Why is it always me -6-

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You managed to get into the ship before it pulled out of the dock, you looked back at the shore to see Luna standing there. You signaled for her to follow but stay out of sight. You had to find those twins before they got themselves killed.
'Tuff look the boat, it's moving' you heard Ruff's voice and you grabbed them by the shirts and pulled them into a spare room.
'What the fuck to you two think you're doing, I said to stay by my side and you two run off' you took a deep breath, you found them now all you needed to do was get out of here.

'We are leaving now' you said but Tuff refused.
'Tuff do you know where we are going, the two of us do not have enough dragon power to take down Viggos whole army, we need to go now'
'No i'm to close, I won't give up on her, I won't leave her behind'
You looked over at Ruff who just shrugged her shoulders, you hated yourself for what you were about to do.
'Ughhhh fine, but you two need to understand this isn't like training, these guys are trying to kill you and they will if you give them a chance, do not give it to them, ok' you said and they nodded.
'Oh Thor help me' you mumbled as you locked the door from the inside and began to wait.
You got off the ship without anyone noticing and you snuck onto Viggos island. It was crawling with dragon hunters, you didn't know he had this many hunters on his side.
You walked into what seemed to be the center of the island, all of the hunters where gathered around as Viggo spoke
'My fellow hunters in the near future the dragon riders will be nothing but a distant memory, but time is unfortunately not on our side. Which is why we must complete the shellfire in a timely manner. We will use to reclaim the seas and shores tha rightfully belong to us' he raised his arms and the dragon hunters cheered and clapped in anticipation. You stared in fear as you finally realized, he wasn't focused on hunting dragons anymore. He was hyper fixated on eliminating your brother and all of your friends.

The hunters started to disband to their assigned jobs and Viggo disappeared back into his tent. You knew you had to figure out what this project shellfire was. You turned around to see that the twins weren't there anymore.
'Oh Thor why' you new you should have never listened to the, you ran in the direction you thought that they would have gone. You found the hunter that took macey standing in a line waiting for food. He set macey down and you saw Tuff sneak up behind the crates that were right next to him. You pulled out your sword as you saw Viggo walking up to the hunter. Viggo looked at him suspiciously as he picked up the mace. He immediately recognised it.
'Ahh shit' you put your sword away and backed up behind the crates you were hiding in between.
'Project shellfire has been infiltrated, keep an eye out' you heard Viggo and Ryker walk by you, he knew you were there, you had to ring those...twins... now before something bad really happens.
You found Ruff first, she was trying to fit in and stay inconspicuous while Ryker walked down the steps behind you. You watched as she started to move behind him but he stopped.
No stop, too soon you thought right as she bumped into him.
You watched as he eyes her suspiciously before grabbing her and pulling the helmet off her, exposing her.
'Viggos been looking for you' Ryker proceeded to drag her away towards Viggos tent. You felt something take over you before you charged at him.
'Let her go' you kicked one hunter over and punched another. You sliced Rykers hand causing him to drop Ruff. You grabbed her by the arm and tugged her next to you.
'Quickly, run' you yelled but she stumbled as Ryker grabbed her again. You went to attack him again but he placed a sword to her neck.
'Drop it, or you're not going to like the consequences' he threatened. You dropped your sword and allowed the surrounding hunters to tie your hands up.

Ryker laughed and got close to you.
'Not so tough now are you, look how weak you are' he laughed. You felt your anger boil over and you headbudded him square in the nose. You stumbled back and you felt the blood start to run down your cheek from your forehead. You looked back up and noticed his nose was clearly broken. You giggled and stood up straight.
'Don't ever call me weak again' your smile fell and you showed the same expressionless face. He whipped the blood from his nose and tugged Ruff towards Viggos tent with you following behind. This was just great.

He sat you down at a table in front of Viggo who had a jug of water at his side with three cups.
'I assume congratulations are in order, Hiccup must be proud' Viggo started to pour you and Ruff glasses of water. Viggo looked between you and Ryker as he assessed the damage that is very visible on both your faces.
'I take it my you didn't go quietly my dear?' Viggo asked you. You just stared at him with an amused look on your face. He asked Ruff questions about Hiccup's plan but she didn't answer, you could tell that it was annoying Viggo and you decided to play along.
'No you've got it all wrong, it's next week' you turned and smiled at her.
'Don't toy with us!' Ryker knocked the cups of water off the table and looked at Ruff.
'Or what' you got in between them. Your eyes flickered to Viggo who was beginning to understand your role in the dragon riders.
'Do your worst' you matched his energy.
'Oh no, I have a better use for you, both of you' Viggo said as he pointed his sword to your throat.

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