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Baby, I get mystified by how this city screams your name

Sitting in the backseat of the taxi, she looked around the tremendous beauty of the place, the place where she grew up, where she danced in the rain, where she met him, fell for him, kissed him, confessed her love to him, gave all of her to him, and where she got her heart broken and her grace stolen.

Her eyes fell on the coffee shop, where they had their first unplanned date when he walked up to her and literally forced her to have a coffee with him. A bitter smile appeared on her lips as she got reminded of his dominating behaviour, which never ever bothered her, but she used to find it hot, something that just turned her on every single time.

And then she came across the bar around the corner of the street, where they shared their first kiss. The night he showed how possessive he was of her, the night he claimed her in front of everyone, and fought literally every guy that dared to look at her. Wiping the tear from the corner of her eyes, she pressed her lips in a thin line, trying to prevent herself from crying.

Before coming to Udaipur, she was confident that all of this would help her in moving on from him, from this place, from that memory but she hated how her memories were working like a weapon now, against her. She was hating how each and everything about this place was reminding her of him, and how every corner of this city screams his name making her feel like that every random person on the street knows about the love they once had.

"Akshara!! It's so good to see you after ages!" Nisha squealed as soon as she spot Akshara entering the hospital premises. Nisha was Dr. Rajesh's daughter. Both Akshara and Nisha used to be good friends since childhood and even went to the same college, but after moving out of Udaipur, Akshara had shut herself off and broken contact with everyone that belonged to Udaipur.

"I missed you too, Nisha." Akshara spoke rather calmly as she wrapped her arms around her best friend tightly with her eyes closed shut. Though they weren't in contact for two years but Nisha had always been considerate and gave Akshara all the time she needed to heal and get out of her shell. It was Akshara who had informed her about attending today's event and gave a hint of meeting her, which Nisha gladly accepted like a good friend she is.

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