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"I don't want you as a friend."

His white shirt was soaked with her tears. He couldn't even remember for how long they've been in the same position, on the couch, hugging each other, while she continued her sobbing. There wasn't much to say except the sweet nothings that he kept whispering in her ear to make her feel better, but nothing was working at the moment. He hated this. He hated to see her cry. Every drop of her tear was causing him pain, and his helplessness was driving him over the edge.

"Akshara." Abhimanyu gently separated himself from her and looked down at her red, puffy eyes. She looked breathtaking even at her worst. "I need you to tell me what's wrong. Please." His eyes showed genuine concern for her.

"It's nothing." Akshara shifted a little further away from him upon realizing how close they both were. She rubbed her red nose a little harshly before wiping away the tears from her cheeks.

"I know I'm the worst person to say this, but.... trust me. You can share anything with me." Guilt was evident in his voice, but he had promised himself to rectify his mistakes and to be a lot careful this time.

"I can't." She hated to keep this information from him, but at the same time, she wanted him to understand that his presence was enough for her. It doesn't have to be shared with words every time. Abhimanyu holding her in his arms and providing comfort was more than enough for her. She didn't want to rant her heart out in this specific moment. She just needed him by her side.

"Why?" His heart ached at her reply, and he couldn't help but ask the reason. He knew the answer in the back of his mind but still hoped for something that he wasn't worthy of.

"Because I don't want. And that's enough of a reason!" His questions triggered her and to such an extent that she had raised her voice slightly this time. New drops of tears travelled to her cheeks as she looked at him. Both were hurting, and they both could easily see that.

"I'm sorry... I just... " Her head fell into her hands as she tried processing what she had just said. She didn't want to be rude to him. She just wanted him to understand her. She knew she was being complicated, but she had to protect what's already been broken.

Abhimanyu opened his mouth to say something but stopped as Akshara's phone went off. His gaze fell onto the phone and saw her mother's ID flashed on the screen. Akshara quickly calmed herself down before picking up the call.

"Yes, mumma. I ate half an hour ago. The session went well. Was just busy doing home chores." Abhimanyu was amazed how great his Akshara has gotten in concealing herself. The layers she had built over herself in these two years were too thick to see through.

This reminded him that even he hadn't talked to his own mother in a very long time. Though she keeps his updates but they hardly had a conversation for months. One part of him understood why his mother left, but the other needy part of him wanted his mother by his side, just like every other child.

"You should leave." His train of thoughts was broken by her short statement as he looked at her. "Not until you tell me the reason." He was adamant about getting his answers.

"Abhimanyu, please. Don't take it as wrong. I know we have a past, but trust me, me not telling you has nothing to do with it. I just need time. I know you've changed, and we're getting on good terms." Whatever Akshara was saying was making no sense to Abhimanyu. He didn't want her explanation. He didn't want the build-up. He just wanted her to trust him for once.

"You've helped me a lot since I got here, and you're being a really good friend...." This sentence was enough for him to lose his cool as he blurted out what he was holding for long.

"I don't want you as a friend!!" He screamed his lungs out as he got off the couch, making her startled by his sudden confession. Tears started brimming in his eyes as he looked at her with so much pain and love.

"I can't. Whatever we have and whatever we had is way beyond friendship, Akshara. And I fucking ruined it!!" He broke down into tears while regretting his stupid decisions.

"Abhi..." His name left her mouth as a mere whisper as she reached out to him. She forwarded her hand to wipe his tears, but he backed off.

"No." He shook his head with tears in his eyes. "You're right. You don't need to tell me anything. I don't deserve this." A sadistic chuckle left his mouth as he looked down, not being able to meet her eyes.

"Abhi, that's not...." Her heart wanted to embrace him and tell him that he deserves the whole world, but her mind was too busy in protecting her feelings.

"We can never be just friends, Akshara, and you don't want that I know. I'll just keep my distance from now on." He took a one last glance at her before exiting her apartment, leaving a heavy hearted Akshara behind.

Days passed. Abhimanyu stood with what he said and maintained a distance from Akshara. They only talked related to work. Otherwise, Abhimanyu avoided even being in the same room as Akshara. To say all of this was bothering Akshara would be an understatement. Her anxiety was on peak nowadays. She would get restless every time she sensed his absence.

Though she tried initiating a conversation with him many times but he never carried it further. She hated how he was affecting her. This wasn't supposed to be like this. She should be happy that he's maintaining a distance, but to her surprise, it was stressing her out. The feelings were getting too strong, and she needed to do something about it.

"You seem distracted." Nisha raised her concern. The two were having lunch after a hectic schedule. Akshara was, as usual, busy searching for Abhimanyu. Her eyes looked for him in every corner but wasn't able to catch even a single glance of him.

"I'm not." She did what she was best at. Lying. "He took an off today. Dad told me he's sick." Nisha said, grabbing Akshara's attention quickly.

"Sick? Is he okay? Did he take meds? Ugh, he hates taking medicines! Why does he have to be so stubborn?!" Akshara was frustrated now and didn't even notice how much she had blabbered until Nisha pointed out.

"And I thought you didn't care." Nisha rolled her eyes. Akshara was about to say something in her defence when she heard her notification bell. She hurriedly picked up the phone to check for her schedule.

"What's wrong?" Nisha asked as she saw her friend's face go pale by each passing second. "I've evening rounds scheduled with Dr. Aditya." She could feel the fear, and the worst part was not having Abhimanyu beside her.


Here's the update!!
Please vote and comment!!!!
Don't even wanna talk about the shitty show ending. I'm just glad that my babies are free from the toxic environment.
And as my pranu said, "Abhira" might end, but "Harshali" won't ♡
Anyways, I hope you like the update. Things are going to get a bit dramatic and serious with a lit of emotions from here on.
Will try to update tomorrow, too, since I have an off.

Love ya <3

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