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I keep on waiting for a sign.

Abhimanyu was called for a board meeting by the directors of the hospital the second he stepped his foot in his office. He was not surprised. He was expecting this, preparing for this since last night. As he walked through the corridors of the hospital, he was focused on only one thing, to destroy Dr. Aditya in every possible sense. Though he was completely focused on one thing but his heart kept fluttering at the thought of how Akshara immediately refused his offer of dropping her at her place and decided to stay at his home. Yes, home. His house was starting to feel like home once again.

All the pair of eyes locked on Abhimanyu’s face as he stepped into the meeting room. Dr. Rajesh, along with other higher authority persons, were sitting on the rectangular table. Abhimanyu’s hands clenched into a fist as his gaze met Dr. Aditya’s, who was sitting there with no ounce of guilt or embarrassment on his face. Srishti was also sitting along with others with a blank expression on her face.

“Dr. Abhimanyu, we were expecting the presence of Ms. Akshara, too.” The board director stated as Abhimanyu took his seat.

“I understand, sir, but Akshara won’t be a part of this whole scenario. I’ll manage everything.” Abhimanyu replied in a calm manner, but Dr. Aditya was quick to argue, “See. She can’t even face anyone. I told you before, she’s a liar…

“Shut the hell up!! Don’t make me punch your fragile face once again, Dr. Aditya!!” Abhimanyu said through his gritted teeth. “Dr. Birla, language. You both are requested to maintain the decorum.” Dr. Rajesh stepped in between.

“Sorry, sir. Like I said before, Akshara won’t be a part of this. She’s way too traumatized, and as doctors, we all know what can happen in these situations. You may proceed with the case.” Abhimanyu said. After discussing for a few minutes among themselves, all the authority persons decided to proceed with the case without Akshara.

“Dr. Khanna, you’ve filed a complaint against Dr. Birla, for assaulting you in your own house. Can you give us a reason why he would do that?” Dr. Rajesh asked, as he tried his best not to be biased towards Abhimanyu.

“I honestly have no idea, sir. Ms. Goenka fed him with some lies, and he believed her.” Dr. Aditya replied casually, unbothered.

“Dr. Khanna was harassing Akshara since weeks, sir. And last night he….” A lump formed in his throat as he fought his tears. “He forced himself on her.” His heart pained for his Akshara. He was cursing himself for not being there with her.

“That’s all lie. She wanted favours from me. That’s why she’s framing me because I refused to get into her bed. She’s nothing but a sl—.” Punch. Abhimanyu’s fist connected yet again with Dr. Aditya’s already bruised face.

“Not a word against her!!!” Abhimanyu warned as others pulled him away from Dr. Aditya. “Dr. Birla! Behave yourself! You can get suspended for your actions!” The director of the board gave a warning.

“I don’t fucking care about my suspension!!” His voice roared inside the whole room. Dr. Rajesh patted his back in order to calm him down.

“I have proof, sir. The CCTV footage.” He spoke in a lower voice this time. Dr. Aditya stood in shock. He had completely forgotten about the possibility of the CCTV footage.

“Don’t worry. I’ve already filled all the legal formalities needed for the access of the CCTV footage.” He signed Srishti and she played the footage on her laptop. The whole room watched in silence while Dr. Aditya stood there shocked. Dr. Rajesh turned his back towards the laptop as he felt ashamed of not providing a safe environment for his friend’s daughter.

“That’s not all. He’s been physically abusing Srishti for six months. He had blackmailed her in every way possible.” Abhimanyu added. The whole room looked at Srishti as she nodded her head with tears in her eyes.

“Considering all the proofs and statements, Dr. Aditya Khanna you are fired from this hospital and subjected to immediate cancellation of your license. Dr. Birla and Ms. Srishti you’re allowed to take any legal actions against Dr. Khanna. The meeting is adjourned.” The director announced. Dr. Aditya quickly left the room as he dialed his lawyer on the way out.

Abhimanyu closed his eyes in response to the decision as a lone tear escaped his eyes. He felt a hand on his shoulder as he turned around and faced Dr. Rajesh. “I’m really proud of you. I’m just disappointed that all of this happened to my little girl. She’s too kind. She didn’t deserve this. I don’t if I’ll be able to face her…”

“Like you said, sir. She’s too kind. You don’t need to worry about facing her. She understands.” Abhimanyu passed a smile. “It’s interesting how you know her better than me in such a short span of time.” And it hit a nerve. It took him two years without her to know her this much.

Akshara wandered around Abhimanyu’s house with a cup of unsweetened cappuccino in her hand. She had specifically requested him to make her some cappuccino before he left, and he, as usual, couldn't say no to her demands. She observed how everything seemed the same even after two years. Especially Abhimanyu's room.

His room was the same as before. Filled with unnecessary books, his gaming PC, the pictures on the walls. Everything was just exactly how it was. As she looked around his room, curiosity got the best of her, which led to her opening his cupboard. She knew it was an invasion of privacy, but she couldn't help but dug deeper into his cupboard, almost as if she was looking for something in particular. Like a sign.

Her eyes fell on the black hoodie. She had wore this more than her own clothes. Not because it was soft and comfortable but because it was his. It had his odour, which made her feel like home, always. She gently pulled the hoodie out of the hanger and took it in her hands. She hugged it, smelled it, and cherished it as she clutched tightly onto it, like hope.

"Oh Abhi." She wept. She wanted the good times back. She wanted her old Abhi back. She wanted it all back, but she knew it was all impossible.

Composing herself, she pulled away the hoodie from her chest and made efforts to put it on the hanger when a small black box fell down from its pocket. Akshara stopped and looked at the little circle shaped box on the floor. She hesitantly picked it up.

Her breath hitched in her throat as she saw the initials of their name carved on it, but her brain refused to fall for it. It could be for anyone. Her mind was screaming to put the box back and walk away, but her heart was pleading with her to open it once, and she did.

Promise me a forever?

This was engraved inside the wooden box with a delicate ring placed beside it.

"A promise ring." Tears fell onto her cheeks. She was confused, hurt, devastated. Did she misunderstand him all this time? Was there something she was missing on? But it was all crystal clear! Or was it? Thousands of thoughts processed in her mind as she fell onto her knees, crying.

"Akshu." She heard behind her. She was too occupied that she didn't even realize she was being observed.

"Manjiri aunty!"


Here's the update!!!!
What do you think about the promise ring mystery?
Manjiri maa is backkk!! Don't worry. She's a positive character in my story.
I know I give updates quite late, but do consider that I've a life out of wattpad too and a very hectic one. That's why i wanted to end this book on the 20th chapter, but you guys requested for more, so please be a little patient with me :')

Anyway, vote and comment!!!

Love you <3



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