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This love came back to me.

"I love you, Akshara."

Akshara felt her heartbeat stop for a second. Everything else suddenly seemed to fade away as soon as he said those three enchanted words. His eyes were moist. His lips trembling in fear due to their past as he said those three awaited words. Akshara's hand moved towards his chest as she placed it just above his heart. If these words had made Akshara's heart stop beating, then it surely had made his heart race.

"I love you so much, baby." He breathed before connecting his forehead against her.

Have you ever felt the breeze of air after the first summer rain? The first fall of snow? The excitement of finding a lost toy? The unplanned meeting with an old friend? The first breath of relief after hours of suffocation? Finding the one amidst the crowd? Getting out of an elevator after being stuck in it for hours?

That's how Akshara was feeling.

Her love was reborn. Back from the dead. Alive. In that moment, she felt like she had waited an eternity to hear this. To feel this again. To be a part of this love story again. Two years back, fate stole everything from her, including herself. Tonight felt like a payback from the angels above.

"I know I said this again and again that we'll take it slow. But I can't anymore. I want you, Akshara. I want all of you to be mine. To be Abhimanyu's." His fingers brushed softly against her cheeks as they stared into each other's eyes, making the surrounding non-existent to them.

"Fuck I've waited two whole years but I can't fucking wait for two seconds now. Not anymore. You have me wrapped around your fingers, and I don't want you to ever let me go." His lips met her forehead as he continued confessing his love for the one.

"Tell me you won't ever let me go, Akshara. Promise me." He demanded. Akshara smiled at him with tears in her eyes before nodding her head.

The whole crowd gasped as soon as Abhimanyu got down on one knee in front of Akshara. His lips held a content smile as he picked out the promise ring from his pocket, and Akshara couldn't help but slightly chuckle at the fact that he finally got the guts to give the promise ring to her.

"Don't worry, this is certainly not a marriage proposal. I'm not that unromantic to propose for marriage at a venue like this." His face scrunched as he announced, and the crowd broke into laughter while his friends hooted to encourage him.

"Promise me a forever?" His head tilted a little to the side as he asked.

Akshara couldn't help but admire the man in front of her. His enchanting eyes again, doing his work for him as Akshara bent down to his level and placed a soft kiss on his lips before mumbling a small 'yes' in his ear.

The crowd erupted with loud claps as Abhimanyu slid down the ring in Akshara's finger before getting up and twirling her around in his arms while her laugh echoed throughout the venue. And once again, he knew he'd do anything for that damn smile.

As he placed her down on the feet, Akshara looked up at him, her eyes showing sincerity as she parted her lips to say what her heart was screaming but was immediately stopped by Abhimanyu as he kissed her again, hard.

"You don't need to say it back to me just because I told you 'I love you'. I know what you feel for me, but I wanna hear it when you are two hundred per cent sure and not because of the heat of the moment."

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