Peace at last - 32

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Waking up you looked around, you were home?. What happened?. You tried to sit up but the sharp pain in your side stopped you, you felt something press down on your legs. It was Luna, she was safe after all, she looked up at you and instantly jumped up from her position on the floor and basically jumped on top of you.
'Ow watch it, it's good to see you too' . You hugged her head and tried to dodge her by licking your face but you failed.

'What happened?' you asked mostly to yourself. Where was everyone?. Luna then flew out of the window, a couple moments later the door to your hut slammed open and someone, or a couple of someones ran up the stairs to your room. The door swung open and Viggo stood there with Hiccup and Stoick behind him. Viggo rushed to the bed and hugged you, he wrapped his arms around you to tight you though he would crush you. But you enjoyed it and hugged him back.
'Don't ever scare me like that again' he said almost like a whisper. A feeling of sadness washed over you, perhaps guilt. He was worried about you and you got hurt, after you told him you'd be fine.
'I'm sorry' you whispered back, he let go and pulled away allowing Hiccup and Stoick to welcome you back to the land of the living.

After they left he took a seat next to the bed, he had a look on his face like he wanted to say something. You had a feeling what it was going to be.
'What is it?' you asked.
'I thought I lost you' he said sorrowfully.
'I'm sorry, I guess I've never had to be careful before' you didn't mean to worry him. You just weren' t used to someone caring this much. He smiled and took your hand in his.
'I'll always worry about you my dear, i'm just glad you're awake'

After a couple days in bed you decided it was enough, with Viggos help you walked out of your hut and towards the great hall. Well more like hobbled, Viggo basically held you up most of the way but he didn't mind he was just happy you were getting better and we're on your feet again.
'Kiara it's good to see you up on your feet'
'Welcome back Kiara' people greeted you as you walked past them into the great hall. You walked up to Hiccup and he wrapped his hand around you hugging you tight.
'Thank you Kiara'
'For what?' you questioned.
'For everything, I couldn't have done any of this without you' he said which made you tear up a little, you had basically spent your life looking after him, then the riders. You hugged him back and smiled.
'You're welcome' you'll always be there for them, and they'll always be there for you.

After a night of eating and celebrating your victory you decided it was time to call it a night, with Viggo's assistance you made your way back to your hut. You groaned as you entered the doorway to your room and clutched your side.
'Just breath my dear, take it slow' Viggo crouched down to your level and looked into your eyes. Every since you've been on your feet random rushes of pain will come and go, they were really annoying. After a couple minutes and the pain still hasn't gone away he got slightly concerned, perhaps walking to and from the great hall was to much.

He wrapped his arms around your and lifted you into his arms, he lifted you like you weight nothing and walked towards the bed and gently putting you down. The pain in your abdomen had started to fade, as Viggo took your shoes and jacket off before getting himself ready for bed and climbing in next to you. You yawned as you positioned yourself to be laying against his chest.

'You know I love you, right?' He said out of the blue.
'Yeah, at least I'd hope so' you giggled which made him smile.
'Do you know I love you' you said as you looked up at him.
' I don't know do I?' He flirted, you hadn't gotten used to his flirting yet and perhaps you never will but you still like it. Viggo leaned in and passionately kissed you, Instantly you wrapped your hand around his next and brought him slower as you returned the kiss.
After breaking the kiss when the need for air became to much you tucked yourself into the covers and snuggled against Viggo's chest again. The pain you feel will pass and you'll eventually forget what it even felt like, but this. This is real, and you hope you'll never have to forget this feeling.

Hiccup was right, peace will always triumph over hatred. This is now for future, you are all stronger both individually and together. You've created more allies and friends along the way, some even more than friends and honestly you couldn't picture it any other way at least not anymore. The war is over, your friends and family is safe so now you have time to rest, to heal. But you know the world, you know how cruel it is. Another threat will come, one more demanding than the others but you'll be ready, you all will because you have each other and you have faith in yourself.

Thank you all so much for ready, I might do a part 2 or a sequel tapping into HTTYD 2 but idk yet. I hope you all enjoyed I do apologise for the long gabs in between chapters but we got here eventually so 👍.

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