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Turns out Deena was correct. Caroline did turn into a cocky cheerleader. In fact she turned into a person that the old her used to laugh at.

Caroline Allyson Goode was known as many things. She was known as the Sunnyvale cheer captain, Sunnyvale's princess, but mainly the sheriff's daughter.

The Goode's were a very powerful Sunnyvale family. They were also very well known. With Will Goode being the mayor and Nick Goode being the Sheriff, everyone kinda bowed down to them. And of course, Caroline being Nick's daughter, everyone knew who she was. Everyone loved her and everyone wanted to be her ever since she went to high school.

Caroline Goode was a copy of her father. She had dark, almost dark brown hair and ocean blue eyes, and she was both tall and slim.

Nick was always protective of his daughter, even when she wasn't in his custody. But when she did go into his custody, she had a strict curfew, and she always had to have a pager with her. He was also strict on the "no boys" rule. She broke them many times and she paid the price of being grounded.

Currently, she was going to risk being grounded. "Yes dad, I am at Sam's house." Said Caroline as Sam was behind her with a hair straightener. Sam moved to Sunnyvale after her parents divorced. Deena once again had an issue about it. She absolutely degraded Sam when she told her.

The two girls were Sunnyvale cheerleaders. They had a game to cheer at, and before that game there was a vigil. The vigil was for a Shadyside girl by the name of Heather Watkins. She was Caroline and Sam's age, and she went to Shadyside High school. She was brutally murdered, along with several others in the mall.

"Can I talk to Sam's mother about what the ride situation is?" Nick asked and Caroline immediately refused. She wasn't in 5th grade where he had to call for her to have a playdate.

"No, dad that's so embarrassing. I'm at Sam's house and she's taking me to the game." Caroline lord to her father as Sam grabbed Caroline's hair bow. Sam put it in her hair as she mouthed a "Thank you." in the mirror. Sam saw it and nodded her head with a thumbs up.

"Alright. I will see you there, please be safe." Nick said making Caroline nod her head as she looked at her makeup, making sure it looked good.

"Okay, love you bye." Caroline said getting ready to hang out with her best friend before the vigil.

"Love you, be safe." Nick said before she hung up the phone. Caroline placed the phone down and looked at Sam with a sigh.

"Sorry, my dads crazy sometimes." Caroline said as she stood up. She wiped the non existent wrinkle's out of her red and white cheer uniform as Sam smiled and sat on her bed.

"Don't worry about it. My moms the same way." Sam said as she laid on her back, Caroline plopped down next to her as the two stared at the ceiling.

"If he finds out that it's Peter taking us and not you, he might lose his shit." Caroline said looking at Sam. Sam looked at her with a smile again. Sam shrugged her shoulders, understanding where her father's worries were coming from. After all, her mother did die.

"He probably won't be mad if you told him." Sam said making Caroline chuckle with a small smirk on her face. Yeah, probably not. Though Nick hated being lied to, under the circumstances it'd be better for her to lie. She didn't want to be sitting in that stage while her family gave speeches of how depressed they were.

"Then I'd be up on the stage of the vigil as he makes his speech." Caroline told her as Sam nodded her head. Sam sat up and looked at her hands that were now clasped together.

"I'm so worried to go back there tonight." Sam said as she fiddled with her fingers. Caroline knitted her eye brows together and looked at the blonde as she still laid on the bed.

"Why?" Caroline asked curiously as she turned onto her side.

"Well, you know Deena lost her shit on me when I left, and Kate and Simon are going to have her back." Sam said, taking a deep breath before finishing. Caroline looked up understanding what Deena put her through. She got the back lash from her, just like Caroline did. "I just don't want to see her, she said much shit to me." Sam said as Caroline nodded her head.

"Trust me, I got a lot of shit from Deena when I left." Caroline said as she stared at the ceiling above her. Her black sprawled across Sam's bed as she did so. "I mean would she rather me in foster care" Caroline asked as she looked at Sam. Sam shook her head as the two talked about the girl.

"I mean, she acted like we were across the whole country. We're 30 minutes away." Sam said making Caroline nod. She sat up and crossed her legs. She put her head on her hand and looked at Sam again.

"Didn't Deena quit band though?" Caroline asked curiously. Sam shrugged her shoulders as she looked at her nails.

"I wouldn't be surprised." Sam said as tears went into her eyes. "God, I mean she broke up with me! It wasn't my fault." Sam said wiping a tear away. Caroline put an arm around her and laid her head on her shoulder.

"Hey, Im not your girlfriend, but you've got me. I mean who needs someone to date when you've got a best friend?" Caroline asked making Sam let out a watery laugh and smile. Sam hugged Caroline.

"I love you." Sam said as Caroline hugged her back. She embraced the girl as she sniffled.

"I love you to." Caroline said before the two were interrupted by a car horn honking. Sam slowly stood up and walked to the window. Caroline looked over at the window from the bed to see Peter's orange car.

"They're here." Sam said putting a small smile on her face. Caroline stood up from her best friend's bed and sighed. She once again, wiped any "wrinkles", and the two walked out of Sam's room.

The girls walked down the steps to see Mrs. Fraser in the kitchen.

Mrs. Fraser was very up tight. Ever since she moved to Sunnyvale she acted like her shit didn't smell. Caroline saw right past her lying if being this perfect woman. The effect rubbed off on Sam in more ways than none.

Mrs. Fraser didn't like the idea of Sam having a girlfriend. Sam always wanted her mother's approval. So, she got a boyfriend. Mrs. Fraser was happy about that.

"Hey, mom! We're leaving!" Sam exclaimed before opening the front door of her house. Caroline looked back before walking out.

"Bye, Ms. Fraser! Thank you for having me over!" Caroline said before walking out with Sam. Caroline always had manors, every parent loved that about her. She was always the kid that was saying hello, and thank you.

One thing that Nick made important in Caroline's life was to have manners. Nick always wanted his daughter to be polite. It's not because he was worried for how others viewed her, he could care less about that. He just didn't want a rude kid, that's all.

"Bye girls!" Sam's mother exclaimed as her front two girls walked out. Sam closed the door and the two girls walked to the car.

Peter was waiting by Sam's car door. He had opened it for her. Sam walked up to him and gave him a kiss on the lips.

Then Caroline awkwardly stepped into the car. "Hey, Caroline think I can get a kiss?" Asked a nameless boy in the front seat. All Caroline knew was that he was a jock.

"Keep dreaming, perv."

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