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No, I don't wanna fall in love. With you.


Abhimanyu stood in front of his brother’s bedroom, hesitant of going inside. Tears threatened to fall from his eyes as his whole body shook at the flashback of how his brother killed himself and why he killed himself. He closed his eyes as he almost turned away from the door, but then Akshara’s face flashed in front of his eyes. Her smiling, angelic face. A small smile crept on his face as he turned towards the door yet again. With shaking hands, he twisted the door knob and entered the room.

“Hey, buddy! It's been a long time, right?” He placed himself on the floor near the bedside as he took the photo frame of his brother in his hands.

“Remember how I used always come to you for your silly suggestions?” He half smiled before wiping a lone tear from the corner of his eye.

“I need your help today, too. I… I’m stuck, bud. I’m drowning. In this feeling. And I can’t get out of it without… without breaking my promise. Our promise.” He broke down into tears as he clutched the photo frame tightly to his chest.

“Please help me. Please. I… don’t wanna lose her, too.” He wept. His vulnerable side was out in the front as he cried, cried, and cried.

“Abhi…” He felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see his mother staring down at him with a concerned look on her face. She sat down on the bed beside him as he lay his head in her lap while she gently caressed it.

“Talk to me, beta. I know you’re hurting. Let me help you.” Manjiri felt like crying seeing her son in this state, but she knew she had to be strong for him, the only child she’s left with.

“I don’t… I don’t wanna fall in love, maa. I don’t wanna fall in love with her. She’s so naïve, so pure. My darkness will destroy her.” He cried in his mother’s lap as he silently cursed his fate for giving him that one thing he never wanted.
“Oh, Abhi. You’re already in love with her. The way you behave around her, the way you take care of her, the way you protect her. You’ve already lost your heart to her, my child.” Manjiri said as she continued caressing his hair.

“This isn’t right. This is wrong. I can’t break my promise to Neil.” He lifted his head as his tear filled eyes met his mother’s. “I can’t love her. I’ve been playing her, lying to her all this time.” Fear. Fear was easily evident on his face and in his voice.

“The only person you were lying to all this time was yourself. You fell for her a long time ago, Abhi. You were pretending not to be in love with her while everyone else around you can see how crazy you are about her. And as for Neil…. He never asked you for that promise, Abhi. He would’ve never wanted his big brother like that. You deserve to love, and you deserve to be loved.”

“But… what if I end up like… Neil? What if….. I’m scared, maa.” Manjiri cupped her son’s face gently before pressing a kiss against his forehead.

“You really think your Akshara would do something like that to you?” Manjiri asked, and Abhimanyu immediately shook his head, reminding himself how innocent his Akshara was.

“You need to get out of this fear, Abhi. Akshu loves you a lot, and she deserves nothing but your love in return. Give her that promise ring that you’ve been hiding in your cupboard for about two weeks.” Manjiri stated, making his eyes go wide in realization.

“Maa….” He whined before both the mother and the son laughed. “I’m going to make her stay forever. I’m gonna tell her the whole truth. I hope she’ll understand.”

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