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This night is sparkling, don't you let it go.

The night went on as the attendees chatter among each other, reminiscing their old days. Abhimanyu, too, had short conversations with few of his friends, but he never left Akshara's side. One of the reasons was that he didn't want Akshara to feel anxious or out of place, and the other reason was that he didn't want to give Dr. Rohan, any opportunity to be alone with his Akshara.

He had made sure to keep Dr. Rohan at a distance from Akshara the entire night. Even when they got seated to have dinner, Abhimanyu chose a small table for two so that there'll be just the two of them without any space for anyone else to bother them.

Akshara, who was clearly watching and observing Abhimanyu's possessive behaviour, wasn't unfamiliar with this side of him. He had always been like that. Even in college days, he used to be so protective towards her. The other guys in college used to walk in the opposite direction from Akshara just because of Abhimanyu's warnings. But it never bothered her. She used to enjoy it. It made her feel safe and comfortable because of him.

"Are you full? Do you want me to get anything for you? Chocolate cake? Let me get some more for you." Akshara had to pull down Abhimanyu back to his seat in order to stop him from making her over eat.

"Abhi. You've already made me eat a lot. I can't anymore." She replied before he raised an eyebrow at her, and she had to promise him that she had eaten well before he took a sigh of relief.

"Abhimanyu?" A group of few boys approached him, and he immediately stood up to greet them.

"Sid. Arjun." He hugged the duo as a wide smile appeared on his face, brightening up his face.

"I didn't expect to see you guys here. Oh God!!" Abhimanyu exclaimed, and Akshara smiled, seeing the interaction.

"We just reached. Remember Avi and Aryan?" Arjun pointed towards the other two guys.

"Of course. How can i forget!!" Abhimanyu hugged the other two guys before the whole group burst into laughter.

"Oh God!! Look at us. All dapper in suit and stuff. We used to look so bad in college." Aryan commented while everyone else shook their heads.

"Well, except for this hottie, Birla. Remember how big of a chick magnet he was?" Arjun said, and Abhimanyu laughed at his statement.

"Wait a minute!! Akshara?" Sidharth's eyes widened in shock. Akshara was now feeling overwhelmed with all the attention on her.

"Uh, guys. Akshara has recently moved back to Udaipur. She's working as a music therapist in the same hospital as me." Abhimanyu held Akshara's hand, and she stood up from her position to greet the friend group.

"That's so cool!!" Aryan forwarded his hand towards Akshara, and she shook it with a small smile suddenly feeling at ease with the friendly environment.

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