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Would've, Could've, Should've.

"You're so beautiful, you know that?" His cold fingers caressed her bare back as she snuggled into his chest, letting out a giggle as she placed her soft lips on his chest before tilting her head to look him in the eyes.

"You make me feel beautiful. And important." Her lips pressed in a thin line before she smiled at him as he took a strand of her hair and pushed it behind her ear. She could feel it, the love in his eyes, in his words, in his action, she could feel it all.

"Oh baby, you are important. You matter the most." Leaning down, he placed a soft kiss on her lips before capturing her lips in a passionate kiss as she moaned in between the kiss, making him smirk as he pulled her closer to him by her waist.

"Your eyes are really pretty." She said as she broke the kiss and he raised an eyebrow at her. "Enchanting would be a better word, I guess. Anyone can melt by the way you look at them with those eyes." She bit her lips and looked down, blushing at her confession while Abhimanyu let out a chuckle.

"But these are reserved only for you." He cupped her face with his hands and kissed her again as both their hearts fluttered with their bodies pressed against each other.

"I know it's been a few weeks only, but... I can already see a forever with you." Akshara smiled wholeheartedly and saw Abhimanyu's face fell. With her hand, she gently caressed his cheek, making him look at her. "What happened?" She asked as she saw fear evident in his eyes.

"Abhi!" Her eyes opened instantly as she woke up with a jolt. Sweat dripping from her forehead while she started breathing heavily. She pressed her hand towards her mouth in order to suppress her cries, resulting in a muffling sound while clenching the comforter tightly with her other hand.

She hated this. She hated her fate. But not him. She just couldn't hate him. The man she had been fighting in her sleeps for two years. The man who still made her feel things. She still doesn't know how to let this go, how to let him go. Her open wounds never let her forget him, keeping her waiting for that one sign while she regrets him, them.

She wished she would've looked away from those eyes, those oh so beautiful and enchanting eyes, that made her forget the world around her, that made her feel that she's the only one that matters, that made her go weak in her knees, those eyes that delivered feelings so much better than any words, also the eyes which broke her into million pieces.

Oh, how she wished that he should've left her wondering instead of making her fall for him, instead of entertaining her, instead of caring for her, instead of loving her. Her cries were now suppressed as she took a sip of water before again slipping into the comforter as she wiped the tears from her puffy, swollen eyes.

¤ ¤ ¤

"You look like you haven't slept the whole night." A very concerned Naira asked as she was busy making breakfast while talking to her daughter via face time.

"It's a new place, mumma. It'll take some time for me to adjust." Akshara rubbed the remainders of sleep from her eyes as she took a sip of coffee, knowing well her mother can easily guess whenever she's lying.

"Akshu, your papa wasn't in favour of letting you go to Udaipur again after all these years, and after all that has happened...." Naira stopped in between as she saw her daughter's face go tense.

"I know you both are really very concerned for me, but I need to move on now. Plus, this job offer is really good. I got selected out of so many candidates. You guys should be proud of me." Akshara frowned at her mother, trying to lighten up the environment.

"We are really proud of you, beta. Just take care of yourself and don't miss your online therapy session, okay?" Naira reminded Akshara, and she nodded her head with a half smile.

"I won't mumma. I gotta go and unpack some stuff. Rajesh uncle told me there's a small hi tea sort of get-together today for all the employees of the hospital to kick off the new year." Akshara told her mother as she stood up from the couch.

Rajesh was Kartik's good friend, but they lost touch after the Goenka family moved out of Udaipur. He was the one who offered Akshara a job at his hospital after he saw Akshara singing at a charity event that he was also a part of during his visit to Mumbai.

Though, Akshara refused the offer initially since she didn't want to return to Udaipur, but after a thoughtful session with her therapist, she decided to give this thing a chance and before anyone could say anything, she was sitting in an apartment in Udaipur sipping her fav americano.

"Tell Papa, I said I love you. Love you, mumma bye." She sent multiple flying kisses towards her mother before ending the call as she sat back in her chair and let out a deep sigh.

¤ ¤ ¤

"Dr. Abhimanyu, I'd like you to be present for the evening. All the newcomers would be there, and I want you to guide them, making a small speech or something." Rajesh told Abhimanyu, who had just entered his cabin to discuss some patient's profile.

"Do I really need to do this? I'm just tired." Abhimanyu looked down as he played with the tip of pen while avoiding Rajesh's gaze.

"Abhimanyu, you're the best we have, and you know I don't show it, but you're my favourite around here, and I'm really proud of what you do in your professional life. But son, get a hang of your personal life too. I don't know if it's a girl problem or what, but you just can't keep doing this to yourself." Rajesh showed his concern.

A girl? She was so much more than just a girl - Abhimanyu silently chuckled at his fate as her angelic face yet again flashed in front of her eyes.

"Now go get freshen up. I want you to be looking the best at today's event." Rajesh ordered Abhimanyu, and he gave him a small smile before silently leaving the cabin.


Here's the first chapter!!

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