavern below you, you opened your eyes to see Johann frozen in place.

"Kiara keep your eyes open, stay with me' Hiccup said as he brought his hand to your side trying to stop the bleeding. The last thing you heard was Hiccup's voice yelling for you to wake.
'Please stay with me' after that everything faded to black and the pain ceased.

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