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Red lips and rosy cheeks.

Time seemed to slip away effortlessly, bringing a renewed sense of joy to both Abhimanyu and Akshara. Amidst their demanding schedules, they found delight in the rhythm of their daily lives. With increased hours at the hospital, the frequency of their encounters grew, allowing them more moments together. Despite the absence of any official commitment, they were in the process of navigating the intricacies of their evolving relationship. Gradually and deliberately, they were taking steps towards understanding each other better. Their clandestine meetings, tucked away in the pockets of time between their busy schedules, were becoming the highlights of their days, reminiscent of a time when romance was simple and sweet, much like their days of old-school love.

The hospital bustled with its usual activity, the constant ebb and flow of patients and attendants creating a familiar hum. Today, by some stroke of luck, Akshara found her schedule less crowded with appointments. On the contrary, Abhimanyu, with his sought-after expertise, found himself immersed in a series of consecutive surgeries. Anticipating the toll such a demanding day would take on him, Akshara, well-aware of his tendency to effortlessly conceal fatigue, decided to wait for him until he completed all his surgeries Seated in his cabin, the air felt charged with the residual energy of the day. Her eyelids grew heavy with the weight of impending sleep, but determined to offer support, she patiently lingered in the quietude of the room, eagerly awaiting his arrival once his surgical marathon concluded

A gentle caress of lips graced Akshara's forehead and then delicately brushed over her closed eyes, rousing her from a peaceful slumber. Gradually, her eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the soft illumination of the surrounding white lights. A small, contented smile played on her lips as she recognized the familiar touch.

"You were waiting for me?" Abhimanyu's eyes sparkled with a mixture of gratefulness and affection. His thumb tenderly traced the contours of her cheek, expressing the unspoken appreciation for her patient vigil during his absence.

“I’m sorry it took me so long. I had a patient come in emergency today so… Did you eat?” He was filling her with all the information about his day while she was calmly listening to him, admiring his concern for her before she sat up straight and pulled out the lunch box from her tote bag while he went towards the other side of the room to change into his regular clothes.

“How were your appointments? Did maa send lunch for you? I asked her to send lunch for you.” Akshara shook her head with a smile at his concern before getting engulfed in setting up the plates for them. Abhimanyu got freshened up and came back to where Akshara was sitting and immediately frown at the sight. “Akshara? You didn’t eat? God! Why are you like this?” He slumped down on the couch beside her and turned to look at her, who passed him a sheepish smile.

“I wanted to have lunch with you, but you were busy with your work and….” She looked down apologetically before she felt his hand on her cheek as he tilted his face upward.

“Next time, don’t stay empty, stomach, or I swear to god I won’t eat too.” She chuckled at his love sick behaviour before feeding him food with her hands. Smiles danced on both their faces as they fed each other. It felt good, safe, comfortable, and so domestic. Just like they always wanted. Nothing can ever go wrong from here.

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