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"This isn't how I wanted to be here tonight. I wanted to be here as a fan. Our Sunnyvale Devils and your Shadyside Witches throwing down some good old American football. Instead I find myself here as a husband, a father, an uncle, as a neighbor. And, yes, mayor of Sunnyvale. And on behalf of all of the people in my town, H say all of Sunnyvale mourns with you." The mayor, Will Goode said as both schools listened to his speech. Caroline was standing there with her hands behind her back clasped together as she rocked back and forth on her feet.

She was standing next to Sam and Peter. Peter had his arm around Sam as the mayor spoke. "Our hearts are broken with grief for Shadyside. I now give the microphone to both my brother and Sheriff of Sunnyvale, Nick Goode." Will said, stepping down from the podium. Caroline looked to her side to see Sam and Peter kissing. Peter was touching Sam very inappropriately.

Caroline only looked away to the Shadysider's side. She saw a very tan and curly headed female staring in jealousy and shock. That tan curly headed female was Deena Johnson, the last person Caroline ever wanted to see. The two made eye contact and Caroline looked away.

When Caroline looked away she did realize something. Deena was right. Caroline didn't turn into a slut, but she was a cocky cheerleader. She knew everyone wanted to be her. She owned it when people referred to her as "The princess of Sunnyvale". She gave up what she was passionate about and she became a cheerleader.

Caroline looked down at her cheerleading shoes looking almost defeated. She became what Deena knew she'd become.

As she held the candle that hadn't been lit, she looked back over to Deena, who was long gone. Everyone was lighting candles. When Sadie turned to Sam to light hers, Sam was staring over at Deena. "Hey, I'll be right back. Cover for me?" Sam asked, Caroline nodded her head knowing where she was going.

"Yeah of course, you ok?" Caroline asked and Sam nodded, reassuring her that she was okay.

"Yeah, I'll be back in a sec." Sam said before walking away. Caroline  stood next to Peter as Peter tilted his candle towards hers for her to light.

"Why aren't you on the stage with your daddy and Uncle Will?" Peter asked teasingly as Caroline lit the candle for him. Caroline rolled her eyes and looked up at the taller boy.

"You're an asshole, you know that, right?" Caroline asked as he turned to the boy next to him to light his candle.

"My family's been in Sunnyvale for generations, my daughter goes to Sunnyvale high, and now my brother is mayor, and I your sheriff. We've prospered here. And yet, I've seen you, our neighbors in Shadyside, suffer tragedy after tragedy. It's easy in times like this to drown in questions of why...Why this happened. But I know too well there are no answers that will provide relief. There's no peace found in the past." Nick said looking for his daughter in the crowd. He finally noticed her standing in the crowd rocking back and forth on her feet. "We must not fall into darkness. We must look to the light." Nick said. Peter leaned in to say something to Caroline.

"Yeah! What we should do is light a fuse and burn down Shittyside." Peter said loudly. Caroline elbowed him as he made a "joke."

"Peter shut up." Caroline said as a Shadyside football player took attention to what he said.

"What'd you say?" A Shadyside football player asked. Caroline sighed knowing that there would be some kind of fight. She looked around for Sam, who wasn't anywhere nearby.

"I said it ain't a tragedy when it happens every week. It's a joke." Peter said as the Shadysider walked up to him. Caroline was behind Peter as he talked shit.

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