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You gave me all your love and all I gave you was goodbye.

Silence filled the room. Both Abhimanyu and Akshara were standing in Neil’s room. Abhimanyu’s back was facing Akshara as she was patiently waiting for him to open up. Her gaze lingered over the frames hanging on the wall. Neil looked just like her Abhi. His carbon copy. Even the way his face shined when he smiled was similar to Abhimanyu. One can never admit that a boy with a smile and personality so sparkly can take away his own life.

“Aarohi Goenka.” The name left from his mouth as a mere whisper but was loud enough for Akshara to hear. “Does it ring a bell?” Tears settled on his blood red waterline as he fought them.

“Aarohi?” Akshara’s eyes widened in shock. It definitely rings a bell. She was her cousin sister. Almost the same age as her, but still they never got along due to their polar opposite natures.

“Aarohi became friends with Neil on social media. It all started four years back. They both became good friends. It went on for a few months, but they never met each other in person. Neil used to share everything with me. He told me about how she was giving him mixed signals and never agreed on meeting him. I immediately knew what kind of game she was trying to play, but before I could do anything, my brother was head over heels in love with her. Can you imagine? He didn’t even meet her for once, yet he was crazy about her. It was so crazy that he wasn’t ready to listen to any of us. Not even me!!” Abhimanyu slopped down on the bed in a defeated manner. He swept the tears from his eyes before continuing.

“I thought….he was being immature, childish, and that he will eventually get over her, but I was wrong. His obsession with her only grew stronger. He refused to listen to anything against her.” Akshara stood there numb, trying to process all the information that was being given to her.

“Then one day, Ms. Aarohi Goenka decided to meet Neil. His happiness knew no boundaries that day. He declared that day the happiest day of his life, but that poor soul had no idea about the wicked game that girl was playing with him. She called him at her boyfriend’s place and humiliated him in front of everyone. She told him how she was just playing with him, pranking him for fun. She made fun of his feelings. She broke him like hell, Akshara. He was devastated. Didn’t come out of his room for three straight days.” Akshara wrapped her arms around Abhimanyu as he cried in her embrace.

“The day he…he died, he came out of his room. We were so worried about him but to our surprise he was behaving normally. He had lunch with us. We even played board games together. Our whole family had such a good time that day as if nothing had happened. But I knew my brother. He was trying to conceal his pain. But… I decided to give him time. Oh, I shouldn’t have, Akshara. I should’ve talked to him. I should’ve stayed with him. Only if I was there with him, he… he wouldn’t have killed himself that night……” He cried like a baby as he clutched tightly onto Akshara’s waist with his face buried in her stomach

“I’m so sorry, Abhi. I…..” Her lips trembled as she fell short of words. How was she supposed to console him? How was she supposed to console someone with this much pain?

“And… and after all of this. She immediately disappeared. She left for….

“UK.” Akshara said, and Abhimanyu’s head shot up in her direction. “Oh. Now I get it why Ritesh uncle was so desperate to move back to the UK. He shifted his whole business, which never made sense to me. He was saving his daughter.” Akshara was now disgusted that she shared some sort of relation with such people.

“I lost everything that day, Akshara. My brother, my best friend, and most importantly, I lost my faith in love. I wanted to avenge my brother, but I was helpless, and it triggered me even more. It was my final year in college when you took admission there. I had no clue about you or any of Aarohi’s relatives, but then I got to know from one of Neil’s friends that you were related to her.” Akshara let out a gasp at his statement as she looked at him with tears in her eyes.

“So you decided to take revenge from me? Someone who literally had nothing to do with all of this?” Abhimanyu’s head hung low as guilt took over him.

“I wanted to hurt her. I just wanted to do something for my brother, and I thought that…. By causing you the same amount of pain my brother went through, it will eventually hurt her.” He couldn’t meet her gaze. He knew what he did made no sense, but he wanted her to understand his side. Things like this could never make sense.

“Just because I was related to her, you….” Her hands immediately fell to her side as she tried to move out of his grasp, but he held tightly onto her.

“Please, no. Please don’t leave me. You’ve to listen to me….

“What’s there to listen, Abhimanyu? I’m sorry, and I feel deeply for what happened to Neil, but what you did to me still isn’t justified!!!” She broke down into tears as she looked at him with hurt in her eyes.
“That’s not the whole truth, Akshara. I admit that I planned on hurting you, but that’s not what….

“Then what’s the whole truth, Abhimanyu. What happened?!?!!”

“I fucking fell in love with you!! That’s what happened!” He breathed. “And I still do. So much that it hurts.” Abhimanyu stood up from the bed and cupped her cheeks.

“It didn’t take me long to realize that you’re not her. You’re you! So delicate, naïve, and so loveable. I fell in love with you, Akshara. All the mornings, nights we spent together, all the kisses, all the unspoken promises. They were all true.” Akshara felt his lips on her forehead as he kissed her there before letting his lips linger there for a few seconds.

“The prom night. I wanted to tell you everything that night but then you heard me talking with my friends and you misunderstood it all. Yes, they thought I was still going to dump you but before I could reply or say anything to them, you confronted me.”

“Then why didn’t you stop me? Told me the truth?” Akshara looked at him for answers but he looked away before facing her again.

“I saw… I saw the same hurt in your eyes that I saw in my brother’s eyes that night. In that moment, letting you go felt like a better decision. I was afraid of myself, Akshara. You deserved someone better, not a fucked up guy like me!” More tears ran down his face as he tried to make the woman he love understand his vision and his emotions.

“So you decided to let me go? Who the hell were you to decide what I deserve? To hell with what I deserve! I just wanted you… I just wanted my Abhi by my side…” She wept, her tears never stopping.

“I wanted the same thing, Akshara. I thought you would be better off without me but when I saw you again after two years… I immediately regretted my decision. I hated that sadness on your face and then I got reminded that it is because of me. You gave me everything, your love, your care, your faith. And all I did was let you go….I’m sorry, Akshara…”

“What have we done, Abhi? How do we clear up this mess?”


Here's an update: a thousand years later!!
Soooo the truth is outt!!!
This simply means the book is going towards an end now. Not so soon. But I will end it in a few chapters.
Please tell me your thoughts about the book, the plot, and the storyline until now. Would love to read your reviews!!

Love you <3

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