Gem hunting - 18

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You woke up the next day utterly exhausted, your legs hurt and you had a raging headache but you still pushed yourself out of bed, took a shower and got ready for the day. Walking into the clubhouse you were greeted by a very excited looking Johann.
'Good morning Kiara, sleep well?' he asked.
'Sure, what are you doing here' you asked, you never truly trusted or liked Johann. There was just something about him you didn't like. The whole weak, scared act never really fouled you, you knew he wasn't really like that, no one these days is you can't be if you want to survive.
Hiccup was talking about how he needs some specific gems to filter light through the dragon eye to make it work, but he didn't have any.

'I could get the gems you require, I will hand deliver them to your door in 3-4 moons' he said which Hiccup didn't like.
'No we can't wait that long Johann' he said, more like HE couldn't wait that long.
'We could always require them in the Northern Markets but we all know the horrors that place possesses' Johann said.
'We'll just have to risk it' Hiccup said which made you turn your head his way confused, he was sooo pissed when Ruff and Tuff went there, and it is more dangerous now and he is just like "we'll just have to risk it" what's up with that but you just ignored it.

'Remember last time one of us went to the markets' you said referencing Heather, you were all lucky to have made it out alive with the cost of her lens, but who would trade this for that.  Hiccup than groaned in annoyance and looked up at you.
'Kiara, if we find the gems we could get one step ahead of the flyers, they have been one step ahead of us for too long, we need those gems' he said before turning to Johann.
'Me and Toothless can protect you Johann'
'How wonderful I'll have master Hiccup and the mighty Toothless to ensure my safe return, say do you know the exact size of gems you require?' Johan asked.
'no , but I can bring the dragon eye to measure,' Hiccup said, smiling.

'Bring the lenses too, so we can test the quality of each stone' he said with a smile on his face, but something seemed off. Since when is Johann this excited to go right into dangerous territory, something wasn't right.
'I'm coming to' you said and the smile on Johann's face fell a little.
'Same, we'll come' the twins perked up behind you.
'Perhaps a smaller party is a smarter party' ughhh, no when has that ever worked, never.
'Do you even know where to look?' you asked Johann as you all walked from stall to stall. You had your hood up to try and hide your face, who knows who is lurking around the corner here.
'Yes Kiara I do' he said as he walked up to a stall. You were officially bored, maybe your gut was wrong, no one is in danger. Everything was fine, what a way to waste your day. The twins were ranting about how one of them was a traitor to the group, you had a little run in with some hunters but it wasn't a big deal they were pretty stupid for trying you. Johann thankfully sent the twins away to some stalls with things they'll hopefully like and it was quiet again.
You followed Johann and Hiccup to a couple more stores before all he had left was an amethyst and a sapphire. Then Hiccup had this great idea to look for them underground, in the Sandbusters lair.
'No we barely made it out last time' you disagreed with the idea but Hiccup was clearly letting his obsession cloud his judgment right now, he would never do this.
'Kiara please' he begged, you stepped back and took a deep breath. Curse you and your fucking......
'Fine, but as soon as we see it, we are leaving, do you understand?'
'Crystal' he smiled. He had a grip on you more than he will ever know.

You made your way into the Sandbuster lair by a trap door back exit that Johann somehow knew about. It was pretty useful actually, good for him actually helping you out for once.
'I found the emerald' you called out to the others.
'And the sapphire, right behind you' Johann called out, Hiccup turned to see a sapphire stone conveniently sat on a chest. That's weird it was right there, but you didn't question it. You and Hiccup together met in the middle of the lair as you waited for Johan to come back, where the hell was he.

'I'll take that bag of lenses boy' Johann ordered as he appeared behind you, but this time his voice wasn't as cheerful as it usually was, it was low and sounded sinister.
'Johann, look whatever Krogan and Viggo are paying you' Hiccup and you backed away creating some distance.
'Paying me those two? I pay them to serve at my feet' he said with a laugh.
'Ever since breakneck bog i've been doing everything humanly possible to rid the Archipelago of you and your dragon riders, but you all have a nasty habit of not dying when you're supposed to, it doesn't help with you have someone carrying all of you on her back must be exhaustion having those kids leech off of you everyday' the words felt as if they were laced with poison as he spoke. How could he do this after everything Berk and your father had done for him.

He threw a dagger at Hiccup but you stepped in front of it and hit it away with your sword. Hiccup grabbed your hand and ran to hide behind some crates.
'What are you doing?' you whisper yelled.
'Just trust me' he said, a couple moments later a roar from Toothless was heard and Johann was backed in a corner. You and Hiccup reemerged and stood behind Toothless.
'The twins and their rants, I ignore most of them but this spy thing got me thinking, maybe it was a coincidence that the dragon hunters ambushed us, but how did they know to ask for the dragon eye lenses, the lenses I only brought because you asked me to, then everything began to add up' Hiccup said as he had finally put the picture together.

'How could you, after everything my people have done for you what my father has done for you and you've been betraying us the whole time' you said while Johann smiled.
'And yet I never truly fooled you, did I? You never truly trust me, I must say I'm impressed' he said before he threw something on the floor causing a fog or smoke to fill the room, once the smoke cleared he was gone.

'It's alright Kiara, I think we are going to have another shot at him soon' he said as you mounted Toothless behind him and he flew you out of the lair. Luna was still on the surface keeping watch, she ran up to you once you were above ground again.
'Come on, we need to go' you said as you flew back to the edge, you made sure the twins were safe first they had even actually gone shopping and picked out a necklace for the chicken's birthday.
'Look at this beauty I pecked out' Tuff revealed a golden necklace with a tooth of some kind in the middle, it wasn't half as bad as what you imagined he got.

The fly back was quiet and awkward, but you and Hiccup where thinking the same thing, how on Esther are you going to tell your father he has been made a foul of for years. You just imagined how fun that was going to be.

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