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And your first kiss makes your head spin around.


Akshara hurriedly followed her group behind with her tiny feet while trying to fit the notebook in her bag. She had always been the invisible one in the group —who never had anyone wait for her or just be her person. Nisha tried to include her in everything the group does, but Akshara, being her introverted self, never felt comfortable enough. She was happy in her imaginary world based on the plot of the romance novels she's obsessed with, starred by the one and only Abhimanyu Birla.

As if he was not already on her mind twenty-four seven, the unplanned date last week had just made it difficult for her to go even a second without thinking of him. He had been sending her flirtatious signals since then along with some overprotectiveness, but nothing she was uncomfortable with. She was actually enjoying all his attention being her naive self. While the whole college knew what Abhimanyu Birla was actually up to. Even her friends were suspicious, but Akshara was too infatuated to listen to any advice.

"Akshara. Wait." She heard her name and turned around to face the person. Her lips automatically formed into a smile. She looked back at her group, who had already made their exit without acknowledging her absence. A sigh escaped her mouth as she shrugged off the gloomy feeling and focused on the person in front of her.

"Aarav. When did you come back?" Akshara smiled at a panting Aarav who was trying to catch his breath. "Hi. I just landed on Friday. You... you didn't reply. I left you twenty messages at least." Her newfound friend showed a little annoyance, and she slapped herself mentally for being so lost.

"I'm so sorry, Aarav. I was a little busy and...." busy daydreaming about Abhimanyu Birla. "It's fine. I wanted to return your book." He forwarded the novel which he had borrowed two weeks ago from her. "I really loved this one!! Honestly, thank you for recommending me this."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. Will be sharing more with you." Akshara smiled as she kept the novel back in her bag. "Let's meet on coffee sometimes. I know you love coffee. It'd be a good place to discuss books." He suggested, and Akshara, being the biggest book lover, agreed immediately.

"Thanks once again." He gave her a friendly hug before bidding her goodbye with a smile. Akshara shook her head at his excitement and turned around to exit the hallway, but she was face to face with a raging Abhimanyu as soon as she turned around.

His presence startled her for a second, but her features softened a little upon seeing his enchanted eyes. Even with his stern face, he managed to look devilishly handsome. Akshara opened her mouth to say something, but he beat her to it as he held her wrist and dragged her towards a secluded corner of the college.

Her back collided with the hard wall as he pinned her to the wall, with hands above her head as his huge body hovered over her tiny one. His nose was merely brushing against her cheek, causing her skin to shudder as she inhaled deeply, almost getting intoxicated by his cologne. He pulled back his face a little and stared directly into her eyes, making her knees go weak under his gaze.

"Why did you let him touch you!?" He voice was low but at the same time filled with rage and fire. Akshara looked at him confused as she stared at him with her big, dooey eyes. "Wh-o?" Her voice stuttered. Abhimanyu immediately closed his eyes in frustration.

"Don't act. He's not allowed to hug you or even get close to you. No one is!!" He hissed in her face. "Why? Why do you care?" Not sure from where, but Akshara finally mustered up some courage to ask the question. She was tired of him giving her mixed signals the whole week.

"Because...." he couldn't form a sentence as he fought his inner feelings. He was finding it hard to differentiate if these feelings were a part of his act or if he was actually getting jealous and protective of Akshara. "Becasue what.... Abhi?" She asked with her trembling lips as tears formed in her eyes, and that was it for him.

"Because you're mine!!" He roared. His hands loosened the grip on her hands and made their way towards her waist, pushing her tiny body into him before smashing his lips against her and clearly knocking out all the air from her lungs.

She squealed at the sudden action. Her hands went onto his shoulders in order to prevent herself from melting into a puddle. He bit on her lower lip before sucking on it, causing her to moan at the ecstatic feeling. Her lips moved in a sync along with him as they got indulged in a heated make-out session.

His cold lips made contact with her burning skin as he placed soft kisses on her jawline and neck before grazing it with his teeth. "Abhi..." she moaned his name softly as her hand gripped onto his hair. "Only I can touch you like this." He bit onto her skin. "Only me. No one else!" His tongue traced over the bite mark, soothing it in a way.

"Only you!" She repeated his words as she held him close to her. Her head was spinning. She just got her first kiss. The Abhimanyu Birla was her first kiss.


"He kissed you!!" Nisha said out loud and immediately earned a slight slap from Akshara, making her aware that they were in the hospital at the moment. "He kissed you?!?" She whispered, yelled this time, as Akshara shook her head at her.

"On the forehead, Nish. He kissed me on the forehead. Plus, it was just for that stupid dare." Akshara told her, and she blew a raspberry at her, making her frown.

"He also considered you the most beautiful woman on the planet. Hello?!?" Akshara's heart fluttered as Abhimanyu's words from last night rang in her ear. "He didn't mean it." She quickly looked away and got up to leave.

"You can't run away every time, Akshu. Listen to him once. You were not here for a whole year. I've seen him. I've seen him shutting off. I know we can't calculate anyone's pain, but for some reason, he was in the same pain as you were." Akshara turned around to look at her friend with tears in her eyes.

"I can't do this anymore, Nisha. I don't have the energy to deal with a broken heart again. I'll die." She cried. Her limps trembled as she clutched onto her bag tightly.

"What if he's the one who can save you?" Nisha's voice came out as a mere whisper. "He needs you as much as you need him, Akshara. He'll die without you."


I'm not even sorry for the late update. The show had made me so demotivated that I've started hating each and every character. Anyway, I'm not someone who abandons her work, so here's the update from a very broken heart. I'll be winding up this book soon. It'll have 6 more chapters max. This is not what I had planned for this book initially, but now, between my hectic schedule and the shitty storyline of the show, I've decided to end this one soon. But don't worry, I won't be rushing the storyline illogically. Will end this one on a beautiful note.

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