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I have a lot of regrets about that.

Her face colour drained as soon as she came face to face with her parents. She clearly didn't remember inviting them over or them saying anything about visiting her. This visit was extremely shocking for her. In any other condition, she would've been excited as hell seeing her parents at her door, but not when her boyfriend is currently sleeping in her room. Someone that her parents despise a lot, especially her father.

"What are you guys doing here?!" Her expressions were unamused, causing her parents to exchange glances.

"Akshi, at least invite us inside." Naira frowned at her daughter's behaviour. Akshara immediately composed herself from the shock and stood aside to let her parents inside.

"I missed my princess so much!!" Kartik engulfed Akshara in a warm, tight hug as soon as he stepped inside the house.

"You guys should've told me that you were coming. I... I wasn't expecting this." She tried to smile, but the nervousness on her face was clearly evident. She was silently praying to God not to let Abhimanyu wake up so that the interaction could be prevented somehow.

"We wanted to surprise you, beta. But you don't look happy seeing us." Naira complained, and Akshara gulped hard. She knew no matter what, her mother had this superpower of knowing whenever she was lying.

"Mumma, it's not that...."

"Princess, is everything okay? You look stressed." Kartik couldn't help but worry seeing the pale face of his daughter.

"Papa, actually, there's something I...." Before she could complete, she heard the door of her bedroom open, and there came her boyfriend with his messy hair and eyes half opened.

"Akshara, where's my phone. I can't....." he stopped right there as soon as he saw Akshara's father's piercing gaze shooting daggers at him. "Find. It."

Abhimanyu took his time to regain his composure. He then came forward and greeted both Kartik and Naira with a smile, which they definitely didn't reciprocate. Instead, they glared at the two individuals in front of them, looking at them for the answers.

"It's good to see you after a long time, Mr and Mrs. Goenka." Abhimanyu scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"Akshi, what is he doing here?!" Naira ignored Abhimanyu like he wasn't even present in this room before moving towards her daughter and demanding answers.

Akshara kept quiet. Her gaze fixed on the ground, which suddenly seemed interesting to her. Abhimanyu looked back and forth between the mother and the daughter, deciding whether he should interrupt or remain silent and let Akshara handle the situation the way she wants.

"Akshara! Your mother is asking you something!! What is this man doing in your house?!" Kartik raised his voice, causing Akshara to flinch a little.

She wasn't used to this side of her father. The Kartik she knew was always polite, gentle, and extremely down to Earth. But she knew where he was coming from. Her parents were the ones who listened to her screams when she used to get those nightmares. They were the one who were there in her every panic attack. They were the one who forced her for therapy. In simple words, it's because of them that she got her sanity back.

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