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Starry eyes sparkling up my darkest nights.

Akshara carefully adjusted the vine-red body fit dress in front of her mirror, her reflection revealing a mix of nerves and excitement. The soft glow from the string lights added a warm ambience to her room as she applied a touch of makeup, emphasising her natural features. The anticipation of the upcoming batch reunion lingered in the air.

She glanced at her phone, a text from Abhimanyu reassuring her, "Can't wait to see you tonight, beautiful." His message brought a smile to her face, easing some of the nervous energy. As she slipped into her heels, Akshara took a deep breath, ready to face familiar faces from her college days.

Abhimanyu arrived outside her apartment after fifteen minutes, looking dapper in a suit. Time went still for Abhimanyu as soon as his gaze fell on Akshara as she effortlessly made her way towards him in her six inches heel, wearing a smirk on her lips, knowing well the effect she was having on him.

Abhimanyu had to lean against his car in order to compose himself as his eyes scanned Akshara from head to toe, his insides screaming "Mine" with every step she took. He couldn't even remember the last time he had loved the colour red so much. But from now on, red was officially his favourite colour.

"Woah." He let out a heavy breath as she came and stood near him. Every cell in his body tingles to touch her.

"Stop." Akshara had to look down to hide her blush. This man was literally blessed with enchanting eyes.

"Stop what?" He looked at her with the same intense gaze, making her feel that he could actually see through her.

"Stop looking at me with those eyes." Her cheeks were now matching the colour of her dress as she nervously tucked her hair back.

"What eyes?" He was now teasing her. He knew how much obsessed she was with his eyes. During their dating phase, she had told him how his eyes were her favourite thing about him.

"These." Her fingers lightly traced the outline of his eyes, feeling like a feather on his skin. "These enchanting eyes. That can make me drop everything and can make me do whatever you want to." Her confession might have made his heart do a back flip as he had to close his eyes for a minute in order to regain his composure.

Pressing a soft kiss on her lips, he said, "We should go before I change my mind, baby."

As Abhimanyu and Akshara entered the venue, a hushed silence spread across the room. Whispers rippled through the crowd as old friends and acquaintances noticed their arrival. Memories of their past relationship lingered in the air, creating an awkward tension.

Some attendees discreetly exchanged glances, while others subtly pointed fingers in their direction. Abhimanyu and Akshara, aware of the attention, maintained a polite distance but couldn't escape the curious gazes and soft murmurs.

"Look at me." Abhimanyu's voice broke Akshara out of the trance who was on the verge of an anxiety attack.

Her moist eyes met his as he laced his fingers with her, intertwining their hands.

"It's okay. I'm here." He gave her hand a little squeeze. "All that matters is us. Just you and me, remember?" He took her through the crowd, whispering sweet nothings to her while her eyes never left his.

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