Relatable differences -7-

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Ryker took Ruff out of the tent but Viggo grabbed your arm.
'She can stay' Ryker pushed Ruff out of the tent leaving you and Viggo alone.
'I think I finally understand you Kiara' he said which made you turn to him completely. He said as she two of you sat back down.
'Oh yeah?' you questioned him.
'Yes as a matter of fact I do. You're they're protector, you care and guide them and you probably have for years. That is why you're here, you're protecting them' he said and he was right. You both knew he was right, but why's that a bad thing. Yes you would protect them against anything, and you have. You just stayed silent as you didn't know how to respond to that.

'I take it you're not much of a talker my dear?' he asked.
'No I just don't talk to people like you' you said and his smile grew ever slightly. He wanted a reaction, and you gave it to him.
'People like me?, please elaborate' he said calmly.
'Why would I even want to talk to someone like you, you are trying to wipe out my brother and the people I care about, or did you forget that you're the enemy' you said as you straightened your posture on the chair. He hummed in response as nodded.
'Why are you trying to small talk me, if you're going to kill me atleast dont draw it out' you crossed your arms and you felt your heart racing. He let out a laugh which caught you off guard.

'Kiara, I may be your enemy but I am not a monster. I don't hurt women or children' he said, which made you relax a little. He didn't seem like the type that would just slaughter you without warning or reason.
'Why would you think that?' he asked genuinely curious.
You honestly didn't know, you just assumed. Every other enemy you had faced tried to wipe you out first because they thought you were a threat, you just assumed he would do that same.
'Everyone else had, every other enemy me and my brother have ever faced has tried to go through to me to him because they know i'm the bigger threat' you responded which made Viggo think. Probably debating whether you're a threat to him or not.

He was about to respond but a loud bang and sounds of explosions interrupted. You used this distraction to stand up and bolt for the tent entrance but he grabbed your arm before you escaped.
'Get you slimy hands off of me' you struggled against his grip but no matter how hard you tried you could never out muscle a man. You started to panic as he grabbed some rope off his deck to tie you up with. He grabbed your hands which just made you tug more.
'Let go' you said but this time your words were not said in anger, they were said in fear. He stopped and looked at you. He let go of your hands which confused you, you looked at the entrance of the tent but you didn't run straight away.
'I meant what I said, I don't hurt women, I assume your brother is here' When he turned around you quickly grabbed your sword which was leaning against the table, turned and ran out of the tent. You had to find your dragon, you knew she was on the island somewhere. You just hoped she was alright.

You brought your hand out your mouth and whistled out for her while you ran towards the commotion. You heard a familiar roar come from a little ways in front of you. Luna was surrounded by hunters that aimed their crossbows at her. You sped up and used your speed as an advantage as you punched one of them in the face. He fell onto his knees and the others turned their crossbows to you. Luna used her tail to knock them away from you. She hit them again to make sure they were unconscious before she came to you.
'Hey girl, I've missed you, I was so worried' you kissed her on her snout and she gave you a lick on the cheek. You suddenly felt as if you were being watched. You scanned the treeline but you didn't see anyone. You decided to ignore it and turned back to Luna. She continued to lick you and you swatted her away.
'Yuck, eww stop' you laughed and took a step back. The feeling of you being watched was more intense now. That was when you heard a snap of a twig in the treeline which confirmed when an arrow can flying at you. You used your sword to hit it before it hit you.
'Let's get out of here girl' you mounted her and flew off in search your brother.
You found them but they were trapped under a dragon proof net while water was flooding them. You saw Viggo and Ryker watching them with amused looks on their faces but you knew you couldn't focus on them right now. You needed to get them out of there and away from here. You told Luna to focus all of her fire power on the center link of the chain.

'Kiara are you sure this will work, we never completed our tests' you heard Fishlegs asked.
'It has to work' you said as you covered your eyes from the bright light Lunas fire created. It looked as if it was about to break but Luna's fire stopped.
'She's out' you heard Hiccup panic. All the other dragons were out also.
'Need some help' you heard the twins say from above you. Ruff gassed the link while Tuff sparked it. The explosion caused it to break and everyone made their ways up towards the clouds and out of the range of the arrows.
'Let's get out of here' you said and everyone started to fly home. You leaned forwards and rested against Luna's head.
'I'm glad your safe girl, I wouldn't know what I'd do without you' . You knew she probably couldn't understand you but it needed to be said. You felt her purr in response and you smiled.

Viggo and his brother watched as you all flew away, Viggo watched as Luna did a flip in the air. He felt a small smile creep onto his face but he forced it away. He didn't know why but you intrigued him, more than anyone else he had ever met.
Viggo was right about one thing, you will protect the riders against anything. You would do anything in your power to keep them safe, the two of you will be seeing eachother soon, very soon.

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