Love it and hate it at the same time -11-

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'Kiara you can't kill Ryker, it wouldn't be right' Hiccup looked at you. No matter what Ryker did to us Hiccup would still spare his life. You sighed knowing he was probably right, he usually was anyway.
'Then what are we going to do with him, we can't just let him go. He will only come back at us harder, and Thor forbid if we bring him anywhere near Berk, Stoick will kill him so what are we going to do with him, Mr moral superiority' You will follow your brother but there are some things you just won't do. Someone who has threatened your people and your friends isn't just going to get away.

Viggo kept looking over in your direction while still listening to Hiccups out loud planning. You noticed this but you didn't verbally acknowledge it.
'Kiara, Kiara are you evening listening' Astrid's voice pulled you out of your haze and you looked from Viggo to her.
'Did you even hear a word we just said?' she asked.
'Not a single one no' you answered truthfully. She just rolled her eyes and explained again . You saw a slight smile appear on Viggos face when you spoke, no one else seemed to notice but you did.
'Hiccup ,Ruff and Tuff are going to attack from the front while drawings the shellfires fire. Snotlout, Fishlegs and I are going to cover you while you get to Ryker and bring him back to the edge, alive' she said, emphasizing the word alive. You agreed and everyone split up to get ready. You walked into the stables to get Luna ready, you then felt someone walk into the stables and up to you.

You turned around to see Viggo standing behind you by the stable doors.
'What do you want?' you asked, it came out a little harsh that you intended but you didn't apologize.
'I want to see if you are alright' he said which surprised you.
'What do you mean?' you asked as you turned around to face him while still keeping a hand on Luna's hand.
'My dear I noticed that you seem' he said. You just smiled and shrugged it off.
'I have no idea what youre talking about Viggo' you turned your head back towards Luna just so you didn't have to look him in the eyes. You heard a light chuckle come from him, you turned your head back towards him and raised an eyebrow. You didn't know why he cared, no one has ever cared this much about you or your feelings before.
'Oh I think you do, my dear, all the pressure of ending this war with my brother has been put on your shoulders' he said with a smug smile on his face as he already knew he was right. You sighed and your smile fell.
'Its nothing, all I have to do is finish this one thing and I'll get a break, I just-I just have to do this one last thing' your tough facade melted away leaving a sad look on your face. Viggos smile faded as he saw your smile drop and the tired look in your eyes appear. You weren't going to kill Ryker just for the fun of it, you were just tired. Tired enough to do something that you know will haunt you for the rest of your life.

Viggo was seeing a new side to you, a side he was sure barely anyone if anyone ever saw. You didn't like being the villain but you needed to, to make sure that those kids make it home to their families.
'May I ask why my dear?' he asked.
'Because, there are lines that my brother will not cross, he will not do the necessary things needed to keep us safe, to keep Berk safe so I will. Even if that means getting my hands a little dirty, even if that means if I become the villain of everyone else's story' you didn't know why you were talking so much, you only wanted to say a little but the words came spewing out. It was like for all these years of being surrounded by the riders you haven't actually had anyone to seriously talk to.Yet there Viggo stood, listening to every word you said. He didn't seem annoyed, or bored. He genuinely cared about what you had to say but when you looked up at him he didn't look at you like you were crazy or like you were a piece of glass ready to break.

Someone cleared their throat and the two of you looked to see Hiccup and Astrid standing outside the stable. Astrid looked between you with a raised eyebrow.
'Kiara, are you ready?' Hiccup asked carefully as he looked from Viggo to you.
'Yeah of course' you pushed past Viggo slightly with Luna following behind you.
You three walked out of the stables and got ready to leave. You wanted to catch Ryker before he got too close to the edge so the hunters couldn't invade it, again. You mounted Luna and followed Astrid and Hiccup towards the shellfire.
'Umm what was that?' Astrid asked.
'What was Astrid?' you knew she was gonna ask first.
'You and Viggo, what on Thor's green earth was that back there?' she asked as she flew Stormfly closer to you. Hiccup has already flown ahead so it was just the two of you.

'I don't know he just came into the stable to talk' you gave the plainest answer you could.
'To talk, about what?' she asked as she smiled at you.
'He just asked if I was alright with the whole thing, he knows that killing people isn't as easy as the rest of you think it is. That shit haunts you for the rest of your life' you answered and Astrid understood.
'You like him' she said plainly.
'What, no, you know that isn't my thing' you said and refused to look at her but you could see in the corner of your eyes that she was staring at you. You sighed and turned to her.
'Yep, you do. And frankly I think he likes you to' she smiled smugly.
'Why on earth would you think that, I was debating killing him a month ago. Why would he like me after all that?' you were actually curious as to why Astrid would think that.

'You may not notice, but he looks at you when you aren't looking or paying attention. Like at the meeting today all he did was look at you' she said which made you blush a little. You weren't used to this type of attention.
'Doesn't mean he likes me Astrid, so he stares alot of men stare at me'
'Yeah but not the way he does, he looks at you like you are the most beautiful thing he has ever seen, and I can tell you like him too. He pays attention to you unlike anyone else ever has. When you talk he listens and when you are upset he is the first to notice and you two have only actually spent a couple days together' she said which made you think, maybe he did like you, that made the decision of killing his brother all the more harder. How could you possibly do it now, if you did he may never look at you the same again.

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