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I'd marry you with paper rings.


As the first rays of sunlight peeked through the curtains, painting the room in a soft golden hue, Akshara stirred from her sleep. She felt the warmth of the morning sun gently kissing her cheeks, and as she slowly opened her eyes, she found herself wrapped in the comforting embrace of her boyfriend. His arms were securely around her, holding her close in a cocoon of warmth. The room was quiet except for the gentle rhythm of their breathing, synchronized in the peacefulness of the morning.

She shifted slightly, snuggling closer into Abhimanyu's chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart against her cheek. Abhimanyu, still lost in the realm of dreams, tightened his embrace instinctively, pulling Akshara even closer to him. His fingers traced soft patterns on her back as he nestled his face into her hair, breathing in her sweet scent.

With a contented sigh, Akshara nuzzled against him, relishing the feeling of security and love that enveloped her in his arms. She could feel his steady breath against her skin, a reassuring reminder of their shared moments of tranquillity. Slowly awakening from his slumber, Abhimanyu felt Akshara's delicate movements against him. Opening his eyes, he was greeted by the sight of her tousled hair and the gentle curve of her smile as she looked up at him.

"Good morning," Akshara whispered, her voice filled with warmth.

"Good morning, baby," Abhimanyu replied, his voice still husky with sleep. He pressed a tender kiss on her forehead, savouring the intimate moment they shared.

“Sorry. I dozed off last night. I didn’t mean to….” Her lashes lowered in embarrassment. They were supposed to have a study session last night, but things got quite heated up with their make-out session, which eventually resulted in them cuddling each other to sleep.

“Hey” He placed a finger under her chin and tilted her face to meet her gaze. “Don’t. This is one of the most peaceful mornings I’ve ever had.” His deep sleepy voice sent shivers down her spine as her heart fluttered at his confession.

“We still need to reschedule our study session.” She bit her lower lip in awkwardness. It had been two months since the duo was dating, but for some reason, she still got nervous and shy in front of him. All of this seemed too good to be true to her.

“Yup. I need more study sessions like these for sure.” He winked at her, earning a playful jab from her as she pushed him away and sat up while putting her hair in a messy bun.

Abhimanyu, too, sat up and wrapped his arms around her, placing his chin on her shoulder before pecking it. “Will you go to the prom with me as my date?” He asked casually. “Really straightforward. But that’s not how you ask. You gotta propose in a nice way, Mr. Birla.”

“Propose?” He raised an eyebrow, and she nodded in response. Abhimanyu processed for a few minutes before turning to his side table. He tore off the paper from his notebook and started cutting it as he struggled to give it a shape while Akshara watched in curiosity.

“What are you even doing, Abhi?” Akshara laughed at her boyfriend’s dedication and focused on a single piece of paper. “Just a sec… and it’s done!” Abhimanyu had the biggest smile on his face as he proudly showed Akshara the ring he made out of a single sheet.

“Paper ring. This is so cute, Abhi!” Akshara was in awe of his efforts as she looked at him with moist eyes. “Uh-huh… Not a paper ring but a promise ring.” He corrected.

“Promise me that you’ll be my date to the prom. Please?” His little please was like a cherry on top for Akshara as she immediately melted. “Yes, I will.” She softly pecked his lips before he took her hand and slid the paper ring in her finger.

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