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But if the story's over, why am I still writing pages?

Her breath caught in her throat as her eyes locked onto his face. The familiarity twisted her insides, reopening her wounds that she thought had long since healed. Without giving it a second thought, she rushed out of the cafeteria through another exit as she felt his gaze follow her. She ran here and there, trying to find an empty place to let out all her emotions but in vain until she came across an opening which led to an isolated terrace that faced the backside of the hospital.

Anxiety washed over Akshara as she stood under the faded darkness, indicating that the sun had settled long ago replaced by the moonlight. Would he recognize her? Would he acknowledge the pain he had caused? The possibilities raced through her mind, each one amplifying her anxious state. She bit her lips, a nervous habit she had developed during those dark days after their breakup or as she likes to call 'her heartbreak'.

"You're back." She heard his voice after two damn years, and all of a sudden, they environment seemed suffocating, the air heavy with unspoken words and unresolved emotions.

Akshara's hand clenched the side of her shirt, seeking some stability amidst the chaos within her. She turned around to look at the source of her heartache. Her eyes welled up with tears, blurring her vision as the weight of the past threatened to overwhelm her. She fought to keep the tears at bay, silently reminding herself that she had moved on, that she was stronger now. But the shock of seeing him again stripped away the layers of healing she had built over time.

Akshara knew she had a choice to make. She could allow herself to be consumed by the pain, to let it define her once more, or she could summon her strength and reclaim her own happiness. With a deep breath, she made the decision to face her fears head-on. "I am." She replied with a stern tone.

Abhimanyu's heart ached with remorse as he remembered the pain he had inflicted upon her. He recalled the tear-streaked face, the hurt in her eyes, and the words she had spoken in anguish. The weight of his actions had haunted him since that day, a heavy burden he couldn't easily shake off.

Yet, alongside the guilt, a flicker of joy ignited within Abhimanyu. Seeing Akshara brought back a flood of memories—moments of laughter, stolen kisses, and shared dreams. They had experienced a connection unlike any other, but fear and immaturity had driven him to make choices that had irreparably damaged their relationship.

A jumble of thoughts raced through his mind as they both silently stared at each other. Would she still hold resentment towards him? Would she be willing to listen, to give him a chance to explain, to offer some form of forgiveness? He moved forward tentatively, anxiety mingling with the happiness that had unexpectedly taken root within him. The guilt remained, a constant companion reminding him of the pain he had caused, but he knew he had to face it head-on

"Akshara I– I'm really glad to see you." He gulped, his voice shaky as he suppressed his urge to engulf her in a tight hug, something he had been dreading to do for two years and now that she's finally standing in front of him, he can't because what authority does he have over her?

"I'm not." Liar. Though it aches her heart seeing the man that broke it, a little part inside of her was equally happy to see him, to see the man she loved with all her heart, she still do. The man who still came in her dreams despite being the one that broke them.

"I understand." He pressed his lips in a thin line as he looked down for a second before again looking at her delicate face, which he always considered as a piece of art.

"No, you don't." She mumbled as she looked away from his gaze, trying not to fall weak in front of those enchanting eyes. "If you'll excuse me, I have to go back to the event." She said before composing herself as she moved forward to take a step, resulting in the twisting of her ankle making her crash on his solid hard chest in order to brace herself.

His hands grasped her waist protectively while hers held onto his shoulders as she looked upwards to see his face. And just like that, she got lost into his eyes again. His hands moved towards her face, caressing her cheeks before he leaned in subconsciously. Her heart skipped a beat as their noses brushed, sending chills down her spine, reminding her of the time when they had their first kiss. It amazed her how he still had the same effect on her.

Their lips were centimeters away from each other when she pushed him back with all her force, causing him to stumble before he quickly balanced herself. He looked at her, shocked, and immediately cursed himself for losing control. "I won't be your play toy this time." She gritted through her teeth as she walked away from him with tears in her eyes while he stood there numb.

¤ ¤ ¤

"Akshara, where were you? Why did you run away like that? Dad is really pissed at you right now." Nisha bombarded Akshara with her concern and questions as soon as she spotted her entering the cafeteria.

"Nisha... I need to go home. I can't...." Akshara replied as she tried hard to calm down her nerves. Nisha had already guessed by her condition that she had seen Abhimanyu and was now feeling bad for her friend.

"Akshara. I really didn't expect this from you." She heard Dr. Rajesh's voice behind her as he approached the girls. His expression clearly showed how disappointed he was. "People were looking forward to meeting you and appreciating you for your talent, but you just took off?"

"I'm... I'm really sorry, Rajesh uncle... I was just..." Before she could complete, she heard him answer. "She was feeling anxious, sir. Might be due to performing in front of such a crowd. I found her on the terrace, and I hope she's fine now." Abhimanyu's concerning eyes met hers as she looked at him with pain reflecting evidently in her eyes.

"Beta, you should've told me. I wouldn't have forced you for a performance. Abhimanyu, thank you for looking out for her." Rajesh thanked Abhimanyu with a smile, and he nodded his head while Nisha shook her head at the whole scenario.

"Uncle, sorry to say, but can I leave now? I'm really not feeling well. I hope you understand?" Akshara fidgeted with her fingers as she requested Dr. Rajesh. "Of course, beta. Abhimanyu will drop you home." Dr. Rajesh said, making Akshara's eyes go wide in shock.

"No, uncle. I'll manage." She immediately refused. "Akshara, it's not safe to go alone at night. Abhimanyu drop her home safely. You're the only person I trust with her." Rajesh said before he moved to attend the guests as Nisha gave a sympathetic look to Akshara before following her father.

"Shall we?" A smirk formed on his lips as he motioned her towards the exit of the cafeteria. Akshara rolled her eyes at him before huffing and walking away with heavy steps as Abhimanyu followed behind with a smile.


So, they finally met after two damn years! Quite painful, I guess? Akshara surely wants to maintain her distance, but fate might have some other plans.

Hope you guys like it!

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