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We're dancing 'round the kitchen in the refrigerator light.

As Akshara walked through the door of Abhimanyu's apartment with him, a wave of nostalgia washed over her. She was back here after a whole year, the place that once felt like home. The familiar scent of his cologne mixed with the comforting aroma of freshly homemade food filled the air. She placed her bag on the floor in a corner that had her outfit for the night along with her accessories, which they had picked up from her apartment on their way to his apartment.

Abhimanyu wanted to break the silence but hesitated for a moment, unsure of how Akshara would react to being back in the place where they had once shared so many memories. He watched as her eyes scanned the room, landing on the old leather couch where they used to cuddle on lazy Sunday afternoons. Akshara couldn't help but smile as she looked around. She remembered the countless movie nights they had spent on that couch, the laughter, the tears, and the whispered secrets.

It was as if every piece of furniture in the room held a memory of their time together.

"Coffee?" Sensing her mixed emotions, Abhimanyu offered her for a cup of coffee, to which she immediately nodded. Nothing a coffee can't fix, right? For now, but the coming night, she might be needing a shot of vodka.

"Unsweetened cappuccino. I know." Before she could tell him about her preference, he beat her to it. She had always asked him to make some unsweetened cappuccino for her whenever she visited him, and he would galdy be her personal barista for the whole day.

Another wave of sadness engulfed her. Something about him remembering little things about her made her heart flutter, which came along with a little bit of guilt hiding in between. Brushing away the thoughts in her mind, she followed Abhimanyu into the kitchen and was greeted with a smile that she couldn't help but reciprocate. "Is there anything I can help with?" She asked, resting her back against the counter as she observed him.

"Nah! Suresh took care of everything. I think he went out to buy some stuff." He was trying hard to make a cute froth design, but as usual, was failing in doing so. A heartfelt chuckle escaped her throat as she saw Abhimanyu struggling with it.

"You still don't know how to do it." Akshara shook her head with a smile as a bittersweet memory yet again surfaced their minds. "Sorry ma'am, this barista is out of practice as he didn't have anyone to make coffee for." He tried to crack a joke, but it hit nerves for both of them as the smiles quickly vanished.

Abhimanyu silently forwarded the steaming coffee mug towards her as their fingers brushed briefly, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. "I... I got to know about your dad. I'm really sorry. I...." she couldn't find the words.

What was she supposed to say? Sorry that I couldn't be there for you? That I shut the whole world behind my back without listening to any reasons? Or sorry that I made it look like you can never reach out to me? No, this just wasn't a small hint of guilt. This guilt was weighing down on her for breaking her own promises regardless of the situation they were in.

"He died due to brain haemorrhage. Ev... Everything happened just so fast. One minute it he was all good and... and the next minute...." his voice cracked as he fought his tears as he clutched onto the counter tightly.

Akshara's heart felt like being shredded into tiny little pieces, seeing how devastated he was. She couldn't even imagine the amount of pain he would've gone through at that time. She wanted to comfort him with her words, but she knew no amount of soothing words could lessen this sadness, so she did what she thought was best and embraced him in a warm hug.

He couldn't believe it at first, but soon wrapped his arms around her waist as he hugged her back. His tears made their way through his cheeks and down on her shoulder as she held onto him closely. "I'm so sorry. He was a great father and even a great human being. And he'll always be with you." She gently separated himself, but he still kept her in his arms.

"In here." She pressed her finger against his heart before cupping his face and wiping the tears away. "Thank you." He needed this. He needed her. Her warmth. It was the only thing that could comfort him. The only thing he craved for the whole year and would give away anything to get it even if it's just for some time.

"Always knew you were a softie." She chuckled. Her hands still placed on his shoulder while his around her waist as he smiled, looking at her. Their eyes locked in a magnetic gaze. His gaze fell onto her lips as they both started to lean in. Their lips only a few meters apart as Abhimanyu tucked the strand of her hair behind her ear.

A faint thud was heard as the main door of his apartment swung open, causing them to jump back and drift apart. Suresh walked in with a hanging face with some shoppers in his hand. Both Abhimanyu and Akshara looked down in embarrassment, cursing themselves mentally for getting lost in the moment.

"Why the sad face, Suresh?" Abhimanyu asked, trying to make the environment normal as Akshara picked up the coffee mug and started sipping on the hot coffee which had now turned cold but she was too embarrassed to give a thought about it.

"I couldn't find anything good for the sweet dish, and you know I am bad at making sweet dishes at home." Suresh started throwing tantrums as soon as he entered the kitchen as Akshara suppressed her laugh seeing him being the same man he was a year back.

"And sir, you've no idea how..... Akshara ma'am? Is this really you?" He stopped in his tracks as his gaze fell on Akshara, who was trying hard not to laugh as she waved a hello at him.

"Where have you been ma'am? We all missed you so much! Finally, this house has been graced with some beauty." With his hand on his heart, he spoke, earning a glare from Abhimanyu as Akshara yet again laughed.

"Suresh, go take care of the other things. Akshara and I will deal with the sweet dish situation." Abhimanyu spoke in an irritated manner, definitely not liking how his house help was making Akshara laugh.

"Oohh... can we bake some walnut brownies?!" Akshara clapped her hands in excitement, making Abhimanyu smile. He knew how much fond she was of walnut brownies.

"Alright then, let's bake some brownies." He nodded while Suresh left them to deal with the decor of the dining area. Abhimanyu took out the needed ingredients while Akshara put on some music on her phone to get into the zone. Something she always did while baking.

'What makes you beautiful' by 'One Direction' blasted in the background as Akshara mixed the ingredients in the bowl while Abhimanyu got the oven ready. As the melodious note filled the cosy kitchen, Abhimanyu and Akshara found themselves swaying to the music. With their flour dusted hands, they moved gracefully around the kitchen, lost in the rhythm of their dance.

The scent of freshly baked walnut brownies wafted through the air as they laughed and twirled, sharing stolen glances between floury giggles. The warm, gooey brownies in the oven seemed to their love, baking slowly as their hearts beat in harmony, creating a sweet tender moment of connection.


Wanted this chapter to be just filled with Abhira emotions (sad, happy, guilty, comforting, fun, and literally everything that they had missed since a year).

Please comment your thoughts it helps in guessing if you're liking where the story is heading, and most of all, it motivates me to update early. So please comment and vote.

Happy Reading!!!!

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