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And you throw your head back, laughing like a little kid.

As she stepped into the cosy coffee shop, the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee enveloped her senses, instantly transporting her back in time. The rustic decor, dim lighting, and soft jazz playing in the background brought back a rush of memories. She found herself gazing at the corner table where she had her first unplanned and forced date with him.


"He's staring at you." Nisha told her best friend as she came up with two Irish cappuccino in her hands and sat in front of Akshara who was at the moment engrossed in completing her notes so she could study better at night without wasting any time.

"He's not. You're just being delusional." Biting the back of her ball point, she stated without even glancing in his direction as she knew it was impossible for him to look at someone like her. Someone so average and ordinary. At least, that's what she thought about herself.

"Stop thinking so low of yourself. You're pretty and smart. Any sensible guy can get attracted to you. Just look at him. He looks so much into you." Nisha said, forwarding the chocolate chip cookie to her as she took a small bite from it before raising her eyes to look at him.

Her heart did a back flip as she saw his ever charming smile. Her hand came in support of her face as she placed it under her chin while she observed his every feature. It wasn't like she was staring at him for the first time. She often found herself drooling over him, but not like this. He was smiling. Throwing his head back, he laughed as his friend cracked some lame joke. Akshara could almost see his inner child surfacing before he again got into his usual gloomy self.

His eyes met hers, and she quickly looked down towards her notes, which at the moment were not making any sense. Her heartbeat grew faster as she sensed him coming in her direction, and before she could even react, she saw him hovering over their table. Nisha smiled to herself and quietly removed herself from the table, leaving her best friend alone with the handsome hunk.

She again raised her eyes to look at him but frowned as she couldn't find him until she felt his hands on her feet and she looked down and saw him tying her laces which she as usual forgot to tie in a hurry. She instantly melted at his gesture. He glanced at her as he finished tying her laces and gave a small smile before moving to sit on the chair beside her.

"Make sure to tie your laces the next time, or you'll fall. I don't wanna see you getting hurt." He casually showed his concern, making her heart flutter at his statement as she felt like a little teenage girl.

"I'm Abhimanyu, by the way." He forwarded his hand, and she shook it hesitantly as he gripped her hand in a way that sent electrical signals down her spine.

"I know." She pushed her hair strand behind her ear as she blushed. " I'm—" he cut her off. "Akshara. I know." He stated, making her shock that someone like him actually knew her name.

"Can I?" He asked, pointing towards her coffee cup asking for a sip, and she nodded. He picked up the cup and looked at her before deliberately taking a sip from the same place where her lipstick stain was marked. Her breath hitched in her throat as he eyed her while he continued drinking from the same side, his lips indirectly meeting hers through the cup of coffee.

"I'm sorry. But I gotta go. I have a class in ten minutes." Akshara got up from her seat, not being able to control her emotions and the various knots in her stomach. "When can I see you again? For our next date?" He asked, making her stop at whatever she was doing.

"Date?" Her eyes widened in shock as he too got up. "Consider this our first date." His lips met her cheek as he smirked at the effect he was having on her. Akshara stood frozen, not being able to process what had just happened.


The barista's friendly smile snapped her out of her reverie as she ordered her usual and moved to sit in the same corner table where she used to sit regularly. She picked out her mobile phone, checking for her upcoming therapy sessions as she marked some important dates in her phone calendar before tucking the phone in her pocket again.

"Your laces are open." She heard his voice behind her and immediately shut her eyes as she cursed her stars mentally for giving her such forgetful nature. Composing herself in a second, she shifted in her seat and bent down to tie up her laces, but he was already at her feet before she could even react.

"Get away. I can do this by myself." She tried to free her feet from his hands, but his grip got tighter as he looked at her with a stern look. "Stay still. I'm doing it." He ordered her, and for some reason, she couldn't resist him. She never did.

She felt chills down her spine as his fingers brushed her ankles, causing her to close her eyes for a moment before she opened them again and looked at him, who was gently doing a double knot on her laces, making sure that she doesn't fall. She hated how he still had this effect on her. But him? Oh, how can she ever hate him?

"I didn't allow you to sit here." Akshara spoke as he sat down in front of her after getting done with her laces. "I just want to discuss some patients since you'll be going on rounds with me." Liar. You just want to spend every minute you get with her.

"We can do that in hospital. I prefer keeping professional things at professional places." She stated, and he smirked at her confidence, feeling truly proud of her development. "And what about personal things?" His question caught her off guard as she looked away, totally avoiding his question.

The awkward silence was broken when the waitress bought a cup of Irish cappuccino at the table, and Akshara quickly took a sip of her favourite coffee. "Damn, your taste in coffee still suck!" Abhimanyu chuckled, earning a glare from Akshara.

"Better than obsessing over mint chocolates!" She made a face at him, making him offended at her statement. "Hey, mint chocolate is elite!" He defended his love for mint chocolates as they both stared at each other before bursting into laughter.

Their eyes showed sparkle as they looked at each other with a smile before the flashbacks again hit Akshara as the smile vanished. "I should go." She immediately got up as her breath quickened before she ran out of the coffee shop immediately.


Sorry for such a late update! But now that I'm done with 'War of Hearts', I'll be updating this one more frequently, but the updates require you guys commenting and voting so that I can get motivated enough to write a new chapter.

Anyways, enjoy the update, and do tell me your views.

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