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Call me friend but keep me closer.

“I heard you’re sick. Nisha told me.”

“Hope you’re resting and not tiring yourself out as usual.”

“I know you hate it, but please take some meds and drink some kehwa. I promise you’ll feel better.”

“I know I’m not a doctor, but I’m here if you need anything :,)”

Really Akshara? A sad smile? She was feeling stupid and embarrassed for sending him so many messages consecutively while he didn’t reply to any one of them, adding to her disappointment. For once, she thought about calling him directly, but her self-respect gave a tight slap and prevented her from doing so. She had no idea he was this serious when he said he would maintain a distance from her, but again, she was the one who drove him to this point and eventually unintentionally hurt him in the process.

But she needed him to understand her point of view. He was right. They can never be just friends, and she can’t afford to be more than that. She was okay with being labelled as a friend as long as this means she will stay closer to him. Fuck the labels! She just wanted him to keep her close to him, in his embrace, where she feels safe and at peace. But at the same time she’s scared of getting out of her shield and hurting herself and that’s when her deep buried self-consciousness whispered to her, ‘Aren’t you hurting right now?’

“Stop worrying about him. He’ll be fine.” Nisha reassured her anxious friend while Akshara paced around the hospital hallway. She was now angry at Abhimanyu for not replying even with a single message.

“I hate him. I just hate him so much!” She was worried about him so much. “You can hate him all you want later but right now you’ve to go on your rounds with Dr. Aditya.” Her steps came to a halt as soon as Nisha reminded her about her schedule with Dr. Aditya.

“Oh shit!”

The rumble of thunder echoed through the darkened sky, signaling the arrival of a stormy evening. The wind howled outside, rattling windows and sending raindrops tapping insistently against the glass. Abhimanyu sat on the edge of the bed, staring out at the tempest raging beyond his window. The television, turned to a weather channel, broadcasted warning of severe thunderstorms and the possibility of power outages.

Abhimanyu was feeling uneasy by each passing second. His heart raced with each lightning flash. The rhythmic pitter patter of raindrops on the roof seemed to mimic the unsettling beat of his own anxious thoughts. He checked his phone repeatedly to see if Akshara had messaged him again or not but sadly there were no messages from her. Her last seen was of 6:00 pm which added to his anxiety, like something bad was indeed about to happen.

“Sir, I think I should leave now. We’re done with the patients and the weather is also getting pretty bad so…” The whole schedule with Dr. Aditya was way too uncomfortable as he kept cracking double meaning jokes in between while his lustful gaze never left her body.

“What’s the hurry, Akshara? We still need to discuss about my patients and their future appointments with you. How about you join me in my cabin, hmm?” Dr. Aditya passed a creepy smile at her before moving towards his cabin. Akshara looked at him as he motioned her to follow him inside his cabin.

She looked at her phone to see for any notifications from that one special individual but got disheartened when she found none. As she entered his cabin, her face scrunched as odour of alcohol filled her nostrils. She found him sitting on the couch as he signalled her to sit beside him. With hesitant steps, she reached towards the couch and sat on the edge of it, maintaining a fair distance from Dr. Aditya.

"Let's get done with it hurriedly, please. I need to leave for home." Akshara said as she shifted uncomfortably in her position.

"Get done with what?" His lips held a smirk as he yet again made Akshara uncomfortable with his double meaning statements.

"The patient files, sir." She gritted through her teeth. "Always in a hurry, Ms. Akshara. Don't you like spending time with me? I've heard you like being around senior doctors a lot. We can take Dr. Birla, for example." Akshara flinched at Abhimanyu's name. How dared he compared their equation with himself?

"It's better if we stay professional, sir. If you don't have any important thing to discuss, it's better that I leave." With that, she stood off the couch and turned around to exit the room when she felt him hold her hand.

Disgust took all over her face. She tried to pull her hand out of his grip but in vain as he held onto her tightly before pulling her whole body into him. "What a shame, Dr. Birla isn't here to save you today! Tch tch tch." He gripped her arm tightly as she winced in pain.

"Leave me! You've no idea what you're dealing with. Abhi will kill you!!" She cried as well as her heart as it desperately called for Abhimanyu, but alas, he was not here when she needed him the most.

"You think I'm scared of him? No one can do anything to me!! I fucking rule this hospital!!" He hissed in her face while she draw her face back feeling disgusted by his touch.

"Oh, how I love it when beautiful girls like you resist, but still I'm going to have what I want!" Akshara shuddered with fear as she saw him leaning in while clutching onto her arms tightly. She felt weak.

"No!!" She spitted on his face before hitting him in his balls with her knee, causing him to lose his grip on her. Akshara immediately went for the door handle, but he once again grabbed her from behind harshly, which teared her kurti from a side in process.

"I said no!!" She pushed him with all her force and ran out of his cabin. Tears streamed down her face as she ran down the hospital hallway like a mad woman not caring about the people who were looking at her, some with concern and some with curiosity.

She needed to leave. She needed to get out. She needed to get to him.

Abhimanyu was re-reading Akshara's messages again and again. He was now feeling stupid for not replying to her concern filled messages. But again, he had to keep a distance from her. That's what better for them both. Turning off the television, he stood up from the couch and decided to hit bed. It was still raining but not that heavily like before. He hoped Akshara had reached home safely since, according to him, she didn't have anything scheduled for the evening.

His doorbell rang, making him startled. He rarely has any visitors, and that too at night in such bad weather was indeed surprising for him. The bell rang for the second time, breaking his chain of thoughts. With slow steps, he moved towards the door while the bell kept ringing continuously, making his heart beat faster.

Power went off the moment he opened the door, and it was pitch dark all over. "God, wait a sec..." He turned on the flashlight of his phone and saw a terrified Akshara standing there. She was drenched from head to toe, her lips trembling, her ripped kurti was clearly visible under the light. The sight made Abhimanyu drop his phone as he stood there in shock.

"Abhi..." she breathed before hugging him. Her cries muffled as she hid her face in his chest. "I'm so sorry, Abhi..." she cried. Her whole body was shivering. She felt his hands on her cheeks before he tilted her face to meet her eyes. A lone tear dropped from his red raged filled eyes as he spoke,

"Who did this to you?!!"


Double update!!! From me?? Damn who's this?? Haha, anyway....
Things just got a little intense right here.
Damn I do love a possessive and protective lover!!!
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Love you <3

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