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Young people fall in love with the wrong people sometimes.

Akshara turned and twisted in her bed in a frustrated manner. Her drenched clothes clunged onto her body, which she didn't even remember changing after all the events that took place tonight. Her eyes turned to the shade of red as the tears made their way to her cheeks, joining the other dry strains over her cheeks as she whimpered and shivered due to the chills while she molded herself into a curve ball.

It was all hitting her now. She thought moving away would help her heal better but she forgot how on days like these it was her parents who had hugged her all night and stayed by her side to make sure she was okay, to make sure their princess was not hurting. And now that she's all alone here, it was becoming hard for her to survive the night, to fight those negative and suicidal thoughts that used to vanish just because of the love of her parents.

With trembling feet and limp body, she got out of her bed in order to change her clothes as she moved towards the cupboard. Her eyes were still shedding tears for that person as she changed into her night suit and combed her messy hair before braiding them. Picking up her mobile phone from the charging point, she moved to sit on the bed again as she hid her tiny body in the comforter and called her therapist via face time.

"Hi, Dr. Rohan. Sorry to disturb you at this time of the night, but you're the one who told me that I can call you anytime, so... here I am." She pressed her lips in a thin line, trying to avoid her sobs as she set up her mobile phone in a comfortable position.

"Akshara, what did we learn about apologizing unnecessarily? And yes, you can call me anytime you want, without feeling any ounce of guilt, okay?" Dr. Rohan gave her a small smile, and she nodded before she moved her hand to wipe away the tears from her cheeks.

"I hate it. God, I can't even say I hate him. After all that he's done, I still can't fucking hate him! Why am I so weak, Rohan?" She let out a cry as her head rested on the headboard of the bed as Dr. Rohan carefully observed her actions before coming to a conclusion on what to say.

"I'm guessing you met him. We both knew it was going to happen one day, Akshara. And no, you're not weak if you still have feelings for that man. Like I said before, it's really hard to move on from a person without closure, and that's why I have always advised you to confront him and end all those doubts in your head for once and for all. It's better to get hurt by the truth rather than living in delusion." Rohan told her as she stared at him blankly before shifting in her position.

"What truth, Rohan? I heard what I heard and...." she was cut off. "You need to hear the truth from him, Akshara. That's the only way you can move on. You both never talked after that day, and this is the closure you both need to heal. Fate yet again made you stand in front of him after all these years. This time, don't run away from it. Rather, face it. You owe yourself this." Rohan wasn't sure how much of his words made sense to her, but he had to do it both as a friend and as a doctor.

¤ ¤ ¤

"I'm sorry, Akshara. I wanted to tell you, but all of this happened so quickly, and... I'm just really sorry." Nisha was apologizing to her friend since the moment she stepped into the hospital despite her telling again and again that it wasn't actually her fault.

"Nisha, stop it, please. I really don't care about him anymore, so it's okay." Akshara lied staright on her face as she got engulfed in adjusting the guitar strings while sneezing for the umpteenth time since the morning as her best friend showed concern for her.

"Take some meds, Akshara. I know you love rain, but please avoid getting drenched from now on. You'll get sick and will have to bear Naira Aunty's tantrums." Nisha joked to make her mood better, but unknowingly hit a spot as events of last night started surfacing in Akshara's mind.

Her eyes closed as she remembered how he digged her fingers into her waist and pulled her closer to him. She could still remember the scent he wore last night, and it sent chills down her spine as her mind got cloudy before she heard another sound of sneezing nearby, which made her get out of her trance as she looked behind her and saw Abhimanyu rubbing his already red nose as his face showed irritation.

"Oh God!" Nisha was quick to connect the dots as she looked between her friend and Abhimanyu. She opened her mouth to ask the question before Akshara looked at her with 'Not a word' glare and carefully wrapped her guitar in its bag. Her eyes met his for a split second as he moved towards in her direction and stood in front of her.

"Dr. Rajesh wants to see you. Us." He emphasized on the last word as she looked at him, his eyes looked pinkish just the same shade of his nose while his face looked dull and pale. Her heart was telling her that he had been in the same condition as hers last night, but her mind decided to shrug off this emphathy.

"Akshara?" His hand came in contact with her shoulder as he tried to gain her attention, sending shivers down her spine. Her mind completely losing the sanity just because of his one touch, something that had always ignited the fire inside of her. She just nodded her head in response as she followed her, leaving behind a very concerned Nisha.

"Akshara, I know what you're capable of and have total believe in you, but before we can actually start with your clinical profession, I'd like you to accompany Dr. Abhimanyu Birla on his rounds, so you can learn how things work here." Akshara's eyes closed shut in frustration while Abhimanyu had a smile on his face as he mentally thanked Dr. Rajesh for his idea.

"I would love to be accompanied by Akshara, sir. It'd be an honour." Abhimanyu passed a heartfelt smile towards Akshara, and it was really hard for her to not get affected by that charming smile as she quickly looked away.

"Likewise." Her lips trembled as she again looked at him and passed a small innocent smile, and this time it got difficult for Abhimanyu not to kiss those pink lips of her right there and then as he looked away quickly and both of them got uneasy in their seats with tension visible between them.


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