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Can I go where you go?

“Promise me a forever?”

Abhimanyu looked at Akshara with wide eyes in confusion. “You…. You saw the ring?” He asked upon realization and mentally cursed himself for not hiding it properly. She wasn’t supposed to find out about it like that. It should’ve been special. He closed his eyes in disappointment before he felt her cold palm on his cheek.

“Sorry. I shouldn’t have snooped around. I was just….”

“Hey….Don‘t be. You have all the right.” He kissed her palm before again, leaning his cheek against it. Akshara smiled at him as she caressed his face.

“I still want that ring, Abhimanyu.” She demanded. Abhimanyu had just told her that she had all the rights and that she was now going to use all of it.

“You’ll get it. Just not now. When the time’s right.” He saw the creases on her forehead and immediately sensed that she had gotten insecure over his statement.

“Baby, you don’t need to worry. I just want it to be special and not something that I give you in the heat of the moment. I’ve wronged you a lot, Akshara. I don’t wanna make the same mistakes ever again. I’ll do everything right this time, and for that we’ve to take slow and careful steps. I…. I hope you….”

“I understand.” She smiled at him, and he returned it with gratefulness. “We should go.” He said before intertwining their hands before heading towards the car.

It had been ten minutes since the car was parked outside Akshara’s apartment. Both Abhimanyu and Akshara sat in silence, fidgeting with their feelings, sneaking shy glances at each other before Akshara finally decided to break the awkward silence.

“I want you to come with me. To my apartment.” Her voice was a mere whisper as she looked down and said innocently. Abhimanyu couldn’t help but smile seeing her flushed face.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea, baby. We both have early calls tomorrow, and I don’t think I’ll be able to leave once I’m with you.” No matter how much he wanted to stay with her, he knew that they should avoid it in order to prevent him from pushing his boundaries.

“Then stay.” She hated how desperate she was sounding at the moment. “I’m not asking for much. I just don’t wanna be all by myself.” She looked at him with hopeful eyes while he struggled to make a decision, which caused the anger to rise in her

“Fine. Don’t come. I won’t even change the clothes and will sleep in them, then I will fall sick and it’d be your fault!!” She snapped at him. Abhimanyu was taken back by her sudden rage for a second before he started laughing.

“Damn, woman. You still know how to blackmail the hell out of me.” He chuckled while Akshara was giving him deadly glares, which made her look even cuter according to him.

“Let’s go.” He turned off the car and got out of it before rushing towards the other side to open the door for his lady love. Akshara smiled sheepishly at him before placing her hand in his and moving towards her apartment.

“Here.” Akshara handed Abhimanyu a pair of newly bought shirt and trouser as soon as they stepped foot into the apartment.

“Why do you have men’s clothes?” Akshara could easily sense Abhimanyu’s jealousy, which made her chuckle. “I bought it for Papa as a gift along with other things since his birthday is upcoming.” Abhimanyu exhaled in relief. “Go change now.” She said, pushing him towards the guest room while she herself went towards her room in order to get changed.

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