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Bustling crowds or silent sleepers, not sure which is worse

Akshara moved through the crowd, gently making her way, keeping in mind not to push any patient or attendant as it was not any market but a proper hospital, even though it looked no less than a fish market, and being a doctor she has to be the considerate one in order to avoid any conflicts from either side of the party. She was currently being given the tour of the emergency and trauma ward by Dr. Abhimanyu Birla who was walking way ahead of her. Of course, it was a usual thing for him, but for her, it was her first actual job, minus the random gigs at bars and cafes.

"Can you walk a little slow, please? I can hardly catch up whatever you're saying." She dragged her little feet in order to match his pace. He stopped in his tracks and turned around to look at her before shaking his head at her.

"You'll get stuck in the crowd if we don't speed up. It's an emergency ward. You'll always find it crowded with families and loved ones." He told her as he took her to a side, away from the crowd so he could go over the patient notes.

"I know what's an emergency ward is. I just don't...." she stopped mumbling as her eyes caught one of the patients who rested calmly on his bed, with few of his family members standing in a defeated manner in a corner of his room.

The scenario looked so different from the crowded-emotional one. The ones who still haven't accepted defeated and were fighting while the others were simply silent as if they had accepted their fate. This difference between bustling crowds and silent sleepers reminded Akshara of the war between her heart and her mind. The heart had gotten silent after that event while the brain felt like a bunch of bustling crowd, shooting memories here and there without a proper lane.

"I know you don't like crowds, and you don't have to worry about that. You'll usually be dealing with patients in the private wards. Dr. Rajesh wanted me to give you a tour, that's why we're here." He assured her, breaking her out of the trance as she simply nodded before they made an exit from the emergency ward.

"And this one is the F- private ward. I'm usually posted here, so you'll be working with the patients here too and...." Before he could complete, he heard a fainted voice in pain, which increased by seconds as he turned around to look at Akshara.

"Akshara..." his stomach dropped when he saw her sitting on the floor, holding her foot as she winced in pain. He immediately got down in front of her and touched her foot, earning a loud scream from her as she cried in pain.

"It... It hurts, Abhi." Her eyes watered with tears as she looked up at him with her trembling lips. Abhimanyu's heart ached as he saw tears rolling down her cheeks. He wanted nothing more but to take her in his arms and take away all her pain.

"Did you twist your ankle?" He asked calmly, and she nodded. His fingers gently caressing her feet, assuring her that it would be alright. That he would make her just fine. Before giving it a second thought, he carried her in his arms and took her towards an empty room, and to his surprise, she didn't resist. Guess she was too occupied with her pain to wrap her mind around anything else.

He placed her on the bed gently before moving to close the door behind them. Gripping her foot softly, he set it straight on the bed before focusing on it and observing while Akshara suppressed her cries. She always hated being sick and getting hurt because no matter what age, she had the pain tolerance of an ant.

"You've sprained your ankle, but don't worry. I'll make it better." He told her, and she looked at him. Her eyes did not show any amount of trust, and how could they? When he had broken her so badly that no amount of his words could heal her.

"I'm gonna twist your foot a little. It'll cause pain, but it'll get better, I promise." He again reassured her, and this time, he caught a little hint of hope as he swiftly twisted her ankle to a side, and she yelped in pain.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm so sorry. I didn't have a choice." His voice broke as he said those words, both of them knowing that he wasn't talking about twisting her ankle as her moist eyes met his.

It's okay. She wanted to say this. She wanted to say this to him so badly and hug him, kiss him, and tell him that it's alright. But how can she? When she herself was hurting so badly. When she herself wasn't heal. When she didn't even know why he did what he did. And then her therapist's words rang in her ear, that you gotta listen the truth from him. The only way to closure.

"How are you feeling, Akshara?" Yet another problematic question. She looked at him and realized that he had already bandaged her foot and was now sitting in front of her on the bed as they both stared at each other.

"What do you think?" She questioned him back, tears threatening to fall from her eyes and roll down her cheeks as she clutched the sheets tightly in her hands, holding herself back from lashing out at him.

Abhimanyu scooted closer to her, his lips pressed in a thin line as he struggled with his words. Akshara watched him calmly, hoping he would say something or at least start something, but nothing came adding another thing to her list of disappointments, which was topped by Dr. Abhimanyu Birla, since a year.

"I'm sorry if you're still in pain and...." he gulped, his own words choking him as he spoke. "I would... I would like to heal just please tell me how?" He pleaded. Any sane person would've melted right there and then but Akshara wasn't able to process his words.

"Somethings are way too damaged to heal, Abhimanyu. There's nothing you can do." She told him, Hurt evident on her face as a lone tear escaped her eye.

"We can try?" He asked, his eyes glistening with hope as he looked at her. "I've... hosted a small dinner at my place this weekend. For friends. I'd love it if you'd come." He told her with a smile.

"I'll think about it." She replied, not believing her own words. Is she really going to trust this man again? Is she looking for a closure or hoping for something new? Whatever it is, she needed it to move on instead of being stuck in the same place forever.


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