Betrayal -13

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You flew over the volcano to check on Fishlegs and to see if the volcano was still unstable.
'Everything is ok, the volcano is finally stabilized' you sighed with relief, it looked like this nightmare was finally going to be over.
'Go for a last flight around the island to make sure it's really out of danger' you ordered and Fishlegs left.
'Looks like this nightmare is finally over' Hiccup said as he looked quite pleased with himself.

'Are you sure about that?' You heard Viggos' voice but when you turned around you saw him sitting on the back of Stormfly with an ax at Astrid's throat. It felt as if someone slapped you across the face when you saw it, even after all his flowery talk he is still the same old hunter deep down.
'Viggo' Hiccup said angrily. Perhaps he was the villain all along, maybe Astrid was right not to trust him.
'Viggo you let her go' you said.
'Let me guess you want the dragon eye in exchange for Astrid,' Hiccup said as he pulled the dragon eye out of his saddle bag.
'It sounds so much colder when you say it like that, but yes' he smirked as he knew Hiccup was going to comply. I mean it was Astrid, she meant everything to him.
'Come now, are you really going to sacrifice all the wonderful years you have ahead of you for that?' Vigg tried to persuade him.
'When you put it that way Viggo, no i'm not' Hiccup yelled as he threw the dragon eye over Viggos head and into the Volcano. Viggo jumped off of Stormfly and tried to catch it but it fell into the volcano, he turned and made eye contact with you but before he could take a step the ground beneath him crumbled and he fell into the volcano.

'Hiccup!' Viggo yelled as he fell into the hot lava below. Hiccup slowly approached the edge and looked down only to be met with the bright glow of the lava.
'Viggo it didn't have to end this way' he said empathetically. You were in shock, how could that have happened so fast. In a second he was just gone, you guessed his karma finally caught up to him but you couldn't help the heavy feeling in your chest that appeared in that moment.
'Kiara, i'm sorry' Astrid came up behind you and placed a hand on your shoulder but you shrugged it off.
'About what, he did that to himself' you turned and made your way back to your dragon. You mounted her but before you flew off the other riders appeared looking a bit worried.
'Where have you guys been?' Fishlegs asked but was silenced by the image of Hiccup and Astrid kissing each other. The other riders stared in shock as none of them expected that. You looked back at the scene in front of you and smiled but that heavy feeling in your chest only grew bigger as you watched the smiles on everyone's faces as they celebrated the new couple.

You flew back to the edge and locked yourself in your hut, that wasn't unusual as you usually took a break after a battle to relax but it felt different this time. That heavy feeling never went away, it only grew stronger and heavier the more you thought about it. A knock on the door startled you out of your thoughts, you were contemplating not answering the door until you heard Astrid's voice.
'Kiara, are you alright in there? I brought you some dinner' . You didn't even realize how late it was until you looked out the window and saw that it was dark outside.
You opened the door and was faced with a concerned looking Astrid.
'Are you alright? You never miss dinner,' she asked. You didn't know, you've ever felt this way before you couldn't even explain it to yourself how could you explain it to her.

'Yea i'm all good, I'm just tired' you lied, lying felt easier than trying to explain the truth but she didn't believe you.
'Kiara you can talk to me' she said but she didn't understand.
'Yeah of course, you are my favorite dragon rider' you smiled. She passed you the plate and bed you goodnight before your hut was silent again. Apart from the crickets outside or the terrible terrors that live behind your hut. You let Luna eat the food Astrid gave you, you weren't really hungry right now. You tucked yourself into bed and prayed to the gods that you were just tired, and you'd feel better in the morning.

This part is a little shorter, kinda didn't know how to make it longer lol.
But to make up for it look at this cute Ryker and Viggo thing I found. (Not king found to tumble)

 (Not king found to tumble)

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