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Lost in the labyrinth of my mind.

It had been a week since that awkward dinner at Abhimanyu's house, and she still wasn't able to get two things out of her mind. The first and most important thing was Abhimanyu's feelings towards her. She was not able to wrap her mind around why her ex-boyfriend who had literally played with her feelings in the past, showing remorse and affection in such a way that he had actually loved her and she was the one who had let him and this relationship go.

As all of this was not enough to perplex her mind, Dr. Aditya’s weird and flirtatious behaviour towards her was making her uncomfortable to a great extent. They didn’t have many interactions in a day, but the ones they had, she was sure to feel disgusted by his lustful gaze and cheap, sneaky comments.

She tried to talk about it with Nisha but she had just casually advised her to stop getting bothered by that man as he’s one of the main asset of their hospital and they literally can’t do anything without any solid proof. This did make Akshara upset and furious at the same time about how she was the one who needs to proof to the authorities that she has been feeling uncomfortable by a colleague while that horrible man roams around freely.

This took Akshara back to the night at Abhimanyu’s house when he had made sure to keep her safe from the eyes of that lustful man. She got chills every time she got reminded of how Abhimanyu protected her and took care of her the whole night, and even dropped her home himself and didn’t move from his place until she entered her home to make sure she’s safe and secure.

Her mind for once gave her a hint to discuss the issue of Dr. Aditya with Abhimanyu, but she shrugged it off, thinking it'd be too personal or that she simply didn't want to burden him with her problems. There was already enough awkwardness between them. It had only been a month back in Udaipur, and she was already losing her sanity with the ongoing chaos in her mind. This definitely called for a therapy session with Dr. Rohan, and that's exactly what she decided to do this weekend.

"You're right, Dr. Rohan. I should be more confident about this matter and involve the higher authorities." Akshara stated as she sipped on her peached ice tea while sitting on her couch with her laptop on the centre table in front of her.

"You also need emotional support in this, Akshara. This is something serious. It can break you to the core. A good friend or someone you trust should be with you for moral support." Dr. Rohan suggested.

"Right again, but... I guess Nisha doesn't want to be involved in this and... I don't know anybody that much beside her." She shrugged her shoulders in response as she swirled the ice cubes in the glass.

"What about Abhimanyu? Have you told him? You guys were really getting along this past week, right?" Dr. Rohan held a mischievous smile as Akshara mentally cursed herself for talking about her and Abhimanyu so enthusiastically.

"I can't." But I so want to was silent. She desperately wanted him to hide her in his arms so she could feel safe and forget about every other existence in the world, but she just couldn't.

"You know you can, Akshara. From what you've told me, he's a changed man now. A better man. And there is definitely something from your past that he's not disclosing. Give him a chance, and he'll be there whenever you need him." He said, and that's when the doorbell of her house rang, making both of them attentive towards it.

"Gimme a sec..." Putting her glass on the table, she quickly got off the couch and went towards the door. She pulled up her hair in a messy bun on the way as a few strand of hair made their way onto her face.

Her breath hitched in her throat as soon as she opened the door and came face to face with the person she was least expecting to see at her doorsteps. Dr. Abhimanyu Birla. His uneven breath indicated that he had taken stairs to reach her floor, and now he was standing in front of her with a nervous smile on her face and two bags of some snacks in his hands.

"Hi! Can I... can I come in?" His voice snapped Akshara out of her trance as she immediately moved aside and motioned him to come in. He nodded at her with a smile before following her towards the living room.

"You do know I charge for extra hours, right? You can't keep me waiting for this long." Abhimanyu heard a man's voice as soon as he entered the living room. He could easily sense his jealousy and curiosity bubbling up but decided to stay calm.

"Shutup, Rohan! You can leave now. Okay, bye!!" By saying this, she shut off her laptop and met Abhimanyu's gaze, who was still standing in the same position, his eyes fixed on the laptop screen, which had now turned black.

"Is everything okay?" Akshara asked, and he immediately moved his gaze towards her. He nodded with a smile and said, "I just wanted to check on you. We haven't really talked that much in the past days and...."

"Yeah, I was in the onco ward this week." She pressed her lips in a thin line. "Pretty tough it must've been." He took a seat beside her on the couch and placed the bag of snacks on the table.

"It was." She nodded her head, not sure how to keep the conversation going as they both stared at each other. "I brought you some snacks. It has all your favourite chocolates and those nasty jellies that you're obsessed with. It's totally okay if you don't like these anymore. I can take them back. I'm..." Akshara had to hold his hand to stop him, blabbering.

"I still love them. Thank you!" She gave him a small smile as he took a sigh of relief. "Now tell me, why are you really here?" She could feel the concern in his eyes as she asked him.

"Srishti told me you've been stressed out a lot lately. I guess she was on the rounds with you a few days ago. She told me you've been acting a little weird like... I've observed it, too.. Are you scared of something or someone?" Akshara could feel herself getting out of breath with his each and every word.

She just had a breakdown with Dr. Rohan over the same topic, and she was not ready to discuss it all over again. "Akshara? You can tell me anything you want to." He held onto her hand as he shifted closer to her.

"Abhi.." she breathed. Tears fell onto her cheeks as she clutched onto his hand tightly. "Akshu! Please tell me. I'm here for you." He wiped the tears off her face as she wept.

"Abhi... I...." she broke down in his arms. Her hands made their way around his neck as she hugged him tightly. He hugged her back with his hands around her waist in a protective manner as he pulled her closer to him.

"It's okay. You don't need to say anything right now. Just know that I'm here for you. I'm here for you." And that's all she ever needed to hear. That's all she ever wanted. His arms. His warmth. To feel secure in his embrace. And he was going to provide it all.


Here's the updateeeeee!!!
Thank you to all those who waited patiently.
Ugh, I don't even wanna talk about the serial. The way they have butchered my babies!!! Karma will hit them real soon. So damn want my babies to be casted together in any other project together. They have so much potential!!
But glad that they are finally free from all the toxicity. Wishing and praying for their successful careers ahead. And manifesting a whole lot Harshali content!! Anyway, I hope you like the update! Vote and comment!!

Happy Reading!!

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