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How long could we be a sad song?

Akshara was drowned in the piles of her clothes when Nisha walked into her apartment and into her bedroom with a bunch of street food in her hands, which included every kind of deep-fried food. Akshara was given a day off after she had sprained her ankle yesterday and was advised to join from tomorrow in order to heal completely, and she gladly took the leave as she wanted a break from Dr. Abhimanyu Birla, while she still wasn't able to progress, why she said yes to him for dinner in the first place.

"What are you doing? You should be resting right now." Nisha placed the food bag on the bed before kneeling beside Akshara, who was trying to sort out the mess she herself created.

"I'm fine. I was just finding a dress to wear for dinner, but I guess I didn't pack any good ones." She huffed, resting her back against the cupboard as she sat in a defeated manner.

"Oh, so you're really going. Are you sure it'd be comfortable for you? I mean, he's not a bad guy—" Akshara glared at her best friend as she stopped talking before continuing again.

"Akshara. I know whatever happened between you both was cruel, and I'm not going to defend it, but trust me, I have seen him changing all over these months. He's not the guy he used to be." Nisha tried her level best to explain because she truly had seen Abhimanyu regretting his decisions, and for some reason, she wanted Akshara to see this side of him.

"You're right. He's not the guy he used to be. The guy I fell in love with." Her moist eyes met hers as she felt herself choking on her words. Nisha couldn't help but feel bad for her friend's condition as she silently engulfed her in a comforting hug.

"You don't have to go if you don't want to. Let's plan something ourselves a movie night?" Nisha suggested. Akshara gently separated herself from her before she shook her head and got off the floor.

"No. I... I want to go. I want to face this. For how long can I pretend and run away from this? I've no idea where all of this will lead to, but I'm done running away. I'm ready for the truth." She nodded to herself before she moved in her room and looked herself in the mirror, her fingers tracing the dark circles under her eyes.

"Does he still live in the same apartment?" Akshara asked, and Nisha nodded. A bunch of memories came rushing through as she closed her eyes for a split second.

"His father died a few months ago, and his mother moved to the US soon after his demise as she couldn't bear living in the same place anymore. Believe me, last year had been rough for him." Akshara's heart broke into several pieces upon listening to the devastated news.

Mr. Birla had always treated her like a daughter. Though they had met only twice but were still able to form a good bond. Abhimanyu was always a mama's boy, but he was equally fond of his father. Akshara couldn't even imagine the amount of pain he must've felt after losing his father. A part of her was drowning in guilt for not being there for him in his tough times, but how could she have possibly known when she had shut the whole world behind her.

"His mother tried to take him with her, but how could he?" Nisha looked down and then at her best friend again, who was trying to process all the information that had been bombarded on her.

"Because of his brother." It slipped out of her mouth as a mere whisper. She got reminded of the day she visited his house for the second time and encountered the darkest tragedy of the Birla family.


"You didn't really have to send your parents away, Abhi. You know I love having them around." She made herself comfortable on the sofa as she watched Abhimanyu clean up the mess.

"I love them too, but I just needed you all by myself today. They always steal you away from me, and then you spend all your time with them instead of me." He complained like a five year old as Akshara let out a chuckle.

"Give me just two minutes. I have to clean up my bedroom. You can have a tour of my house. I forgot to give you one on your first visit." Abhimanyu said before he moved to clean up his bedroom. Akshara didn't mind at all as she knew how big of clean freak he was.

She wandered around the house, starting with the kitchen. A small smile crept on her face, seeing all her favourite snacks lined up on the island. He really was an ideal man for every girl, but how did she get so lucky? She sometimes felt like living in a dream. A beautiful dream. The one that can never turn into a nightmare but little did she know.

Her footsteps stopped in front of a bedroom door, which looked a little rusty as compared to the other parts of the house. She was already familiar with Abhimanyu's bedroom and knew that his parents' room was down the hall. She knew she shouldn't just barge into any room, but her curiosity got the best of her as she pushed the door open and entered the room.

A gasp left her mouth as she saw the room filled with numerous medals and trophies. Posters of famous basketball players were hanging on the wall. Frames of a few boys in high school basketball Jersey were placed in every corner of the room. The boy in the pictures looked familiar, and that's when her eyes landed on a frame beside the bed. It was him and Abhimanyu. His brother. Anyone could tell just by looking at him. They looked so much alike.

"How dare you!" She heard his growl and immediately got startled as she turned around to find him standing at the doorstep. His expressions were stern, and his eyes were moist with tears.

"Abhi I—" he didn't let her complete as he held her by her wrist tightly and dragged her out of the room. He locked the door behind them before he turned to look at her with rage filled eyes.

"Who the hell do you think you are?! No one has the right to enter his room!! Why did you do this?!?!?" He screamed on the top of his lungs as tears started flowing from his eyes, showing his vulnerable side.

"I didn't mean to hurt you, Abhi. I'm sorry." Akshara wasn't able to see what she did wrong, but the only thing she knew at the moment was that her Abhi was hurt, and she needed to be there for him.

They both stared at each other in silence before Abhimanyu sat down on the floor in a defeated manner. Tears continuously made their way onto his cheeks as he silently weeped. Akshara's heart ached seeing the love of her life in such a devastated state, and it caused her more pain knowing she's the one who triggered his pain.

"He was my best friend. My brother." He finally spoke as Akshara sat down beside him, taking his hand in hers as she caressed her thumbs over his knuckles, signalling him to go on.

"He... he killed himself two years back." He choked. More tears on his cheeks. "People called him a coward for his act, but.... I know my brother. He was the strongest person I knew." Abhimanyu broke down as Akshara wrapped her arms around him with his face buried in her chest.

"I miss him so much, Akshara. He didn't deserve this." He cried. A part of her wanted to ask the reason behind his suicide but she decided to let it go as she didn't want to add more on his plate.

She kept hugging him while placing small kisses on his head from time to time, comforting him in a way her words could never, and that's when she decided that she'll protect this man all her life. That she'll never let anyone hurt him like this ever again. Love. This is what he only deserves, and she will give her all to him.



Sorry for the late update. Was dealing with some personal stuff. Hope you guys like the chapter.

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